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Meme Mafia - Town - (minus Mwil) wins


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36 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Anyone remember the last time I was close to being lynched d1? 

The only reason you're even close to being lynched is because of a move you made

22 minutes ago, KOTN-93 said:

Okay. The thing im stuck on is if Touch was mafia why do the duel D1.

The more I think on it theres no logical reason to make it a 2 man vote especially as mafia. If touch is town he really trusts his gut.

I feel like im missing something though.

He probably felt sure that people would choose him over llama and so there'd be an easy d1 lynch. He and his scum buddies (mwil) could jump on llama with lame excuses like "derpy derp I won't go against touch day 1" and nobody would question it. So we lynch someone day 1 that isn't scum and we don't learn anything from the lynch. 

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This is honestly comical.  Stop regurgitating tired and disprovable talking points on Touch.

Some people were content showing up and position themselves for what should be the clear "winning" position on this lynch, and now they're panicking a bit because their feet are held to the fire when some prominent voices made it a close race.  Kick facts, bro.  Your whole explanation exceeds the bounds of credulity.

Touch has had the Duelist role before and recently, and it was in Dome's Old West game.  The immediate reaction was "this is a Town role" and "lol we are not voting Touch over squire."  Touch is aware of this, as are many of those who are present.  The concept that this was some inordinate risk that could never work is laughable, as Touch was largely ignored for the remainder of the game as "likely Town" and "likely Vanilla."  The concept that Touch wouldn't do this because it's "too risky" is bull****.  There is almost no risk involved here.  If anything, it will have the opposite effect for multiple days.  There is one talking point debunked. 

Throw in that you're clearly aware of that, and you're not going back to see who reacted differently in the situation beforehand compared to now makes me think you lack a genuine curiosity in resolving the game.  That information is potentially valuable, and I went back to get it... but since I've given you half a day and you've made no mention of it, I am forced to assume it's not part of your plan.

Touch initiated the Duel when we are barely halfway through D1, which has resulted in the point I made.  It provided cover for literally everyone who opted to use it as such to abstain from a real decision on D1 because by all accounts: no one would realistically argue you should choose Llama over Touch on D1.  So, people queued up to get in on that action quickly and throw support behind Touch because there is literally no foreseeable downside.  All of those people could have a legitimate position on it, or they could be hiding in the cover that Touch gave them.

Touch's explanation is straight-up bad, and I don't think even he believes it is good... and to be honest, with what I've said about, I doubt he even believed it needed to be good.  "I got excited" and essentially "he was in the thread not posting" and "I didn't like the meme posted in response to ****/marry/kill."  So, you stymied all external conversation midway through D1 and funneled all reads into artificial battle lines that you drew, and then your explanation is "I caught scum and I was excited."  Tell me, how it is more pro-Town for you to blow your ability and cause all of this cumulative side effects on D1 than to strongly pursue it, with the knowledge people will likely listen to you if you ask them to give you some good faith?  I certainly would have, but instead I have to ask: What is the point of Touch doing this?  What benefit does he derive?  And the most common response I conjure up is that you wanted an early clear and space where you can use your ability and not be at risk, and not be held accountable if it's wrong.

Counselor, MWil, and Touch are all connected, and you would be remiss to forget that when the vote swings to Llama.  Counselor and Touch had the back and forth early in the thread where Touch accused him of being scum with me, which is a clever way to put an albatross around a Townie's neck whenever you think a Mafia is likely to die early.  MWil and Counselor are jockeying to push a narrative that I'm useless because "lol swag is posting funny" and if I do break character and actually play then it's "lol swag is guilty, feelin heat!"  And Touch is pushing that all along.  Dome did it last game with Touch, it's how you start to form a narrative in the thread, and less experienced people will buy into it.  

So, that's why I'm content voting Touch right now because he's done nothing to allay any of these concerns.  And when he flips scum, you should vote Counselor and MWil out in quick order.  Don't **** around like retards and ignore my reads that solved the game while you all try to figure it out on your own.

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7 minutes ago, squire12 said:

THe questions that i have surrounding this

1.  Touch started with (what looked like) a top to bottom progression through the player list in tagging players for the answer on "if given a gun/kill weapon, who would you kill". starts on page 32 Then gets side tracked/distracted and starts to jump around to poke fun at some players.  Swag being 1 of them.  

