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Fox Sitcoms - Official BSET (Nominations)


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I don't understand how some people are so braindead or brainwashed that they can get through season 5 of The Office and still think it's good.  It didn't start to suck after Michael left.  That's just when it became no longer watchable since Steve Carrell wasn't there to carry it.

The first bad steps were right away in season two the moment they hired Ed Helms.  Can anybody remember a single memorable thing from Ed Helms in The Office?
Ellie Kemper was the second terrible casting choice.  She's not funny, she's just great at playing the socially retarded weird girl.  That's not funny, it's just... awkward. 
Then Zach Woods.  I ****ing hate this guy.  How was he funny?  He wasn't funny.  He was a creepy, possessive, abusive weirdo who was more creepy than funny.
Clark Duke.  Also not funny. 
Don't even get me started on that British red head lady. 

It's like the creators of The Office didn't know what made the show funny it's first 4 seasons.  They were like, "Let's throw into a show about relatable characters some extremely unrelatable weirdos, creeps and generally unlikable characters because that's funny." 

If The Office ended after season 4, maybe it's the best sitcom ever.  It didn't.  It's like if you're eating a sandwich and you start around the edges and it tastes great, but the center of the sandwich is smooshed dog crap. 


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