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Victim and affected accounts in times of significant tragedy is so important in getting help. It helps people see the events beyond a statistic banner on their screen. I’ve been refreshing the names of a few people the last few days that said they haven’t heard from their family since Saturday and hope they’re hostages in Gaza and not just deceased. 

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How on earth do people possibly afford a mortgage, bills, car payments and a child in daycare at the same time. Let alone multiple children in daycare at the same time. Does everyone live in a family where both spouses make 6 figures? Is there a grant or a loan I need to apply for nobody told me about. Why is childcare so expensive.

Edited by AkronsWitness
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1 hour ago, AkronsWitness said:

How on earth do people possibly afford a mortgage, bills, car payments and a child in daycare at the same time. Let alone multiple children in daycare at the same time. Does everyone live in a family where both spouses make 6 figures? Is there a grant or a loan I need to apply for nobody told me about. Why is childcare so expensive.

Hence birth rates around the globe declining rapidly. 

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Imagine for a second buying into the "social" "dilemmas" that the billionaires want you to focus on instead of the realism of class warfare that has been oppressed for over 100 years. 

If you care about human rights, or even US border control, or basic vaccines or low taxes, or literally anything other than billionaires raping the planet and 99.9% of humans for capital gains, you have been fully brainwashed. Enjoy the stables. 

Capitalism is the same as religion, a tool of the elite to brainwash and exploit the working class.

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3 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

Imagine for a second buying into the "social" "dilemmas" that the billionaires want you to focus on instead of the realism of class warfare that has been oppressed for over 100 years. 

If you care about human rights, or even US border control, or basic vaccines or low taxes, or literally anything other than billionaires raping the planet and 99.9% of humans for capital gains, you have been fully brainwashed. Enjoy the stables. 

Capitalism is the same as religion, a tool of the elite to brainwash and exploit the working class.

We are at the point where there shouldnt even be a working class

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4 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

Hopefully getting closer to ZPG, that kid from 3rd rocks celeb jeopardy charity back in the 1990s

ZPG is the upper-end of solvability. Realistically we need 0.76 growth at a maximum. Less, if global warming continues unchecked on this tend.

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24 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

Imagine for a second buying into the "social" "dilemmas" that the billionaires want you to focus on instead of the realism of class warfare that has been oppressed for over 100 years. 

If you care about human rights, or even US border control, or basic vaccines or low taxes, or literally anything other than billionaires raping the planet and 99.9% of humans for capital gains, you have been fully brainwashed. Enjoy the stables. 

Capitalism is the same as religion, a tool of the elite to brainwash and exploit the working class.

And the educated middle class is the only thing standing in the way of America no longer being a democracy--but they have been trying to squeeze the middle class out of existence for years too. They're tryin

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