2.  Acknowledges that some are hiding and seems to target Llama from a group. page 42 Pickle mentions Wolfeye, but touch seems to dismiss that as he has almost predetermined his target to challenge.  Interesting that some of the inactive are those that have yet to vote..... NS, gopher, Wolfeye

3.  Gets excited when he spots something that seemed scummy about llama posts.  Instead of letting things play out and using the additional information to make further reads and connections, Touch issues the duel  24+ hours ahead of the deadline.    The information that he got from llama was already obtained.  It was not going anywhere.   Why the rush to make his move without gathering further information on other players and possible connections with some pressure.  

1. I started with mwil as he was the last person to post. Malf posted next but it was in response to what I asked mwil. So then I picked counselor because he was listed in mwils meme. Then I picked dome because I wanted to make fun of him. Then Swag because, Swag. After that I went back to the main page and started looking through the OP. That’s when I went to llamas profile. 

2. Pretty sure that was after I had already had the interaction with llama because yes at that time I had made up my mind. 

3. Yes, I got excited and used it. I do think it’s helped provide more information as there is a distinct difference in how you are approaching this and how Swag is approaching it. 

you have questions and are asking them which leads me to believe they are rooted by an actual cause. Swag is memeing it up. Swag is also scum with llama. 

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2 minutes ago, rackcs said:

The only reason you're even close to being lynched is because of a move you made

He probably felt sure that people would choose him over llama and so there'd be an easy d1 lynch. He and his scum buddies (mwil) could jump on llama with lame excuses like "derpy derp I won't go against touch day 1" and nobody would question it. So we lynch someone day 1 that isn't scum and we don't learn anything from the lynch. 

The fail contained in this post is amazing. Go ahead and lynch me, but llamas *** better be next. 

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6 minutes ago, SwAg said:

This is honestly comical.  Stop regurgitating tired and disprovable talking points on Touch.

Some people were content showing up and position themselves for what should be the clear "winning" position on this lynch, and now they're panicking a bit because their feet are held to the fire when some prominent voices made it a close race.  Kick facts, bro.  Your whole explanation exceeds the bounds of credulity.

Touch has had the Duelist role before and recently, and it was in Dome's Old West game.  The immediate reaction was "this is a Town role" and "lol we are not voting Touch over squire."  Touch is aware of this, as are many of those who are present.  The concept that this was some inordinate risk that could never work is laughable, as Touch was largely ignored for the remainder of the game as "likely Town" and "likely Vanilla."  The concept that Touch wouldn't do this because it's "too risky" is bull****.  There is almost no risk involved here.  If anything, it will have the opposite effect for multiple days.  There is one talking point debunked. 

Throw in that you're clearly aware of that, and you're not going back to see who reacted differently in the situation beforehand compared to now makes me think you lack a genuine curiosity in resolving the game.  That information is potentially valuable, and I went back to get it... but since I've given you half a day and you've made no mention of it, I am forced to assume it's not part of your plan.

Touch initiated the Duel when we are barely halfway through D1, which has resulted in the point I made.  It provided cover for literally everyone who opted to use it as such to abstain from a real decision on D1 because by all accounts: no one would realistically argue you should choose Llama over Touch on D1.  So, people queued up to get in on that action quickly and throw support behind Touch because there is literally no foreseeable downside.  All of those people could have a legitimate position on it, or they could be hiding in the cover that Touch gave them.

Touch's explanation is straight-up bad, and I don't think even he believes it is good... and to be honest, with what I've said about, I doubt he even believed it needed to be good.  "I got excited" and essentially "he was in the thread not posting" and "I didn't like the meme posted in response to ****/marry/kill."  So, you stymied all external conversation midway through D1 and funneled all reads into artificial battle lines that you drew, and then your explanation is "I caught scum and I was excited."  Tell me, how it is more pro-Town for you to blow your ability and cause all of this cumulative side effects on D1 than to strongly pursue it, with the knowledge people will likely listen to you if you ask them to give you some good faith?  I certainly would have, but instead I have to ask: What is the point of Touch doing this?  What benefit does he derive?  And the most common response I conjure up is that you wanted an early clear and space where you can use your ability and not be at risk, and not be held accountable if it's wrong.

