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The Official aceinthehouse good luck/good karma thread:


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We need some luck or some kind of change. These gameday threads don't seem to work. The ES lookalike threads never seem to work.

I never have made a thread like this, so hopefully it works.

I will post at least once, before every game, to keep the good luck juice a flowin'. 🤩

But the more traffic we can get, the closer the Redskins can play at 💯  & look like they once used to play.


Here's to winning & beating the Giants somehow, someway & going 1-3. Let's get this rolling! 🏈


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I know people want to lose this game for cleaning house & better draft positioning.

But I can't support that.

I can't stand the Giants, their owner & their smug fans.

Thinking Daniel Jones is the greatest, after one game. Then dogging Haskins for sitting.

Im hoping to see a defensive effort in shutting Jones down & making him look bad to shut them up....AND winning!

Yes, it's probably a short term win in a losing season. But I loathe the Giants.

I want us to go up to their & kick their ***.

I would love it even more, if Haskins played & set career rookie passer records.

But I know that isn't gonna happen.

We get to watch Keenum limp onto the field without his walking boot & play.

Maybe....just maybe....

The players will see the headlines of coach will be fired if we lose to Giants?

And go out there & smack the Giants in the mouth.

That's what I'm hoping for, anyways.


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5 keys to this game

1) Put pressure on Daniel Jones! I know I'm asking for a miracle here from Manusky, but a little pressure would be nice. He's coming in, having a hot/good rookie debut & will try to carry that over in front of his home crowd. If we can get to him early, maybe we can force him into rookie mistakes.

2) 3rd down Defense! I know I'm asking for more miracles, but getting our D off the field on 3rd down, would be big. If would help in us possibly winning TOP & limiting big plays & keeping the crowd out of the game.

3) Protect our QB! We've got to protect our QB whether we use jumbo packages, play action or simply run the ball more. If we can do this, we can protect the ball better & hopefully win the turnover battle with smart play.

4) Take the points! You cannot go for 2pt conversions early in the 3rd QTR & fail. I'm tired of seeing us going for 2 pts when's it's too early & not necessary at that time. Kick your Xtra point or go for FG's if that's all what the Defense allows. It's not playing super conservative! It's playing smart!  When you fail at these attempts, it puts your Offense or Defense in tougher situations late in the game. It's the difference of being down 3 pts at the 2 minute warning needing a FG to tie, to being down 4 or 5 pts, needing a TD to win. Play smart!

5)Don't be afraid to go BIG! Take some shots in this game down field. Don't be afraid to test that Giants secondary on deep passes. We're at a spot, where we want to play smart. But we need to not be afraid to attack defenses, either. I would love to see some deep play action passes to Richardson or Scary Terry down field. This could open up our running game a little & make it easier to get some decent runs on 1st down as Gruden loves to always do.

We'll, there you have it guys. Hopefully Gruden reads my post & a light goes off in his head on how to coach a football team for dummies. 🤩

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