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WWYD?: Fix the franchise


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Here's the deal in this thread -- strictly hypothetical, but what would you do to "fix this franchise" and right the ship? It could be anything from firing/keeping someone, cutting someone, trading for someone, drafting someone, etc. Basically, you play owner. You're AAS without the her inability to keep personal feelings and sentiments out of running a business.

You may not even think the franchise needs fixing -- explain why. This is not meant to be overly negative or positive or anything, just generating discussion. It's been ~10 years since our last playoff birth -- how can we get back to our winning ways (or are we already getting back to them?) I'll post my thoughts/ideas later.



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The first thing I'd do is hire this man to be our next Head Coach.


As a Stanford fan, it'd pain me to see him jump ship to the NFL, but if there's ever a team I want him to jump to it's my Titans. I couldn't think of a more perfect time to make this move with how our team has been constructed and the identity that we've established.  David Shaw is the perfect candidate to take us to the next level not just because he's a great offensive mind/could really help develop Marcus, but most of all because his bread and butter is power football. This would be probably the easiest transition we could possibly have to a new coaching staff, because the offense wouldn't need a complete overhaul in scheme.

So, you might be asking "Okay, but why would we want a coach with a similar mindset to a Coach that we're moving on from?" Well, because Coach Shaw's offenses aren't all just power football. That's the core yes, but he also has a lot of zone and spread concepts that he can run depending on the defense that he's playing.  It's not just a "stuck in the mud" approach to running the football. He knows how to adjust his offense to the opponents that he's playing. Which is something that has been sorely missing from us. Another BIG thing for me is his passing game is predicated on mostly quick hitters Slants/Outs/Curls etc. All things that Marcus excels at.  This year at Stanford offensively has been more of a challenge than most, because our QBs have all been struggling, but I've admired how Shaw has adjusted to multiple guys' skill sets week to week and called plays that put our inconsistent QBs in the best positions to succeed, grow confidence, while still establishing the run game, and we're still right in the thick of the Pac 12 race despite shaky QB play to start the year. That's a big credit to David Shaw. So, I can only imagine what he could do with a supreme athletic talent like Marcus at the helm. I'm salivating just at the thought of it.

Furthermore, any time Shaw has gotten into NFL circles he's beamed about how big of a fan he is of Marcus, and how he knew coming out of Oregon just how special Marcus could be and how he could tell he could process the coverages at an elite level. It's pretty obvious that David Shaw is a huge fan of Marcus Mariota. Shaw always says that Stanford is his dream job, and he's not leaving for the NFL. I believe him, but if there was one job that I think he would seriously consider leaving Stanford for, it would be ours.  I think Shaw and Mariota would simply be a match made in heaven and could lead us to several Super Bowls. That's how much I believe in David Shaw as a coach and what he could do with a talent like Marcus.

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I would keep Mularkey. He helped install this philosophy and for better or worse, the players have responded and things have trended upwards since he got the job. I don't think he has hit the ceiling on how far can he and his system go. I'm very much interested to see how things can work when we fix this defense. Which is why I would consider top priority.

I only know Chubb's name and not much else from this upcoming class. But if either him or some other top pass rusher who can translate to a 3-4 edge rusher is available, I'd go that route in the first round. If the value is not there to draft a OLB, maybe look to trade down, we could use some more picks for different areas in need of depth. I don't think the CB market in FA can offer anything great, so I would try to address it high in the Draft, preferably with our next two picks. FS (thinking of letting Byard playing closer to the line), ILB, DL, OL and WR are all positions I would consider in the mid and later rounds.

I think LeBeau has to go. Bring someone from outside. Have no idea who would be a good candidate, but hopefully they'll figure something that works. I'm not against firing Robiskie and going for a fresher perspective. Hopefully someone who understands a bit of the system already in place and someone who Mularkey can trust to handle the play calling. Again, no idea who can be convinced to join the staff as an OC, but I would have more faith in someone with at the very least the minimum amount of experience as a shot caller.

I think we've seen the need of having a decent if not good backup QB on roster. I'm not against giving Kaep a chance. Also, off the top of my head, I can't think of anyone that would need a contract extension, other than Lewan and Matthews who I think has more than prove he's worth it, is still relatively young and IMO wouldn't require #1 money. I would keep Marcus on his rookie contract for as long as possible.

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I think I keep Mularkey, but I need big improvement on the coordinators... Who and where from is a hell of a monster though... Who are the NFL position coaches ready to promote into those coordinator spots (pro coordinator to pro coordinator moves aren't common, unless something band's happened at that previous stop)... And of those position coaches, what kinda experience do they have designing and calling plays.  

The othet route is to look for a coordinator at the NCAA level looking to make the move. Most of these guys are looking for a HC gig though, even if its the college level... But its where I'd try to go... In my scenario, I'd go after someone like Schiano on D from Ohio St, or the DC from 'Bama... And my ideal OC would be the guy from Oklahoma St, Riley. He's young, he's done a great job at Texas Tech and now OU. Id even be looking at him as the future HC, just with a little seasoning at the pro level. 