Counselor, MWil, and Touch are all connected, and you would be remiss to forget that when the vote swings to Llama.  Counselor and Touch had the back and forth early in the thread where Touch accused him of being scum with me, which is a clever way to put an albatross around a Townie's neck whenever you think a Mafia is likely to die early.  MWil and Counselor are jockeying to push a narrative that I'm useless because "lol swag is posting funny" and if I do break character and actually play then it's "lol swag is guilty, feelin heat!"  And Touch is pushing that all along.  Dome did it last game with Touch, it's how you start to form a narrative in the thread, and less experienced people will buy into it.  

So, that's why I'm content voting Touch right now because he's done nothing to allay any of these concerns.  And when he flips scum, you should vote Counselor and MWil out in quick order.  Don't **** around like retards and ignore my reads that solved the game while you all try to figure it out on your own.

Nice to see Swag has finally come out of his shell. Likely realizing that his crap remarks aren’t going to push me over the top in being the lynch, feels the need to “return” to the game. 

im making food right now, I’ll come back to deal with you shortly. 

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On 12/13/2019 at 9:32 AM, Counselor said:

I will say this a nice Swag is a scum Swag. But even a scum swag deserves to live past day 1 more than a cleared Daboyle


On 12/13/2019 at 10:58 AM, Counselor said:

When Swag is nice and plays in character he is auto scum


On 12/13/2019 at 10:58 AM, Counselor said:

Mwil feels scummy also


On 12/13/2019 at 11:03 AM, theuntouchable said:

@SwAg you scum bro? 


On 12/13/2019 at 11:16 AM, Counselor said:

I’m bussing Swag and Mwill


On 12/13/2019 at 11:03 AM, theuntouchable said:

Something tells me counselor is scum with swag and is trying to set himself up to buss him. 


On 12/13/2019 at 11:35 AM, The Orca said:



22 hours ago, MWil23 said:

I'm currently wondering, assuming SwAg is Town, what it's going to take to get him to break character ala Dome's Pirate Game.


18 hours ago, Counselor said:

You’re out of character. Elsa wouldn’t use emojis 


18 hours ago, Counselor said:

Don’t make me expose you


13 hours ago, MWil23 said:

No, I rip them for backing each other even when they’re obviously scum. See: Orca as scum 2 games ago and Pickle defending him.

I don’t vote him/Malf/SwAg/Dome day 1 as they’re IMO the best players, so rolling the dice on losing them as Town that early isn’t worth the risk IMO.


12 hours ago, SwAg said:

mwil and touch sitting in a tree









3 hours ago, Counselor said:

I don’t think Touch would do this as scum. Touch was coaching me quite a bit in the scum chat last game. I don’t see this as something he would do. I also don’t see how llama is scum. So we might have two town on the lynch line here. 


2 hours ago, SwAg said:

yah like doin the uninspected wit a re sent compare is not strategy


2 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

Yes, I’m gonna go full charge into the game with a big **** move early on d1 with josh, counselor and pickle as ones that would definitely back me up. 


1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

Wondering how long Swag is gonna keep up with this gimmick 


1 hour ago, Counselor said:

Swaggart you seem like you are trying to sway the votes off llama a bit


1 hour ago, Counselor said:

You keep this up buddy. There is something more about what you are doing I can see through it. 


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

Squire and SwAg are both scum


1 hour ago, SwAg said:

mwil n touch lol


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

SwAg is going to be completely useless this game 


1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

I’m not so sure on squire. He actually looked back and read through the progression and brought up what raised questions. 

Swag is continuing to meme. 


54 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I’m now more convinced of SwAg being scumlord supreme. 


53 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

@Dome you scummates with swag bro? 


50 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Deflection and posture. How completely transparent 


43 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

It’s certainly lining up to look that way. 


35 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

The theory is that I chose to use it d1 to go after a player I assumed I should be chosen over. I wanted to make a big play so that I could knock llama out the game d1. 


34 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Keep pressing Swag he’s breaking character. He definitely feels heat.

One other thought. If llama did flip scum. Would Touch use his ability as scum to bus someone he seems useless early on that could hurt his team and get on the better side of it? 


33 minutes ago, Counselor said:

To be fair I don’t think he would


14 minutes ago, Counselor said:

You would say this Swaggart


9 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Oh Swag I feel bad for you

This does not seem like a concerted effort at all!

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6 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I didn’t call SwAg useless because of a gimmick drunk style. I called him useless because he’s clearly scum. Squire too.

There is literally no thread evidence to support that. You're revising the thread to make it more palatable, you scummy boy.

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