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Wrasslemafia 2- Day 10


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I have some thoughts. Some of which I mentioned yesterday.

One is I want to know why Matts kept his vote on Malfatron after it not working twice or being pardons.

Two I want to know if he really redirected someone to Counselor, because Counselor is about as clear town as clear can be, but according to Malf he redirected to Counselor.

Three I haven’t a clue what to do for lunch.

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11 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

if you are town...then you have to accept that swag, counselor, and I are the three most cleared players at this moment.  That is just fact.

So how does you not having thread capital justify you redirecting a potential killer at one of the three most cleared players?  Why would you not have aimed this suspected killer at an unknown?


11 hours ago, Matts4313 said:



2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Well, you’re likely to remain puzzled because matts thought “no one likes me” is an adequate response to switching Malfatron’s watch to Counselor.

This was another of his enlightening answers.

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The biggest thing that gets me with Matts is the chest beating of finding scum almost trying to throw people off his scent. 

“Hey guys, I can’t be scum because I keep finding them myself!”

When I’m pretty sure Swag was on MWill and Malf was on Dome days ago.

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42 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I forgot, matts excuse is that he can’t play because he’s losing money in the stock market, because it takes above the intelligence of a monkey to pull out when the market is cratering... but hey, it finished up 5% yesterday after cratering by nearly 30% in the past month.

You buy when its cratering, dumbarse. This is literally the conversation I am having on repeat.

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