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Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia (Ivalice wins!)


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Just now, SwAg said:

Scum trying to clear himself with an invest.

no i'm not. wrong again.

you must be THIRSTY tonight.

Just now, SwAg said:

Dome is obvious scum.  Look at this guy howl.

bunch of hot air.

you're wrong. 

you don't know jack.

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2 minutes ago, Forge said:

I would have no reason to believe that she wouldn't be town or a friendly other at worse without being converted by Delita. She's never a bad guy throughout the game or anything...just an unfortunate pawn through political machinations of others. 

I actually have to give @TheKillerNacho some props. The set up for Delita, the incorporation of Ovelia into that, and delita's actual win con were done really well in a translation sense from the game to this based on Delita's autopsy. Really nice work. 

so unless she was somehow converted last night, shes probably not a threat?

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

Hey nerd, you wanna answer my question about how Dome was a huge ***** in your scum chat?

I know that your name was brought up. Can't remember by who.  I was the person @Matts4313 was referring to about being opposed to killing you because of heat.  I assumed counselor would suspect me because I had made it a point to say in other games that I would always kill you 😂

You're name was brought up though. In gopher's world you were my call. Dome just didn't object. 

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20 minutes ago, Dome said:

"was" instead of "would be"

"until" instead of "unless"

this phrasing is a little weird.

Fwiw, the only time I've seen you utilize this kind of "scum hunting", focusing on grammar and word choice, you were scum. It was marvel when you tried to make something out of me using the word "admittedly"

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1 minute ago, Forge said:

Fwiw, the only time I've seen you utilize this kind of "scum hunting", focusing on grammar and word choice, you were scum. It was marvel when you tried to make something out of me using the word "admittedly"

maybe it's not JUST grammar.

but grammar coupled with something I know.

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On 10/1/2019 at 12:28 PM, Forge said:

The game starts as a battle between two countries and regency of the throne for an infant child...it evolves into an open religious thing with the zodiac stones (incredibly powerful items), a somewhat jesus type character named Ajora (who's not a good guy), etc. 

Protagonists will include Ramza (the main character), TG Cid (or Orlandeau, whom Rams mentioned earlier), Agrias, and a number of others. Ovelia. 

Delita could be a good guy or a bad guy, or an indy. He's Ramza's best friend, but goes through the game on his own path. 

Guys like Wiegraf would certainly be bad, maybe Dycedarg, Ajora, etc. 

So two of your characters are confirmed in game. 


You are Delita Hyral. You are Delita-aligned: Eliminate all other named players (except Princess Ovelia) while staying alive yourself.


In addition to the class you will choose you have the following abilities:

  • 1-shot Redirect: Redirect a target's target actions (both their role ability and an item they're using) to another target player. If the target's ability or item has multiple targets, this only affects only the first target.
  • 1-shot Kill: Kill target player.
  • Can convert Ovelia by targetting her with any ability or item. Once done, Delita auto-protects Ovelia each night.

^^^ We also have conversions.

We have the country of Ivalice

Which would mean the other warring country is Ordalia? (50 year war)


Ivalice is a kingdom of seven territories; Fovoham, Gallione, Limberry, Lionel, Zeltennia, the Holy Territory of Murond (Mullonde in later versions), and the Royal Capital of Lesalie (Lesalia in later versions),[10] Ivalice's neighbors are the kingdom of Ordalia in the east and Romanda, a military nation to the north, across the Rhana Strait. While the three nations share common royal bloodlines, major wars have taken place between them. An influential religious institution known as the Glabados Church heads the dominant faith, centering around a religious figure known as Saint Ajora.[11]

The story takes place after Ivalice ended its war with the two nations in what is known as the Fifty Years War, and is facing economic problems and political strife.[12] Adding to its problems is the recent death of the king, whose heir is only an infant.[13] A regent is needed to rule in place of the prince, and the kingdom is split between Prince Goltana, represented by the Black Lion, and Prince Larg, symbolized by the White Lion. The conflict leads to what is known in the game as the Lion War. Behind this backdrop is a revelation by the game's historian Alazlam J. Durai, who seeks to reveal the story of an unknown character whose role in the Lion War was major but was covered up by the kingdom's church.[14] The setting is based around this character, named by default as Ramza, and revolves around his early life and the future conflicts he faced while the events that changed the kingdom unfold.

Probably two other factions/indy's:


Princess Ovelia and the younger Prince Orinas are both candidates to the throne, with the former supported by Prince Goltana of the Black Lion,[21] and the latter by Queen Ruvelia and her brother, Prince Larg of the White Lion


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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

Which would mean the other warring country is Ordalia? (50 year war)

The war for regency is only a part of the game. The first two chapters. You never go there, and the bad guys in the end game aren't them. I lean toward toward heretic aligned, because I have some info, but not enough to be concrete and it's just a logical conclusion. What I know could also just be a fictional alignment in the game. 

4 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

So two of your characters are confirmed in game. 

Malf was TG Cid. Delita and ovelia also confirmed. 

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Just now, Forge said:

The war for regency is only a part of the game. The first two chapters. You never go there, and the bad guys in the end game aren't them. I lean toward toward heretic aligned, because I have some info, but not enough to be concrete and it's just a logical conclusion. What I know could also just be a fictional alignment in the game. 

Malf was TG Cid. Delita and ovelia also confirmed. 

who all would be tryin to get the princess to side with them? her wiki calls her a pawn and we know at least one faction can convert her.

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36 minutes ago, Forge said:

Rick's character role is likely Indy, which is not surprising

I'd assume there is a main scum group (zodiac stone holders). I think I know the main scum group alignment name, but just based on a logical conclusion from some other info


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