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Houston Texans Coronavirus Mafia (Mafia Wins!)


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47 minutes ago, N4L said:

No, he is voting for whoever has the 2nd most votes to try and save himself. Fin was a late rush. he was never really in second. Voting fin was never going to save rickle

This was immediately before the lynch. literally 2m before. pickle would 100% of the time vote swoosh here. Its A) his best chance to survive and B) a non covidscum

This vote does not prove what you are trying to make it prove. You want to say that the fact he didnt vote fin, somehow means he wasnt aligned with fin. That argument does not hold water. He might not be aligned with fin, he might be Bob, but not because of the reasons you are providing. that vote shows us nothing about pickle

There was zero reason for pickle to vote fin here. If he would have and shady's vote would have been late, he would have died. it was very likely he was going to die. 

swag, swoosh, shady are above reproach. orca matts are cool too


At that point in the game, that late in the voting process, you would have to think there would be some scum groupings in the vote, especially if pickle is scum and is the lead electorate (even if he is not scum, I would expect some sort of grouping with a close vote and no time left)

forge, hbo, mse hella sus as they say here in the bay. HELLA SUS


We see that daboyle was voting matts. That makes me immediately question biggio as well

also, mega ron putting blinders on and voting swag is.... interesting


On 4/21/2020 at 8:58 PM, Pickle Rick said:


I'm trump fools!!!

Imo Pickle posted this to get votes off of him

On 4/21/2020 at 8:59 PM, SwAg said:


After this Pickle has a little over a min to change his vote to Fin and it would be 6-5

On 4/21/2020 at 9:00 PM, swoosh said:



Here he had the chance to change it to make fin the lynch

On 4/21/2020 at 9:00 PM, Shady Slim said:


Shady does

Knowing Pickle, I feel strongly he would have bussed fin at the end. He would have been refreshing every second and he tries to maintain not being lynched as scum without an invest and not linking himself to other scummates. 5 votes on Swoosh or 5 on fin or lynching fin...with Fin being no move and not posting...he is bussing Fin imo at the end 

Is it a guarantee, no, but that's what I'm betting 

Only thing that changes it, is if he is OJ. And then I'd bet he claims Trump sooner to get a counter claim, which he didnt

Based on your vote count with 2 min left, if Fin is with Pickle he doesnt vote Pickle, daboyle votes Swoosh along with Fin and it's not a problem. Either it was a colossal failure as scum or Pickle is BoB. I'm staying with Pickle is BoB at the moment 

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8 minutes ago, The Orca said:


Imo Pickle posted this to get votes off of him

After this Pickle has a little over a min to change his vote to Fin and it would be 6-5

Here he had the chance to change it to make fin the lynch

Shady does

Knowing Pickle, I feel strongly he would have bussed fin at the end. He would have been refreshing every second and he tries to maintain not being lynched as scum without an invest and not linking himself to other scummates. 5 votes on Swoosh or 5 on fin or lynching fin...with Fin being no move and not posting...he is bussing Fin imo at the end 

Is it a guarantee, no, but that's what I'm betting 

Only thing that changes it, is if he is OJ. And then I'd bet he claims Trump sooner to get a counter claim, which he didnt

Based on your vote count with 2 min left, if Fin is with Pickle he doesnt vote Pickle, daboyle votes Swoosh along with Fin and it's not a problem. Either it was a colossal failure as scum or Pickle is BoB. I'm staying with Pickle is BoB at the moment 

your vote count is wrong. after swag voted fin it was 6 pickle, 5 swoosh, 4 fin. 

voting fin doesnt help pickle there. then it would just be 6 pickle, 4 swoosh, 5 fin. pickle still dead

the two people who flipped from pickle voters to fin voters (shady, swoosh) swung the game. Pickle was voting for the person who had the second most votes, at that time, and the person who finished with the second most votes after the voting was over. That person was swoosh. He was always the 2nd highest electorate. 

It was 6 pickle, 5 swoosh, 4 fin, then at 9pm est on the dot it became 6 fin, 5 swoosh, 4 pickle. shadys vote was so close that it almost didnt count. swoosh's vote was just a few short seconds before shady's.

If pickle would have had time to react after swoosh's vote but before shady's vote, then yes, he could have saved himself with a fin vote. That didnt happen though, he didnt have enough time to do that. there was basically no instant at all when a fin vote would have created a tie/win for pickle. You are arguing that he did have that opportunity, but passed. The opportunity never presented itself. that is a fact. 

So saying 'well he didnt try to save himself with a move that literally would have made zero difference without some last second heroics by shady and swoosh' and using that as evidence that he was somehow not aligned with fin, takes some real mental gymnastics from where I am sitting.

its a flawed premise. then on top of that, you are assuming that if he did have time, that he would have voted fin if he was scum. Then, because he is not scum, somehow that means he is not trump either, but rather BOB?????? If he did have time, he would have voted fin to save himself. That would have nothing to do with his alignment with fin or not with fin. It would be solely to save himself. 

