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Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia (Ivalice wins!)


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On 9/30/2019 at 8:45 AM, TheKillerNacho said:
  • Counselor
  • Dome
  • Mwil23
  • bcb1213
  • Forge
  • rackcs
  • Swag
  • Llamalover
  • squire12
  • theuntouchable
  • ET80
  • Matts4313
  • Pickle Rick: Delita Hyral the Archer, Delita-aligned. Killed Night 1.
  • Whicker: Ivalice Geomancer, Ivalice-aligned. Killed Night 1.
  • Nazgul
  • The Orca
  • Malfatron: Cidolfas Orlandu the Thief, Ivalice-aligned. Lynched Day 1.
  • Tk3
  • kingseanjohn

So we have:








All not actively scum hunting. Some not even playing, some just goofing and voting. Thats a significant % of people to sift through.

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21 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

In what way did I make it seem that way? 

1. Are you the big brother?

2. If so can you slap racks with a dictionary for me? 

If you do I will support you eternally. 

Nah, he's my little brother. He does bully me though so you might still get your wish.

5 minutes ago, Forge said:

It is, but after getting screwed by inactives and death note, I understand it as well. 

Fair enough, I get that. I'm just saying that it's also easy for scum to be on a lynch like that and I'd bet at least one of those already on there is scum.

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Dome is obvious scum, faking an investigation role.  Matts is also obvious scum faking like he cares.  ET is obvious scum pretending and failing to not be a little *****.  Rick tried to kill me, but he killed himself instead.

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