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Nic Cage BatShiii Crazy Mafia: GAME OVER. MAFIA (Pickle, Matts, Dome, Slappy) WIN! Blahman also WINS!


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31 minutes ago, Dome said:

People always say this, and I wonder how often it was actually planned ahead of time versus just an excuse made up later when they realize their actions make almost no sense at all... just thinking out loud.



Yeah it’s pretty unlike me. I’m a master plan kinda guy as scum.

31 minutes ago, Dome said:

But assuming you had some master plan,

Why automatically assume so? That’s pretty narrow minded and scummy tbh.

31 minutes ago, Dome said:

what reactions did you get on the vote flips that garnered almost no reaction at the time?

I think it’s pretty clear why I landed on Pickle yesterday and why I flipped to N4L today.

31 minutes ago, Dome said:

and what reactions were you expecting to get by sporadically changing your vote but not keeping it in one spot long enough for anyone to notice and react to it anyways?


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39 minutes ago, Dome said:

Cause my concern is that playing sporadic reaction tester is just a way for scum to say “look at me in the town wildcard!” while doing very little to game solve and pat themselves on the back for another successful “reaction test” that garnered results that can be interpreted a multitude of ways 



You seem to be protecting him/ignored pages of dialogue and rationale and went for the low hanging spastic vote angle.

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12 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

I reread that today. I wasnt going to bring it up because we are still 48 hours from night and any train will die. You should give it another glance. Josh panics when you pressure him. 


Just to see what happens. But I think I am going to push this hard before night (or hammer situation). 

You can pressure all you like. I’m not scum. I’m not AWOL, I’m just working. I respond when I can.

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On 1/4/2020 at 7:01 AM, MWil23 said:



23 hours ago, MWil23 said:

I’ve already claimed


23 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Bad/Good it doesn’t matter. Cages are irrelevant according to the OP.

How did you make this leap? 

56 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Dome already knows my claim and would have to be stupid not to know my claimed ability and yet he starts a fake push. That’s exciting.

Mwil is scrambling. 



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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

Yeah it’s pretty unlike me. I’m a master plan kinda guy as scum.

Why automatically assume so? That’s pretty narrow minded and scummy tbh.

I think it’s pretty clear why I landed on Pickle yesterday and why I flipped to N4L today.


This is a lot of words to say nothing.

1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

Dome already knows my claim and would have to be stupid not to know my claimed ability and yet he starts a fake push. That’s exciting.

I ignore D1 claims because 99.5% of the time it’s a lie 

58 minutes ago, MWil23 said:



You seem to be protecting him/ignored pages of dialogue and rationale and went for the low hanging spastic vote angle.

I seem to be protecting pickle?

uh? What?


this is shoehorning an argument if I’ve even seen one lmao 

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