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if pickle is BoB he's playing a hilariously suboptimal game and deserves to be lynched tbh

BoB can get the win with town or with mafia, but given that he automatically passes on the infection the first two times he gets it, the strategy is clearly to stay as anonymous as possible because unless you're a giant clown the only way to really lose as BoB is to get lynched (given you would have to be targeted thrice at least by mafia to die by their corona, unless you get it passed on to you by the bat which is (1/3)*(1/23) chance so that is next to minimal

so i must say @The Orca

while i'm not certain ET is trump, it could well be either or, i really don't believe pickle is BoB

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also fellas i have an exam tomorrow my time (20 hours from now) and i have spent most of today prepping for it but i'm going to study more obviously, but i'll have this on the other tab and be checking after every question so the study doesn't drive me mad - so i am around

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1 minute ago, N4L said:

its a flawed premise. then on top of that, you are assuming that if he did have time, that he would have voted fin if he was scum. Then, because he is not scum, somehow that means he is not trump either, but rather BOB?????? If he did have time, he would have voted fin to save himself. That would have nothing to do with his alignment with fin or not with fin. It would be solely to save himself.

I still dont see why he couldnt just be trump, based on the information you think you have. if rickle wasnt scum, then why cant he just be the guy he says he is, which is trump?? I am failing to see the bob connection here. 


Also, its hilarious that donald trump and bill O brien are being mistaken from each other in this game. BOB is the donald trump of the houston texans. hes the guy who does things on a whim in the middle of the night without consulting anyone, that the majority of the people who root for their team (team USA, team texan) cant stand and want fired. 

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2 minutes ago, Shady Slim said:

if pickle is BoB he's playing a hilariously suboptimal game and deserves to be lynched tbh

BoB can get the win with town or with mafia, but given that he automatically passes on the infection the first two times he gets it, the strategy is clearly to stay as anonymous as possible because unless you're a giant clown the only way to really lose as BoB is to get lynched (given you would have to be targeted thrice at least by mafia to die by their corona, unless you get it passed on to you by the bat which is (1/3)*(1/23) chance so that is next to minimal

so i must say @The Orca

while i'm not certain ET is trump, it could well be either or, i really don't believe pickle is BoB

claiming one of the town's most important power roles and sticking with it after a CC is objectively the worst thing you could do in this game as BoB. claiming you are OJ would be a better play ffs i can not believe pickle, who is a smart guy, would do this

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6 fin - orca, matts, counselor, swag, swoosh, shady

4 swoosh - et, hobo (not infected N2), mse, pickle

5 pickle - bcb, mwil, lefty, fin, forge (not infected N3)

3 matts - n4l, biggio, daboyle,

1 swag - mega ron

Didnt vote- md4l, mookie, josh, dome


I think this vote count will be key as we go on. I think it's what the end count was on N2


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12 minutes ago, N4L said:

your vote count is wrong. after swag voted fin it was 6 pickle, 5 swoosh, 4 fin. 

voting fin doesnt help pickle there. then it would just be 6 pickle, 4 swoosh, 5 fin. pickle still dead

the two people who flipped from pickle voters to fin voters (shady, swoosh) swung the game. Pickle was voting for the person who had the second most votes, at that time, and the person who finished with the second most votes after the voting was over. That person was swoosh. He was always the 2nd highest electorate. 

It was 6 pickle, 5 swoosh, 4 fin, then at 9pm est on the dot it became 6 fin, 5 swoosh, 4 pickle. shadys vote was so close that it almost didnt count. swoosh's vote was just a few short seconds before shady's.

If pickle would have had time to react after swoosh's vote but before shady's vote, then yes, he could have saved himself with a fin vote. That didnt happen though, he didnt have enough time to do that. there was basically no instant at all when a fin vote would have created a tie/win for pickle. You are arguing that he did have that opportunity, but passed. The opportunity never presented itself. that is a fact. 

So saying 'well he didnt try to save himself with a move that literally would have made zero difference without some last second heroics by shady and swoosh' and using that as evidence that he was somehow not aligned with fin, takes some real mental gymnastics from where I am sitting.

its a flawed premise. then on top of that, you are assuming that if he did have time, that he would have voted fin if he was scum. Then, because he is not scum, somehow that means he is not trump either, but rather BOB?????? If he did have time, he would have voted fin to save himself. That would have nothing to do with his alignment with fin or not with fin. It would be solely to save himself. 


7 minutes ago, N4L said:

I still dont see why he couldnt just be trump, based on the information you think you have. if rickle wasnt scum, then why cant he just be the guy he says he is, which is trump?? I am failing to see the bob connection here. 


Also, its hilarious that donald trump and bill O brien are being mistaken from each other in this game. BOB is the donald trump of the houston texans. hes the guy who does things on a whim in the middle of the night without consulting anyone, that the majority of the people who root for their team (team USA, team texan) cant stand and want fired. 

