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JLA Mafia Game Thread DAY 4


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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

How am I supposed to know what you did or did not see? 


12 hours ago, Whicker said:

Pickle Rick 


12 hours ago, Whicker said:



12 hours ago, Whicker said:

Green Lantern could totally be a fake claim. Ajani was a fake claim in MtG mafia. You guys will just have to trust me that he’s on a similar level of importance. From the host’s perspective, you want to keep town guessing as much as reasonable 


12 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

So did I fake block mwil? 


12 hours ago, Whicker said:

I’m trying to think through it atm. But yes my initial reaction is to follow a red letter 

I mean. Pickle literally quoted a post of mine and asked if he fake blocked MWil so hmmmm idk Touch what the **** do you think I know about Pickle’s claim?

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9 minutes ago, Whicker said:

You made a poor assumption. I quit the game on D1 and didn’t come back until D2 if you may recall. And I get it tonight 

You have to understand how that does not inspire confidence, even if true, right?

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55 minutes ago, Blue said:

Vote Count

Pickle Rick - 2 - Counselor, Amac

Amac - 6 - Pickle Rick, Swag, Daboyle, Josh, Dingo, Whicker

Swag - 1 - ET80

Counselor - 1 - FinneasGage

Whicker - 1 - Ragnarok

With 16 alive and 16 voting, it's 9 to lynch. Deadline is 11:59am Sunday.

This should be the correct VC

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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

You have to understand how that does not inspire confidence, even if true, right?

You have to understand that my missing a move on day 1 is what happened though. Like I quit the game and figured I’d be replaced. 
I really don’t care how much confidence that inspires as it’s not meant to 

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1 minute ago, Whicker said:

You have to understand that my missing a move on day 1 is what happened though. Like I quit the game and figured I’d be replaced. 
I really don’t care how much confidence that inspires as it’s not meant to 

Lmao, okay, fair enough

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2 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

I think you need to step back and come back to the convo later. Cause I don’t know what I’m doing that would be pissing you off. 

I mean straight ignoring my posts and making accusations based on information that you missed from ignoring those posts is pretty damn frustrating 

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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

Like I literally started the conversation by asking your opinion of the move and if it could be town or scum and you were immediately pissed off at me. 

I mean hurr durr maybe because I’ve already acknowledged the thing you claim I didn’t acknowledge 

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Vote Count


Pickle Rick - 2 - Counselor, Amac

Amac - 6 - Pickle Rick, Amac, Daboyle, Josh, Dingo, Whicker

Swag - 1 - ET80

Counselor - 1 - FinneasGage

With 16 alive and 16 voting, it's 9 to lynch. Deadline is 11:59am Sunday.


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