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TACT XVIII: Zeke's Whacky Weekend Adventures


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On 2/13/2018 at 6:45 AM, Texas_OutLaw7 said:

To Kill a Mockingbird was one of the most influential books I read in grade-school. I cannot begin to tell you how furious this makes me.

You think this is bad. Just wait until it becomes law that you have to have special permission to fly the American flag in your drive way. 

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On 2/13/2018 at 7:01 AM, DaBoys said:

Oh wtf

What this is a form of change that's brought on by selfish people who only see their own ends being met. People who don't care where it leads or what repercussions that can take place because of lack of insight. 

I don't see why all of you are so shocked. This was bound to happen considering the stance taken by every progressive for the last 10 years of disposing of anything that get their panties in a wad. You actually think this wouldn't get more extreme? This will continue and it's because the logical thinkers are too lazy and don't have enough back bone to tell these people to STFU. 

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10 hours ago, Rtnldave said:

Agreed but you would only be treating a symptom of a sickness in society, not the actual disease. If you took away automatic weapons, a person of his pathology would only find another way to kill people in mass numbers. Arson, home made bombs, drive a car thru a crowd, etc. 

One thing  about this is very clear, if a person is determined to accomplish a predetermined goal, no matter how horrific, that person will succeed. They will stop at nothing.

The bigger issue here, in  my opinion, is the lack of parenting or guidance a child like this should have received from the get go.

He was an orphan, I get it. So now what? We keep a sharp eye on all orphans?

It really is a huge problem in America today. Children growing up without proper parenting, without spiritual guidance, no one to encourage them educationally, etc. And you compound that with the "no red pen mentality" and you get a young adult who never learned how to cope with adversity, usually becomes introverted, has a bleak and negative outlook on life and there chances to succeed in life, and then the first time, or possibly multiple times adversity strikes, they turn to the only emotions they know, Anger, Rage, Retribution.

Being a teacher, and I know many people don't hold with that mindset, if you want to fix the real problem with our youth today, you have to start going into the homes. See what their life is like there. See what their structural support system is, if there is one, are they loved, nurtured, encouraged and properly raised to function in society?




You know whats the greatest threat to a peaceful society? Freewill. Better tell people what to do and force them to do it in order to protect our security and peace of mind. 

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2 hours ago, Desperado82 said:

Guys...let's not go down this road.

And might I refer you to the Crusades and just about every other theocracy? 

How many crusades have been started in a educated society as opposed to uneducated one. 

You're under the impression that faith breeds violence. Which as proven in current society as a false hence the discussion.

But as a psychological factor and a more important one. Faith breeds purpose. A reason for being, and in a society that as discussed before that has too much free time on their hands. People start to question everything. With no adversity people become agitated and more selfish because our thoughts start to largely center around ourselves. It's a state of mind because of self preservation. Our more basic animal instinct we seek out what's best for us. H/e when we already have what's best for us. We start to seek out what we want which is still under the same mindset of self preservation because it's still a defense mechanism of protecting ourselves by acquiring more things but by then it becomes self destructive.

I think we are crashing into a wall where the Law of Darwinism is forcing more and more people to confront their nature instead of following it in a positive way. And like a caged animal we are not being able to handle the difference between where we live now as oppose to where we have lived for most of our existence. I suppose in a way technology is hindering our very nature. 

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