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2 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

The gf comment was obviously referring to being the girlfriend of the gifs Orca kept posting - even though Reba is his wife.

Jumping on the "gotcha" of gf seemed like a cheap thing to mention and put in their back pockets as a dumb reason to later push a vote for someone that seems to be a favorite for a N1 lynch.

I think you are reading gf as girlfriend and it might have meant godfather.  vastly different meanings in the game of mafia.....but I am sure you knew that

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2 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

The gf comment was obviously referring to being the girlfriend of the gifs Orca kept posting - even though Reba is his wife.

Jumping on the "gotcha" of gf seemed like a cheap thing to mention and put in their back pockets as a dumb reason to later push a vote for someone that seems to be a favorite for a N1 lynch.

GF refers to unkillable godfather, great try though 

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7 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Check out racks games as town, especially lately he has not posted at all d1, outside of an occasional vote.  Then you add in the he was the vote leader followed by a mass exodus, feels like a specific effort to get votes off of him imo.  

Bucs was one of the ones that jumped on racks nd then jumped off. He also tried to buddy me it seemed when he defended me 

I would think that if bucs was voting rackcs (if rackcs is a scummate) bucs would be more sly to move his vote.   Maybe I am giving bucs too much credit as I dont have much experience playing with him.

7 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

The rest are clumped, but Naz, swag and et stand out more then bcb and orca 


Hobo, obvious 

Whicker is playing opposite from last game imo, his own opinions, questions, and thoughts.  While he is also appearing to actively solve the game 

Mwil, same thing really.  

Squire, my read added to the fact that you are questioning my list like you did a few games ago when I had you green and you thought there was no way I could get that read on you that early unless I was scum, except I did bc i was town 

Can you point to some whicker posts that shows some active game solving?

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The first 3 or 4 are whisker critically thinking 

10 hours ago, Whicker said:



9 hours ago, Whicker said:

Whoa now. That’s a name drop 


9 hours ago, Whicker said:

Interesting response my friend 


9 hours ago, Whicker said:

Oh man this is a bit early to breaking out that victim card eh?

The last one below is whicker thinking about the game and the potential setup 

2 hours ago, Whicker said:

I’m picking up what you’re putting down 

Game’s too small for innocent child to be mafia. 


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