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Black Sails Mafia (S1): Day 5


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Just now, Forge said:

You have a faction...

When Flint died I became Nassau.

A spoiler if you haven't seen the show:


Vane and Flint were enemies during the Season 1...

...The meeting concludes with Eleanor revealing the existence of the Fort's tunnels to Vane, and agreeing to make him a partner in her venture, and allowing him to remain Steward of the Fort.

Vane literally is Steward of Fort Nassau because he is ultimately Nassau-aligned - but enemy of Flint

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3 minutes ago, JoshstraDaymus said:

He also had you very much red lettered in his list, in fact you were the only one red lettered fully. I mean come on man, you told us your win con and you didn’t even tell us any of your night moves or anything else? You literally have nothing to show for it. You’re The Godfather.

False. I was green lettered. GREEN, not red like scum.


On 9/11/2020 at 11:53 AM, MWil23 said:

Yeah, KSJ is Green GF


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Just now, kingseanjohn said:

When Flint died I became Nassau.

A spoiler if you haven't seen the show:

Vane literally is Steward of Fort Nassau because he is ultimately Nassau-aligned - but enemy of Flint

I haven't seen it. Seems like a weird mechanic to have you be a different faction with a wincon of outliving a certain someone, then flipping to that person's alignment when they are dead lol

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Just now, Forge said:

I haven't seen it. Seems like a weird mechanic to have you be a different faction with a wincon of outliving a certain someone, then flipping to that person's alignment when they are dead lol

The whole faction became Nassau aligned with the death of Flint. Nassau is the island, not a name of a person or group.

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@Nazgul @Forge

Look at the facts. The janitoring of squire, which Josh is completely ignoring, the fact that Josh is the ONLY person to die (outside of squire) and not show an alignment. He then tries to deflect and say that I did the same, when clearly anyone who "is dying" or still alive didn't show alignment.


12 hours ago, kingseanjohn said:
On 9/11/2020 at 1:36 PM, MWil23 said:

@bcb1213 here's why I think it's Josh and why I've held out this long...

I NO SUBMITTED a move last night to see who would try to use me for a clear.

Sorry Josh



On 9/11/2020 at 1:57 PM, MWil23 said:

Here's what I'm BETTING:

Josh: Red Scum, Pickle gave him that claim in scum chat


On 9/12/2020 at 6:46 AM, MWil23 said:

Josh was janitored guys, no alignment flip. He’s scum.


If you don't believe me, believe mwil. Josh is the last mutineer.

@Forge @Nazgul


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