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Nic Cage BatShiii Crazy Mafia: GAME OVER. MAFIA (Pickle, Matts, Dome, Slappy) WIN! Blahman also WINS!


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1 hour ago, Matts4313 said:

I was meaning to look this up, but I m busy today. Maybe you all can help me.

Is there a role that whenever you use your move on someone, they get investigate you? Like a "self watcher" type role? If so, can someone tell me what its called? 

There's a role called nexus where you get the ability of whoever visits you 

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3 minutes ago, ET80 said:

Sure, go on head.

Tier 1 Observations: Astute, observational and level headedness.

Tier 2 Observations: Witty and charismatic

Tier 3 Observations: Downward sloping inner canthus and the bulge.

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