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11 minutes ago, ET80 said:

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

But it is.

One is communicable and is a threat to society. The other is being obese. Neither is great, but one is significantly worse than the other.

It's not a choice to be homeless. It's a choice to be unvaccinated.

You understand we have laws against this, and send people to jail for this, right? Can we send unvaccinated people to jail? I'll buy that! Yeah, now you're making sense!

Jail! Send em to jail! Along with the unvaccinated! I'll buy that for a dollar!

Send em to jail too! Along with the unvaccinated! Woohoo!

Your comparisons are incredibly stupid, but you're pointing something out in your ramblings (gonna make it bold so you don't get distracted and miss it):

Each one of those is bad for society - and society has an applicable punishment for said behavior. You sell crack, you go to jail. You steal money, you go to jail. You punch someone in the face, jail.

You're unvaccinated and... what is the applicable punishment, again?

Because I don't think you can send the unvaccinated to jail. So... what do we do?

I disagree that its a bad comparison. As i already said, it plays by the rules that you set. Maybe come up with better rules next time?


Homelessness many times is a choice. Theres shelters available where you can have a roof over your head. If it makes you feel better, and i will conceed and change this to living on the street. 


And again, the rules you set is to essentially kill whats bad for society. Youre changing thing as you realize just how bad of an argument youre making, which i at least appreciate you realize youre making bad arguments. The punishment for being unvaccinated is potenetially dealing with a sever case of covid. Thats their risk. Getting care for covid doesnt mean you live and going to prison for a crime doesnt mean youre reformed. Yet we dont just kill anyone who commits a crime, do we. Obviously not. 

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1 hour ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

If exercise and eating well was the singular answer to covid, this doesn’t happen.


In case anyone isn’t sure if the Myles Garrett character is physically fit, have a look for yourself.


You work in healthcare, you need to do better. Seriously. Maybe people shouldnt get vaccines because 3 people died. Seriously, do better. 

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Just now, JonStark said:

You got to stop digging this hole man. 

I mean, thats a fact. You realize the vast majority dont need to live on the streets, right. Theres plenty of shelters available, you just have to abide by certain rules and they will feed and house you. Again, its a fact those places exist, and its a fact that most have room available. Are you not aware of those places?

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10 minutes ago, JonStark said:

If you told me one year ago that we currently have a vaccine that works and this many people are refusing to take it, I would've laughed in your face. 

And then blame the fat people for some reason 

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50 minutes ago, squire12 said:

....GSUeagles14 defends you????

I can't think of many worse punishments. Water boarding, maybe?

38 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

I disagree that its a bad comparison.

Of course you would, your overall engagement to this point is one that is rooted in confusion. You don't understand WHY it's a bad comparison, so I'm going to say it one last time and be done with it:

Being obese isn't communicable. Being unvaccinated leads to communicating a disease to others. Ergo, they are not comparable.

I don't know how to make it any simpler for you. If you need me to use construction paper and glitter glue, lmk.

38 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

Homelessness many times is a choice.


You're reaching REALLY hard on this, and even you know that.

38 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

And again, the rules you set is to essentially kill whats bad for society.

Incorrect, I've held the same lines for the majority of this discussion:

- Unvaccinated people pose a risk to society (moreso than obese people).

- Unvaccinated people are detremental to society, and are an unnecessary strain on our already limited resources.

- If unvaccinated people suddenly look to science and medicine to save them AFTER they chose to reject science and medicine, it's a strain on a system that's already tasked to capacity, so it only makes sense they're the ones left out when that time comes.

Find me where I didn't maintain these points.

38 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

The punishment for being unvaccinated is potenetially dealing with a sever case of covid.

But the strain on resources to get them back to health is a punishment to everyone else - so we all have to pay for that choice?

38 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

Getting care for covid doesnt mean you live and going to prison for a crime doesnt mean youre reformed.

But getting care for Covid means that limited resources are being used on you and not someone else - that's an on call nurse making sure you breathing, a doctor who isn't taking care of someone else because you developed pneumonia, another family who is exposed to viral loads because you need to have science save you AFTER you said "No thanks, I'm good" to science.

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6 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

Exhausting Gif

So you made a very clear assumption, was wrong about said assumption and then instead of being a grown up about it, took the time to reply with a Harry Potter gif. 👌


This thread thread has resorted to like the same 9 people posting in it, all telling each other the same thing and it doesn’t matter if it’s right or logical, you’re getting reassurance from each other. Thank god that’s not real life. Whether it’s @ramssuperbowl99posting absurd claims that take 1 minute literally to see it’s not true, or @Xenos being the sole arbitor on who has a good reason to not get vaccinated not based on fact, but just what he thinks.@ET80s brilliant idea of essentially saying we should let the unvaccinated die, @LETSGOBROWNIES, a health care professional mind you, using a clear outlier in showing a healthy, in shape person as you can still get a bad case of COVID… like should people point to the 3 people who died of the vaccine as a reason not to get it. To @Deadpulsenot really adding any substance at At all but being as disingenuous as possible and a few others either intentionally or unintentionally being obtuse. Enjoy the thread, and again, thank goodness it’s not reality. Some of you guys are actually making me look smart, which I’m very much not, and it’s upsetting. 

To hammer home how not smart I am, I really wanted to put the half baked fast food gif in here but couldn’t figure it out from my phone. Most will know what scene im Talking about so please just imagine that I was smart and figured out how to get it in here. 


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2 minutes ago, GSUeagles14 said:

So you made a very clear assumption, was wrong about said assumption and then instead of being a grown up about it, took the time to reply with a Harry Potter gif. 👌

Its baffling that you have taken anything I have said seriously. I literally admitted to being purposely disingenuous and too emotionally exhausted to form an actual response. Bravo for taking that and using it to make you look superior. 

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