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Valkyrie Mafia: D8 Ends Saturday at 10 PM EST

The Orca

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47 minutes ago, Dome said:

I guess...


that’s not really how bussing works though, at least I’ve never seen it done.

Alright, I'm not explaining this well. I'm saying if someone wanted to try the crazy play of throwing a teammate under the bus early in the game for no real reason, it makes sense to throw someone like mission under the tires. It was just me thinking about a scenario like that and who would be an ideal target.

But guess what's nice? I'm clear baby! So I can say whatever ridiculous half-baked ideas form in my sleep-deprived mind and you guys aren't going to vote me off. Coming into a game late to a role that's already cleared is basically my dream come true.

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I have made the clear and convincing case for all 3 being scum.  I'd bet the game on them as well (especially the first 2).  I think I need to step back for a little bit bc im letting swag and blue (purposely and with corrridination) aggravate me to where I'm going back to an old style.  I'm even letting it effect my real life and that is something I did not want to let happen again.  

Swag - is not any sort of protector.  He claimed a nameless soldier (where as I am THE protector and am a main character).  I have read swag as scum sense d1 and will stand by this to the end of time.  

Forge - is not the vig.  I am 99.99999999% certain that @Counselor and @bigbadbuff are town and make up the town vig with their 3 bombs/kills.  They have also claimed 2 other main characters including the biggest one (Tom Cruise) that plant the bombs.  They are town and should in no way be viewed as scum.

Blue - with his latest post that I 🚨, tries to make a case where he will not consider voting for the 2 guaranteed and cc scum.  Only reason he does this is to try and protect them.  He aslo tried to claim that by receiving "failed" he can conclude that he was jailed.  This is an outright lie and I can guarantee you that you cannot figure anything at all about being jailed.  

Bet the game on these 3 as scum.  I'll post my "Pickle list" shortly as well.  If you need my ill be around.  I will just be trying to refrain posting to certain individuals.  I have been an *** in real life and in the game and its directly related to this game.  I need to do better and will try to do better. 

I'm not sure who will even read this much but I would like to apologize to those in the game and those around me irl that I have been an *** to.  I promise to do better in the future even if It means I have to refrain from posting.

Edited by Pickle Rick
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Just now, Pickle Rick said:

Its a defacto cc.  One person is claiming to be the town vig. The other 2 combine to in my mind 99% equal a town vig.  Thus there will not be another town vig.  

Bombs and town vig can co exist, they are not at all mutually exclusive. Also, you can't call your own argument clear and convincing if nobody else thinks it is. You don't get to decide if your argument is convincing.

I do agree with you on Swag being very sus but not necessarily for the same reasons you lay out above. I disagree strongly with your reasoning on Forge. And as for Blue, I again don't find any of your reasons particularly compelling or based in any sort of facts or logic.

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3 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Its a defacto cc.  One person is claiming to be the town vig. The other 2 combine to in my mind 99% equal a town vig.  Thus there will not be another town vig.  

That’s not what a CC is, literally.

youre being abstract 

@SwAg I gotchu 

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32 minutes ago, rackcs said:

Bombs and town vig can co exist, they are not at all mutually exclusive. Also, you can't call your own argument clear and convincing if nobody else thinks it is. You don't get to decide if your argument is convincing.

I do agree with you on Swag being very sus but not necessarily for the same reasons you lay out above. I disagree strongly with your reasoning on Forge. And as for Blue, I again don't find any of your reasons particularly compelling or based in any sort of facts or logic.

They cannot coexist, a 23 man game and 4-10+ kills as town is asinine and insane. 

If you had read the entire thread then it would all be clear and convincing.  It's not your fault that you have not bc I wouldn't either bc of the trash in there which is partly on me.  

You are entitled to your opinions but it does not change my opinion that they are clear and convincing and yes I can and get to say that.  You do not have to believe it and that is fine.  


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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

Hey rack, based on your PM, is it clear that you’re Town at first reading?  Because Rick’s fixation on me this game originated because Jason entered the thread and asked if Hitler was a good guy, and I pushed that.

Its so funny that the least experienced person here helped to catch swag.  

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