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Just now, The Orca said:

We didnt, just have to step it up from here 

I get the feeling squire was telling the truth about 2/3 of his scum. And hint: he's wrong about me.

Hunch on daboyle is strictly based on him and Josh are tight and daboyle has hardly given any effort in thread. I think he's hiding on purpose. Malf just seems fishy, disappearing after this morning. Hell, throw Nacho and Daniel in there. That whole line reeked. 

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Just now, Pickle Rick said:

Whoever is alive lynch him again imo.  

I also am leaning he is indy.   Bcb wouldn't have waived the white flag if that could happen with mafia 

I was actually thinking he might be the indy lol. Lets see how night goes 

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6 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Malf most definitely feels like he is with squire if squire is not indy.   They both spent most of the game throwing each other under the bus.  

don't think squire is indy. squire, malf, nacho, and daboyle IMO.

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Still alittle unsure, TK ventured out on his own to gather some information that he could bring back. He moves quick as it begins to darken. He would in short order approach a person he was looking to get to know just a bit better. With the dark surrounding and tensions being at an all time high. TK was unfortunately met with a shot to the face and a launch to the blast zone.

TK3 has been KOd. He was Captain Douglas Falcon Hero aligned Role Cop

Daniel feeling a bit secure in his position now took a moment to relax. He would pull out a bottle of Lon Lon Ranch’s famous milk to replenish his stamina a bit. While he takes a sip and lets a out a breath feeling the stresses of the most recent day, he was approached from behind and picked off of the platform and thrown far off stage into the blast zone, never to be seen or heard from again (not that he’s a big talker).

Daniel has been KOd. He was Link Hero aligned Jailkeeper.

Realizing the party does not seem as full, Malfatron would turn quickly to investigate. Using his great speed he would leave the group. Seeing this as a suspicious move, Malfatron would be attacked. He would reflect several beams shortly, but then would be met with a vicious physical attack that could not be protected by his trademark shine.

Malfatron has been KOd. He was Fox McCloud Hero aligned Tracker

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