So in your idea of the game, Fin tried to lynch Pickle who he is scum with him and Daboyle who is also scum with him was just going to let Pickle be lynched when he could have easily saved him without drawing much attention. Claiming Trump that late serves little purpose other than hoping 1 or 2 votes jump off

Pickle being Trump is possible though 

13 minutes ago, Shady Slim said:

if pickle is BoB he's playing a hilariously suboptimal game and deserves to be lynched tbh

BoB can get the win with town or with mafia, but given that he automatically passes on the infection the first two times he gets it, the strategy is clearly to stay as anonymous as possible because unless you're a giant clown the only way to really lose as BoB is to get lynched (given you would have to be targeted thrice at least by mafia to die by their corona, unless you get it passed on to you by the bat which is (1/3)*(1/23) chance so that is next to minimal

so i must say @The Orca

while i'm not certain ET is trump, it could well be either or, i really don't believe pickle is BoB

Disagree completely. If he is Bob, he can basically only lose by lynch, claiming Trump was smart. Claiming BoB he is lynched there 

He only got a bunch of votes cause he hadnt been getting heat. So a bunch of people jumped on. If he was Bob he was playing it well 

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

Rephrase if you can, I'm lost here lol

oops, swoosh****

if you're saying that VC may be a key to this conundrum, well, both of the trump claims were on swoosh; i wonder who jumped on first and why they did

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2 minutes ago, The Orca said:


Disagree completely. If he is Bob, he can basically only lose by lynch, claiming Trump was smart. Claiming BoB he is lynched there 

He only got a bunch of votes cause he hadnt been getting heat. So a bunch of people jumped on. If he was Bob he was playing it well 

but then when ET's cc came in, heck, even on the next day, continuing to say that he's trump is obscenely anti-town and very dangerous to him too; i would say to save your neck for the one night, claiming that you're trump right before the clock was a smart move; but now a trump cc has come in, continuing to say that no you're trump i think is really stupid, dangerous, and goes against wincon

if pickle came clean the very next morning and said "sike i am BoB", it would have allowed trump to stay anonymous, we'd be too busy following swoosh's investigations to want to go after him, and then the mafia wouldn't bother infecting him because they'd have to piss away three infections before they could get him; i'd argue if he was BoB, instaclaiming BoB when it came to daytime after the first lynch would've guaranteed victory

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1 minute ago, Shady Slim said:

but then when ET's cc came in, heck, even on the next day, continuing to say that he's trump is obscenely anti-town and very dangerous to him too; i would say to save your neck for the one night, claiming that you're trump right before the clock was a smart move; but now a trump cc has come in, continuing to say that no you're trump i think is really stupid, dangerous, and goes against wincon

if pickle came clean the very next morning and said "sike i am BoB", it would have allowed trump to stay anonymous, we'd be too busy following swoosh's investigations to want to go after him, and then the mafia wouldn't bother infecting him because they'd have to piss away three infections before they could get him; i'd argue if he was BoB, instaclaiming BoB when it came to daytime after the first lynch would've guaranteed victory

I agree on the continuing, but if he is BoB, it's not clear who the real Trump is yet, why blow it before need be

He is valuable to town dead and lesser so alive, so after the claim to survive the lynch he is at the mercy of town which benefits from his death. 

It's a tough game to play if he is BoB. Town is incentivized to lynch him in a way and he has already claimed a power role that was countered 

It's also in a way an incentive for scum to lynch him depending on when he is outed. After two scum got lynched, scum may want to lynch him to buy a day and removing a town number, so claiming BoB is a delicate balance 

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11 minutes ago, Shady Slim said:

oops, swoosh****

if you're saying that VC may be a key to this conundrum, well, both of the trump claims were on swoosh; i wonder who jumped on first and why they did


On 4/21/2020 at 12:32 PM, MWil23 said:

You’d rather go hobo and admit I’m Town but still vote me?

Swoosh there it is.


On 4/21/2020 at 12:37 PM, ET80 said:



On 4/21/2020 at 12:37 PM, ET80 said:

Not silenced.


On 4/21/2020 at 8:39 PM, Pickle Rick said:


5 matts - n4l, biggio, pickle, daboyle, orca

4 pickle - bcb, shady, mwil, lefty 

3 swoosh - forge, et, hobo

1 n4l - swag

1 fin - matts

1 mwil - mse

1 swag - mega ron

1 hobo - swoosh 



On 4/21/2020 at 8:41 PM, Matts4313 said:


If enough people are not stupid, i wont have to claim.


On 4/21/2020 at 8:46 PM, Matts4313 said:

Tied at 15 minutes. I guess its claim time. I am Xi. I quarantined @SwAg N1. Move your votes dummies. 


On 4/21/2020 at 8:50 PM, Pickle Rick said:


Seems ET voted Swoosh after Mwil (who changed) and never moved. Pickle voted Swoosh right after Matts claimed Xi with 15 min left. Kind of to save himself and not hurt town it appears. Daboyle remained on Matts and Fin voted Pickle for comparison of confirmed scum 

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