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๐Ÿ““ Death Note Mafia - Game over - Civs win!!


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On 7/15/2020 at 5:58 PM, bucsfan333 said:

A mysterious person is killing people they deem bad for society; convicted criminals, criminals too smart to get caught, corrupt politicians, etc. This has been going on for months and the police haven't been able to identify who's responsible. There are rumors that a special investigator has been put on the case.

The townsfolk have affectionately named this individual Kira.ย The truth is that crime is way down and most people's quality of life has improved. And a lot of townsfolk actually support Kira and their actions.

However, there isย a group of townsfolk that are taking things into their own hands. If the police can't stop this Kira, the townsfolk will - by whatever means necessary.ย 

The group of townsfolk trying to stop Kira is the mafia.

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