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Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia (Ivalice wins!)


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6 hours ago, squire12 said:

@SwAg  Can you walk me through how you would view the various interactions and events when I flip town?  Feel free to share the other options as well, but the one that will happen is that I will flip Town

It just comes down to the Vote Counts.  We had two polarizing lynches.  You were a candidate on D1, and nothing really happened to prompt a shift away from you.  You just weren’t really a focus.  At the end of the phase on D2, the wagon was between your biggest detractor on D1, and Mafia.

Orca was voting for you on D1, then switched to vote the person who was voting alongside him with you.  That reads like a concerted effort to get away from you.

rack was off of you on D1, and on the outside looking in during regulation, so if you flip scum, I would bet a lot that rack is too.

Same with a handful of other people.  I don’t have the counts in front of me anymore, but I pointed it out in my long posts when I was on my laptop.

You made it through D1, and people who were off of you have garnered significant suspicion based upon their voting patterns throughout both days.  

Edited by SwAg
On D2
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The Orca - 5 - SwAg, Matts4313, kingseanjohn, Ifirit, Nazgul

squire12 - 3 - Tk3, MWil23, Llamalover

No Lynch - 1 - The Orca


Yet to vote: Forge, rackcs, squire12, bcb1213

Reminder: I'm going to be busy leading up to the deadline. I'll likely not be keeping an updated VC so if someone could do this I would appreciate it. I will come back to process the lynch, and not return immediately so it will be a long night. Please send me moves assuming the night will be normal length, I'll process it when I can. Sorry for any inconvenience. @Pickle Rick has volunteered to keep the official VC leading up to the deadline.

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