I'd make sure JRob continued whatever scouting process he's been working with, I'd just make sure his attention was in the right place... (JRob, you really think we need to give this big guy 7M guaranteed... Dont you think that money would be better spent improving our biggest weakness last year?... That kinda thing... Assist with the focus. As a financial guy I understand the importance of smart investing, not overselling your good position and leaving some room to grow later (ie, Lewan and Mariota contracts)... But I'd remind him to not ignore the current year for something that's still happen. (Not going and making it rain on FAs... But invest a little more on a backup QB considering we have a mobile QB that could miss an important game or 2).

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1 hour ago, ragevsuall17 said:

I think I keep Mularkey, but I need big improvement on the coordinators... Who and where from is a hell of a monster though... Who are the NFL position coaches ready to promote into those coordinator spots (pro coordinator to pro coordinator moves aren't common, unless something band's happened at that previous stop)... And of those position coaches, what kinda experience do they have designing and calling plays.  

The othet route is to look for a coordinator at the NCAA level looking to make the move. Most of these guys are looking for a HC gig though, even if its the college level... But its where I'd try to go... In my scenario, I'd go after someone like Schiano on D from Ohio St, or the DC from 'Bama... And my ideal OC would be the guy from Oklahoma St, Riley. He's young, he's done a great job at Texas Tech and now OU. Id even be looking at him as the future HC, just with a little seasoning at the pro level. 

I'd make sure JRob continued whatever scouting process he's been working with, I'd just make sure his attention was in the right place... (JRob, you really think we need to give this big guy 7M guaranteed... Dont you think that money would be better spent improving our biggest weakness last year?... That kinda thing... Assist with the focus. As a financial guy I understand the importance of smart investing, not overselling your good position and leaving some room to grow later (ie, Lewan and Mariota contracts)... But I'd remind him to not ignore the current year for something that's still happen. (Not going and making it rain on FAs... But invest a little more on a backup QB considering we have a mobile QB that could miss an important game or 2).

I think the biggest thing to remember with finding new coordinators is that Mularkey isn't going to hire coordinators that he doesn't already have a previous relationship with. I love the idea of potentially bringing in some fresh face coordinators from the college ranks if we could pull it off, but that's just not how NFL coaching circles usually work. If Mularkey's going to hire new coordinators they're more than likely going to be NFL guys that he's worked with previously. Unfortunately for us that probably means whoever our next coordinators are will probably be older guys that have been in the NFL for awhile/potential retread coordinators again. That's another reason I think moving on from Mularkey if things continue to falter is the way to go. How many good coaches/potential coordinators would be willing to sign on for a 1 year lame duck head coach? I can't think of many.

That's why I really think Mularkey's contract is going to be a much bigger deal heading towards the end of the year than anybody is saying right now. If we finish 6-10 7-9 I doubt Robinson/AAS are going to want to commit to giving him an extension based off of his body of work through the first two years of his deal, and he's not going to like coaching under the 1 year "Lame Duck" coaching status because it makes it pretty close to impossible to get any good coaches to come join his staff under such shaky ground.

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7 hours ago, SerenityNow said:

I think the biggest thing to remember with finding new coordinators is that Mularkey isn't going to hire coordinators that he doesn't already have a previous relationship with. I love the idea of potentially bringing in some fresh face coordinators from the college ranks if we could pull it off, but that's just not how NFL coaching circles usually work. If Mularkey's going to hire new coordinators they're more than likely going to be NFL guys that he's worked with previously. Unfortunately for us that probably means whoever our next coordinators are will probably be older guys that have been in the NFL for awhile/potential retread coordinators again. That's another reason I think moving on from Mularkey if things continue to falter is the way to go. How many good coaches/potential coordinators would be willing to sign on for a 1 year lame duck head coach? I can't think of many.

That's why I really think Mularkey's contract is going to be a much bigger deal heading towards the end of the year than anybody is saying right now. If we finish 6-10 7-9 I doubt Robinson/AAS are going to want to commit to giving him an extension based off of his body of work through the first two years of his deal, and he's not going to like coaching under the 1 year "Lame Duck" coaching status because it makes it pretty close to impossible to get any good coaches to come join his staff under such shaky ground.

Honestly, barring an unexpected collapse (<6 wins) or a deep playoff run, I fully expext Mularkey to be here next year without an extension.

In my scenario, what I meant by keeping Mularkey was really extending Mularkey, adding another 2 years in addition to the lame duck. I'd also have him in on the idea that one of the coordinators would be promoting in a couple years... As would he... If everything went to plan.

Going back to talk of a new HC, the articles I skimmed all showed a bunch of retreads as the early front runners for jobs next season... McDaniels and Schwartz are almost consensus top 5 guys. Bevell is another common name, but Seahawks fans can't wait for him to leave. Austin is another, but I for one can't see the must have behind the Lions D. 

Most of these guys will be drawing from the same pool Mularkey would in this scenario... And are as likely to land an outside the box hire that I suggested as Mularkey would. More than likely well end up with a rehashed coordinator from x team, and/or a QB or LB coach from y team.

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