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Meme Mafia - Town - (minus Mwil) wins


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6 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

I think kotn was town. The second account looks horrible and yea I realize what it looks like considering my llama push. It just makes too much sense to me. It was routed to scum (llama) and was on mwil according to him Mwil was then hit the following night. Scum absolutely would have wanted to hit mwil. Swag even after somehow knowing his role, still wanted him to be lynched? 

I think pickle was town. He was obviously lying his move but that honestly seems like a pickle/orca thing to do right now. They’ve both expressed how much they hate that Swag can fake a claim and get away with it but they can’t. They think that by doing that, they can hopefully flip the narrative. I think he had a role he didn’t want to reveal or it was an insane cop. (Swag said counselor was insane cop)

I think orca is scum. I thought slappy was scum and orca replacing him hasn’t changed that. He’s offered up next to nothing outside of trying to say I protected Swag. I have been chasing Swag the entire game. He’s also completely flipped the script even tho he’s thought Swag was scum from the start (both lives) 

daboyle is obviously town. This goes without saying. 

Nazgul is town IMO because of process of elimination. However, I will say this day phase seems without a doubt an interested, invested naz. You’re probably going to think I’m trying to butter you up so **** off. 

swag I’m positive is scum. I’ve laid all of that out already. 

squire I’m leaning town. You haven’t really believed me through the most of the game (yet here we are). However, your doubt of me actually had a base. A starting point as to where and why you have and had doubts. You also were the only one that was willing to even to talk to me about things and try to come up with answers. We haven’t had answers for most the game on a lot of big questions and you stepped up. 

wolf I outlined earlier but if anyone has questions, ask. 

malfs move is definitely town to me. It’s designed specifically to deal with the princess situation. 

Bcb is neutral other. I say this because Dome was the judge, Bcb is the executioner. Literally both of their roles could severely help or hurt both sides. this is why I switched from giving likes to naz to giving them to Bcb. I think he honestly doesn’t care what side wins. I will literally give him as many likes as possible every day for a long *** time if it helps us win. 

I think it’s 5-3-1

scum being Swag, orca and wolf. After tonight most likely 4-2-1 (unless Bcb is feeling generous and hits wolf/orca, then 4-1-1 and game over is tomorrow)

lynch wolf/orca. 3-1-1 (or game over if Bcb helps town here)

Lynch whoever remains of wolf/orca and it should be game over.  

your incorrect on two points of info as well as me but at this point nothing is gonna get you to listen to me with out making myself an auto target

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2 minutes ago, wolfeyestrk said:

lol its interesting ive been giving him votes all day so i asked >< you and counselor claimed me scum day one and havnt gotten off my jock. i want you lynched becouse that made me salty purely that so ya im asking bcb his vote my being behind isnt in info after fckin page 250 ive been better at keeping up with it since its not 120 pages every eight hours



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2 minutes ago, The Orca said:

I can think of a few ways that ended up working out

This right here is why I know you are scum. I have done far more than just that and claimed info. Just because I want you to admit something doent mean I'm tying you to a person. I want to see if you will take responsibility for your part in the pickle lynch...you outright refused for like 15 tries 

I haven’t seen anything you’ve done of note. Orca 1.0 maybe Orca 2.0 your biggest thing of note has been “pushing” Swag since you came back because you were so sure he’s scum. Yet, you never actually pushed for a vote on him. 

I have answered you several times. I have agreed that my inaction put pickle in a position of risk which helped in his death. I did not save Swag, period. As soon as you quit trying to attach it to that, maybe then we can talk. 

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