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Monster Village Mafia - The Village is destroyed, Werewolves win!


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5 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

Counselor confirms I'm not the werewolf.

It would have been nice if some others were here to discuss how to construct some moves here.  Counselor and I have been here discussing options with forge for the last while.  

Based on N3, it is Forge, you or Counselor. 

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Bcb sat in his office with a massive sack of gold coins next to him and a smaller stack on the table in front of him. He was almost finished counting today's collections and was ready to send it off to the king.


A loud bang came from the storage room next door, throwing off his count. He swore to himself and got up to go check out the commotion. He went through the door but couldn't see anything in the darkness. As his eyes adjusted he thought he saw someone hanging from the ceiling...upside down? He lit his candle and the room was illuminated. The man hanging from the ceiling threw his hands up in front of his face.

"Ah, bright light! The sun! The sun!"

He fell from the ceiling with a loud thump. He quickly scrambled to his feet and threw a cloak over the lower half of his face. He was skinny and gaunt and didn't seem to present any sort of threat.

"I vant to suck your blood!"

Bcb stared quizically at the man before saying, "Who are you?"

"Uhh...it doesn't matter! I am here for your blood!"

Bcb shook his head at the man and turned around to go back to his work. The man grew annoyed and jumped forward, jabbing two sewing needles into his neck. As he pulled them out, tiny drops of blood began to form where bcb's neck was punctured.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?!"

The man stammered, "I...uh...I thought that would...I thought there would be more blood..."

Bcb looked at the man incredulously before grabbing his arm and saying, "Come here young man, I'm taking you to the town guard. They can deal with you."

"No, don't! I can't go there!"

The man pulled his arm out of bcb's hand and quickly grabbed the nearest solid object he could find, a fine metal scale. He brought it around and hit bcb upside the head. Bcb lay on the floor, dazed as the man leaned over him.

"I...I'm sorry. This didn't go how I planned at all."

The strange man bit bcb in the neck and tore out a decently sized chunk of flesh. Bcb screamed in pain and began writing around as the man leaned down and ripped out more flesh. Now the blood was flowing how he wanted it to.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" the man continually screamed as he kept leaning down and biting and tearing away at bcb's next. Soon blood was pooled all over the floors and bcb was dead. The man looked around nervously before quickly fleeing the scene.

@bcb1213 is dead. He was The Tax Collector, Village-Aligned


Squire marched through the woods after what he thought was a job well done. He was getting tired of being in this town. He thought it would be an easy job coming here and taking out a few monsters. Then he could have all of the wealth and glory he'd ever hoped for. He could see the dim lights of the town ahead through the trees and was excited to get back to the inn. It had been a long day.

He reached a familiar clearing. The place where it all began, where poor Gretel and that nasty witch had been viciously ripped apart by some horrible monster. He shuddered at the carnage he and others had witnessed when they came across the scene. He stopped for a moment when he came across the patch of grass still stained with Gretel's blood.

"So young," he muttered aloud to himself. A crack of a branch from the treeline snapped him out of his thoughts. He knew that a snapped tree branch was never a good sign in this village. He unsheathed his mighty sword and pointed it ahead. 

"I know how to use this, I am an experienced adventurer! I won't go down without a fight unlike the normal residents of this wretched town!"

Out of the forest walked a werewolf. It seemed to almost be smirking at him as it approached him slowly. Squire rushed forward with his sword and swung at the beast but the werewolf just swiped it aside like it was nothing. Squire backed up, looking around him for something else to use as a weapon but found nothing. The beast picked him up by the throat and lifted him in the air. Slowly the creature began squeezing its claws around squire's throat. Blood began to pour from where the claws punctured his throat and his airway was cut off. It was a painful death as he started drifting in and out of consciousness before he finally died.

@squire12 is dead. He was The Wanderer, Village-Aligned


It is now Day 6! With 5 alive and 5 voting, it's 3 to kill! The deadline will be tomorrow, 8/30 at 10:00 PM EST.

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