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2018 NFL Draft Prospects - picks and draft board pg 1


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19 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

But if he can be had for something decent like 5/30 or like that. Would you go for it?

I mean, I would expect him to suck once he got here. Even if he doesn't now. Dallas has a way of bringing out the suck in DBs. Morris Claiborne and then Brandon Carr especially. Both looked great before they got here. Average at times when here and now doing better somewhere else. We bring in FAs like Brodney Pool, Nolan Carrol, Ken Hamlin. Hell bring on Vacarro he'll be different. I was watching NFLN last night, not sure if you caught it. Malik Jackson was on and they asked him what the big turn around for the Jaguars was. He said, without hesitation, it was "...the FO bringing in guys like Tom Coughlin and Barry Church. Those guys put us over the hump." Barry Chrurch and Tom Coughlin!! Barry Chrurch is the reason Jackson says. I wonder who the Jags would rather have. Barry Church or Vaccaro? Vaccaro may not give us what Church did. So is he worth what we couldn't\wouldn't give Church?


No Vaccaro is not going to accomplish anything in this defense. He'll be hated by week 6. The only thing that will make a difference is a new DC(which I hate because he is maybe the best DL coach in the game) or a true difference maker like Ramsey. Maybe Derwin or Fitz 

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4 hours ago, DaBoys said:

I mean, I would expect him to suck once he got here. Even if he doesn't now. Dallas has a way of bringing out the suck in DBs. Morris Claiborne and then Brandon Carr especially. Both looked great before they got here. Average at times when here and now doing better somewhere else. We bring in FAs like Brodney Pool, Nolan Carrol, Ken Hamlin. Hell bring on Vacarro he'll be different. I was watching NFLN last night, not sure if you caught it. Malik Jackson was on and they asked him what the big turn around for the Jaguars was. He said, without hesitation, it was "...the FO bringing in guys like Tom Coughlin and Barry Church. Those guys put us over the hump." Barry Chrurch and Tom Coughlin!! Barry Chrurch is the reason Jackson says. I wonder who the Jags would rather have. Barry Church or Vaccaro? Vaccaro may not give us what Church did. So is he worth what we couldn't\wouldn't give Church?


No Vaccaro is not going to accomplish anything in this defense. He'll be hated by week 6. The only thing that will make a difference is a new DC(which I hate because he is maybe the best DL coach in the game) or a true difference maker like Ramsey. Maybe Derwin or Fitz 

It is very possible we lose out. But the guy is 26, plays at a high level. And is probably disgruntled with the way he's been treated. If we can save on a draft pick or two when getting some of these guys at value, I say why not go for it. Keep in mind this guy was a Top 20 pick not to long ago, and it's just as likely neither Derwin nor Fitz solves the problem either.

But I do agree with you we need some new coaching. Though I'm not agreeing Marinelli is the problem, maybe we need a better DB coach. 

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Maybe we just need to give our DBs time. Marinelli is great for our DL. I give him credit for David Irving. Irving comes from and entire family of Marines and Marinelli probably gets more out of him then anyone else will. We finally have talent on the DL and it isn't "Marinellis band of misfits," anymore(though Irving was\is a misfit). All of a sudden the DL is awesome. Our top 3 CBs are rookies this week and Byron Jones is the most seasoned vet. When Sean Lee goes down and you start a pack of rookies in the secondary it doesn't matter if your DL can get to the QB. For years people, myself included, have said that CBs won't matter until we get a rush. Well now we see that without a competent LB and no experience secondary means your pass rush can be negated just the same.

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17 hours ago, DaBoys said:

Give me a name. 

SHEEEET I will let the expects figure  that out, in the mean time Draft or FA get er dun. OR the domino effect of not having weapons will trickle down to everything. More men in the box, more hits on Zeke. More hits on Dak, etc.... less points, more defense on the field .. you get my point pilgrims?

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8 minutes ago, resilient part 2 said:

SHEEEET I will let the expects figure  that out, in the mean time Draft or FA get er dun. OR the domino effect of not having weapons will trickle down to everything. More men in the box, more hits on Zeke. More hits on Dak, etc.... less points, more defense on the field .. you get my point pilgrims?

So you want WRs

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With Dez locked up, Twill recently signed, Beasley still under contract, his replacement Switzer drafted in round 4 last year, and Noah Brown drafted later on... How sold are we that Dallas views WR as a huge draft priority? Butler is a FA. They may just re sign him and draft defense again

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Dez, Beasley, Switzer, and Twill are roster locks for next year and Noah Brown is probably hard to cut too. I know we hate TWill but let's face it, the staff doesn't. They are designing WR screens to him and giving him slants in the redzone. Linehan actively looks for ways to get TWill the ball, and you could see that yesterday. I doubt he drops him.

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4 hours ago, resilient part 2 said:

WR or TE. And contract or not no one should be a lock

Personally I would hope we go after 2 TE's unless we find someone unbelievable that drops for WR's. Witten is near done, and while the WR group has been underwhelming. It's our TE core that needs tending. And considering our run game is our bread and butter. Have 2 TE's that can play line, split or out wide for running situations I think is more valuable then another WR. Even if we need one, those guys can be huge redzone targets and a guy like Geseiki or Andrews are sneaky fast to hit the open seams down the sidelines. 

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Tom Brady/NE went 0-10 on 3rd down vs Miami. Should mention NO Gronkowski tonight. Just a bad game or did losing Brady's best weapon hurt this time. Maybe both, BUT you better believe missing a damn good weapon DIDN'T make it easier for Brady. 


WR and TE.  GO get some one. and STOP over-protecting the cap space already. 

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