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Meme Mafia - Town - (minus Mwil) wins


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5 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Nacho was the first to mention a calculator in final fantasy. I believe that was his game? He called it that. Squire also mentioned it in that game. It looks like Swag was only calling it what the host was that game. 


1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

I just looked at that too. I back off from it only being swag but I’m positive he’s said it before. 


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5 minutes ago, Counselor said:

KOTN is defending Swag hard...

Its not about SwAg. 

Its about you pounding the table so hard for 1 guy on D1. Why such a narrow focus it isn't helpful. My 2nd problem is despite how hard you pushed you never made any effort to put actual substance into it.

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6 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Nacho was the first to mention a calculator in final fantasy. I believe that was his game? He called it that. Squire also mentioned it in that game. It looks like Swag was only calling it what the host was that game. 

Wait what does the Calculator role have to do with this one?

I don't feel like rereading 40 pages.

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Just now, Dome said:

If I was town and already used my gladiator move, I wouldn’t really care if I was lynched

its just vindication, and your lack of moves isn’t  exactly going to blow the game open anyways 


it’s odd that not only does he really care if he’s lynched but he refuses to even consider the idea llama is town after a read he developed over just a handful of posts 

There’s 2 issues here 

I’ve acknowledged a few different times that it was a read that I’m pretty confident but I have acknowledged that I could be wrong. A stupid OP claim cements it for me. 

it’s really not that odd that I’m pushing back on a lynch. I don’t ever like to get lynched. I like to be able to confidently say that I’ve only been lynched a handful of times. 

are my moves something that will break the game open? Well, we’ll certainly find out because I think we’ve gotten a number of good reads off of this. 

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1 minute ago, KOTN-93 said:

Its not about SwAg. 

Its about you pounding the table so hard for 1 guy on D1. Why such a narrow focus it isn't helpful. My 2nd problem is despite how hard you pushed you never made any effort to put actual substance into it.

I did the same on you last game and look what I caught? Perhaps I’m learning to read people in these games and trusting my instinct? I’ve learned it’s better than me being all over the damn place.

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Seriously wtf.  Nacho hosted a game with a character whose Occupation is called Calculator, and the role does not match this at all... and you’re trying to connect that... but how people reacted to Touch’s last duelist claim is immaterial.  This game.

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