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Maximum Carnage Mafia (Legacy) - GAME OVER Bcb wins and everyone else loses, lol


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1 minute ago, Daniel said:

I didn't say the vote line was anything.  You have repeatedly claimed that I was late on bbb, when I had heat on him before you did.

But it's really more about showing that you're lying than the actual matter asserted.

you were early to accuse buff, backed off, voted ksj in case buff came up with a good claim, and then voted buff late

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8 hours ago, Malfatron said:
On 1/25/2021 at 12:32 PM, Blue said:

Day and Night writeups posted in-thread will have some flavor; Night PMs will not.

also, daniel may have swung and missed regarding Blues posts in the rules about night pms not having flavor. 

he assumed incorrectly imo of what the role pm would say. notice Daniels specific use of the word "flavor", ripped right out of Blues rules.


check out this interaction


12 hours ago, Daniel said:

Counselor, did you get flavor for the block, or were you just unable to complete your action?

anticipating that counselor didnt get flavor because thats what blues rules say.


12 hours ago, Counselor said:

I am not saying anymore at this time. I have a feeling on this and will watch the thread play out. 


12 hours ago, Daniel said:

Aight.  We should circle back to this later though.  I might know something, but it's kind of a guess.

what do you know? what guess did you have? that comment doesnt make too much sense.


12 hours ago, Counselor said:

I’ll say this it wasn’t a jail/protection 

this seems to trigger daniel to think that "not completing" his action would be the proper response to a flavorless roleblock action. 

so he goes for it...


11 hours ago, Daniel said:

I'll just put my info out there, then.

I've been unable to complete my action for both phases.  No flavor, but that's what I got.

I'm wondering if we either have multiple scum roleblockers or a roleblocker who gets multiple targets.

Realistically, anyone who's roleblocking someone other than Swag is scum.


Daniel mentions "no flavor" yet again. hes clinging to what he knows from Blues PM


11 hours ago, Counselor said:

By no flavor what does it tell you? Just that you can’t complete your action?


11 hours ago, Daniel said:

Yes.  Let me message Blue and see what I can say about what the PM said without breaking a rule.


11 hours ago, Daniel said:

I was just told that I was unable to INSERT MY ABILITY AND TARGET HERE.


11 hours ago, TheKillerNacho said:

that is inconsistent with what I got n1.


11 hours ago, Counselor said:

Okay well I was told I was roleblocked so...


11 hours ago, Daniel said:

Dang.  Well, there goes that theory.


what theory?

translation: Whoops, i messed up


there are some questions here

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19 minutes ago, Daniel said:

You were right.  I was faking that Malf/Matts thing, which is too bad, since they were both non-town anyway.  I remembered it because you fingered me for that reason, and no one followed you.  It wasn't til touch did it that anyone listened.

I mean, you were right.  But you never laid out a case, which made me super mad in the chat.  You literally just said "Daniel is scum," and that it was a read, and that got me lynched.

Anyway, so, I guess I'll start my defense:

First, a little ad hominem on Malf:

Yall are following Malf, who so far: Forced the watcher to claim on Day 1, named Forge and bbb as two of the three he'd save, and "nailed bbb," who me and MWil had been naming as scum the whole day.  Then there's the absolute about face he did here on my case.  At best, Malf is having a bad game.  At worst, he's trying to get a good town player mislynched.  I'll get to the specifics in a bit, but that requires quotes.

Second: nothing I've done lines up with being scum.  I was the second person to attack bbb (something else that Malf keeps lying about), I've been actively scumhunting, and volunteered information without any pressure on me because I'm trying to help the town win.

Third: This whole case is built on the idea that I'm bussing, which is something I never do as scum.  Last game, daboyle got linked to me after my death because I soft defended him (and by the way, that's what a soft defense is) to try to avoid him being the inactive lynch.  The game before that that I was scum, my scummates were found by squire because when I lined up my list of scummy to non-scummy, all of my allies were in the center section.  I challenge you to find any game I've played as scum where I early bussed a teammate.  It's something I just don't do.

Fourth: Cost/benefit.  I'm not gonna say I'm the best player, but I'm a good player.  I'm good at threadplay, read consistently, and find scum.  If yall are wrong, you lose an active, good player for town.  Since the whole case Malf has is based on me and gopher being allies, lynching him is a smarter move anyway.

Now, I would really prefer not to have to dig back through, again, to show that I attacked bbb early, but I am gonna show you how we know Malf is lying, but that's gonna take a minute.

I mean, what can I say. 

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3 minutes ago, Blue said:

As a reminder, do not edit posts. Mods, that includes you--just because it doesn't show up as edited doesn't mean you get to edit posts freely. I catch you doing it, you get the modkill axe.

What if I catch them doing it and tell you?

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