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Horror Movie Mafia Sign up and Game thread


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54 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

You've already admitted that it was sketchy how it was played. 

I didn't' say it was sketchy, I said I was concerned how we got the information that said in hindsight we shouldn't still be ddebating over how a (now fully) claimed person delivered information that lead to an anti-town lynch.

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Just now, MookieMonster said:

To me, Cwoods behavior is a dead giveaway. Activity died as soon as Bucs started getting heat. I feel like he was converted.

cwoods activity has been sparse to begin with. That said I don't 100% believe that the person who pointed out a possible conversion is definitely part of it because Bucs interacted with his post.

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1 minute ago, MookieMonster said:

To me, Cwoods behavior is a dead giveaway. Activity died as soon as Bucs started getting heat. I feel like he was converted.

He’s on my list as well.

cwood asking about a third faction and Bucs immediately calling him out, voting for him, and Cwood quickly retreating to talking about a Risk themed game is suspect as hell. Shortly after Bucs removes his vote from CWood and cwood only makes a couple posts after that.

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2 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

Oops. Wrong guy.

@theuntouchable what word play were you referring to in Whickers post claiming this was his 2nd game?

I don't remember the exact verbiage used but it was the addition of "not ever" after already stating never. It was adding extra words to put emphasis on something that didn't actually need emphasis.


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46 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

Earlier. I caught Whicker in a lie and called him out.

i think I even said I wasn’t sure why he was lying and someone (untouch I think) asked me if I caught his wordplay after I called him out on lying


on my lunch break I’ll go looking if nobody else has found that exchange by then

Except you didn't catch me in a lie. I invite anyone who disputes my claim to read page 10 and Ragnarok's post on page 12 of the Skyrim mafia game. 

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2 minutes ago, domepatrol91 said:

He’s on my list as well.

cwood asking about a third faction and Bucs immediately calling him out, voting for him, and Cwood quickly retreating to talking about a Risk themed game is suspect as hell. Shortly after Bucs removes his vote from CWood and cwood only makes a couple posts after that.

I don't see a tell in that but that's just me. 

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Also, I always think CWood is scum in every game and I don’t think he actually ever has been yet.

I thought nobody would be stupid enough to call out their own “other” faction so early in a game with no ratio, but CWood also once got his own (former)civ character killed by asking for a [spam] link after he asked for a replacement.

so I don’t think he’s the most careful or thoughtful player by any means

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1 hour ago, Hockey5djh said:

@bcb1213 can I request that you add the either the links to the lynches/nightly evens or the page numbers or something? Looking back to fine events when there's not a definitive schedule is super cumbersome.

the first night write up already has a link in the OPp.  I can add day ones too if you like

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2 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Except you didn't catch me in a lie. I invite anyone who disputes my claim to read page 10 and Ragnarok's post on page 12 of the Skyrim mafia game. 


You knew a lot more about mafia than you should’ve known from being a pro poker player

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Also the hit on untouchable was 100% Jigsaw. Jigsaw made it a point to make sure people could survive his games. 

So if the hit on untouchable was Jigsaw then I think there is a chance no one ended up converted unless the cult had both a hit and a conversion move. 

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Just now, domepatrol91 said:


You knew a lot more about mafia than you should’ve known from being a pro poker player

Bcb says no screenshots but if I could post one I'd post a screenshot of a pm conversation Ragnarok and I had. He posted in the BDL thread advertising your game and I asked what mafia was. He gave me a brief description of the game and a link to the mafia scum wiki that I read though quite a bit of before signing up. 

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