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Okay, so I am now lying because you used two different shades of orange, one that is basically red.  But the remainder of that sentence is true, where you list Rack above me?  So, somehow that it's Orange-Orange, instead of Red, while I am Orange-Yellow is a distinction for you.

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1 hour ago, Pickle Rick said:
On 7/29/2020 at 1:24 PM, SwAg said:

No no, Dome and I are masons, and the same alignment.  Guaranteed.  Maybe you guys are not familiar with masons, and mistaking them for neighbors?  Amateur hour in here


On 7/29/2020 at 1:28 PM, SwAg said:

No, masons are Town only


On 7/29/2020 at 6:50 PM, SwAg said:

Alright, yes, hi, hello, sorry, sir.  I take you for a reasonable man.  We vote one, I kill the other, deal?


23 hours ago, SwAg said:

Wow, what an awful list, since I’m with Dome.


23 hours ago, SwAg said:





I can’t count to five.


22 hours ago, SwAg said:

I like how Rick listed Hobo as the same color as him.  That’s so hard to disambiguate.


22 hours ago, SwAg said:

Yeah, pretty scummy.  I think Rick told him to do it because he’s the woman behind him.


22 hours ago, SwAg said:

Yeah, he wanted to save Rick.


21 hours ago, SwAg said:

Forming the Rick coalition for tomorrow.

@squire12 here are some concerning ones from d1.  The biggest is swag tried to convince people he is a mason with dome and then lists him as a such read.  He also list me ( I know I'm town) and orca (flipped town).  Swag being 100% wrong and still pushing it....huge red flags 

Why does scum swag come out with that mason claim and then later list him as a scum read?   I dont see the logic in that line of thinking.   I think the mason claim was a joke and the scum list might have been as well.  

Aside from that, I am not seeing much of a compelling case in these quotes.

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1 hour ago, Pickle Rick said:
1 hour ago, squire12 said:

What did ocra see?

Bucs saw something with whicker, but you have him as a strong green?

This is not really helpful unless you have something specific.

What makes this point to swag being scum?

Again, where?

Quotes would be good, as of now there is not much for others to go on.

1. I don't know, you should have asked him.  

I am not the one using what Orca supposedly saw in a case against someone.  

1 hour ago, Pickle Rick said:

2. Whicker is not making up lies and pushing me with those lies is he?

3. I already posted them.  He keeps saying I tried to put a false guilty on him which is an outright lie and he fabricated to push me 



I am going to put this out there and realize it will be met with some strong resistance.    @Pickle Rick you and Orca voted as a pair again on D1.  It is a strong pattern and occurrence. You also tend to use each other as supporting evidence in a case against players.   This has been discussed many times and I can tell you, it does not sit well with some players.   That is part of why you have a hard time getting some players to follow you on your reads.  


From what I am gathering, your case is that you feel swag has lied.  Beyond that, I am not sure there is much.

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