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Jurassic Park Mafia - N5 Friday at 9:00 pm eastern

Pickle Rick

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41 minutes ago, swoosh said:


the quote from daniel was:

Well, swoosh has pretty explicitly claimed to have blocked you. And there was no scum kill.

It was in the thread and everything.

I'm not sure what that quote was pulled from, so I didn't know who daniel quoted and was referring to with "you" (bolded above). i'm guessing bcb, but needed to confirm before saying anything on it. 

I was saying it to bcb.

6 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Can’t really thoroughly explore it thoroughly at this time, but Ragnarok also didn’t do anything on N1 [=

Then that would have been great information to bring up a long time ago.

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4 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Because, to be clear, I could have blocked a hit or protected from a hit.  Not really sure which, if either, but seems probable.

Ok, that makes more sense. But I would have probably voted for Rags over bcb if it wasn’t last second.

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