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18 hours ago, kingseanjohn said:

I think I'm read up from the night...

Dome's info was good. Does that make him a clear civ? No. But it makes it more likely imo.

Touch makes sense to me right now. In the Saw movies, as people have said, the survivors have taken up Jigsaw's mantle. I think untouchable could be cult, still trying to convert us.


17 hours ago, CWood21 said:

I'd lean towards touch, but nothing concrete there.  He got his 9 or whatever number of votes it was, but he survived.  Are we so sure that he was converted?

Similar stances....

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17 hours ago, MookieMonster said:

It makes sense that Touch was converted. 

In Saw he tries to get people to appreciate life by putting them through hell, and giving them the opportunity to survive. Touch had the opportunity to survive. I bet the catch was if he survives he's converted, if he doesn't he just dies.

Actually....story wise there is something to this. I'll elaborate when I catch up to this post.

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15 hours ago, james.mcmurry13 said:

They're both 11 hours ago, but hockey's post is half a page before untouch (untouch is first post p59).

Untouch was the post right after night was called, but there was roughly half a page after hockey voted.

For the record my vote and untouchs were very close to each other. I posted the vote while I was catching up. He was still arguing the Bucs was a dumb vote then changed his mind.

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15 hours ago, bcb1213 said:

Night two


Elite Texan is out for a stroll when he is encountered by a masked individual.  ET knows all about monsters and he knows this will not end well for him.

He takes off in the distance but this damn assailant keeps after him, its like the assailant never gets tired.  Up the stairs they go and they finally end up in ET’s place of business.  It is here that ET finally can run no more.  The masked assailant lifts up his weapon and strikes ET in the head knocking him to the ground.  Satisfied with his work the assilant wanders away


But wait!  ET is still stirring.  He calls for his assistant who comes running towards him.  ET exchanges words with his assistant and he runs off.  Suddenly a bolt of lightning hits outside and ET begins to stir even more.  He stands back up!




TK3 is happy with his work.  He finally got to kill someone after someone got away last night.  Damn me for being slow he thinks.  He really is going to regret being slow in a second as he returns home to find a girl sitting on his doorstep.  TWO IN ONE NIGHT!  Thinks TK3, how lucky can I be.  He starts slowly walking towards her and she doesn’t move.  Easiest kill iin years!  As he draws out his trusty Machete the woman stands and flips over top of him.  She lands behind TK3 and chops off his head with a sword.  


TK3 is dead.  He was Jason Voorhees- Hockey Mask Killer-  Evil Aligned


James walks up to his targets house ready to scare the ever living bejesus out of him. Unfortunately being slow as all hell, he is generally pretty ineffective but i digres.  James tries to open the door but he has no luck.  This is ununusual for someone with such superhuman strength.  James looks around for another way in but all he sees is a small box sitting next to the door Above the box lies a puzzle with a note above it  that says, solve this puzzle and you will be allowed entrance.

James looks at the puzzle.  It has some sort of Lament configuration, but luckily, or not so luckily, the person has left the puzzle easily solvible.  All the person has to do is turn the box to the right and they will win.  Not being a mental giant, James tries turning the box in that direction.  Instantly, James is sucked into another world.  In this world James meets something he has never encountered before.  The man with the wierd face beats James over and over again.  The creature  is ready to kill him but is impressed by James bravery.   The creature allows James to live and return to the game but at a price....


James is still alive!!


Stay away from the light Mookie!  Mookie still can not be physically present to vote, but can still be heard and voted for.


It is now day three with 12 alive and voting it is 7 to lynch!!  This phase is schedueled for 40 hours and will end at approx 215 EST on Thursday if no consensus is reached

Just for reference.

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15 hours ago, kingseanjohn said:

So three hits again tonight. I'm guessing based on the write up that tk3 tried to kill ET. That leaves tk3 being killed by a girl and James being nearly killed by what appears to be Pinhead.

Comparing to N1, it looks like Mookie may have been hit by tk3. Bucs was hit by a "smoking hot chick". Is that the same as the girl from N2? And touch by bucs.


Can you go into more detail on "Pinhead" and why his character might allow someone to survive?

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9 minutes ago, Hockey5djh said:

Hoping this gets clarified further as I read.

It never really does. He just says he wanted to make sure untouch was getting investigated... Still doesn't sit well with me. But he also gets ?cleared? maybe I think later after the night moves.

I need to reread, I was following along at work and got couldn't comprehend much after a couple drinks when I got home. 

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