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BDL Discussion Thread 2022


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10 hours ago, Blue said:

Regarding the Oregon-Tennessee debate:

We'll see what the playoff committee does, but if the rankings are roughly similar, we're looking at Oregon facing both a ranked Washington team next week, then what could be a fringe top-10 team in Utah the following week. It would be absolutely shocking if they don't pass Tennessee in the rankings on the strength of those two wins alone. Winning out over Oregon State and a likely top-10 opponent in the Pac-12 title game could put them as high as the No. 3 seed, let alone ahead of Tennessee.

Vols need TCU to drop a game or a 2-loss Pac-12 champ to make the playoff, in all likelihood. Neither of which is at all unlikely! But I do think they need help even if they win out. And they may need the Ohio State-Michigan winner to win convincingly.

I have ZERO issue with this. Here's what I have an issue with:

The committee goes back and forth between "the best team eye test" and "the best resume", cherry picking teams and selectively leaving teams out.

For example, OSU in 2015 was a 1 loss team who trailed 0 seconds all year (lost on a last second FG to MSU), and yet a 2 loss Stanford jumped them to 5th because "of the eye test/resume". Similarly, OSU went the year they lost to PSU despite not going and Penn State having 2 losses.

Meanwhile, Alabama went in 2017 despite not even going to their own conference title game/winning their division because they were "clearly one of the best four teams" (I agree, they were).

In 2018, OSU was left out because they were BLOWN OUT on the road (against Purdue), which again, that's fine, so be it, don't get blown out. However, Oregon had their doors blown off by UGA, and really, why should early vs. late in the season factor in at all? I've NEVER understood that. Losses are losses whenever.

My issue has ALWAYS been not having some sort of universal criteria, which is why the 4 team never made sense to me with 5 Power Conferences. Someone is getting left out even if Notre Dame doesn't make it on a given year, let alone the years that they do, now you're talking about 2+ conferences.

So, what's the incentive for Oregon or anyone else to play a tough nonconference opponent? But, at the same time, nobody will convince me that both OSU and UM aren't clearly Top 4 teams with "the eye test", and the loser of that game is a victim of circumstances and being on the same side of the division, much like the Tennessee/Georgia loser.

Tennessee will have beaten TWO Top 5-8 teams in LSU and Alabama and lost to the best team in the nation, on the road. They SHOULD be in if they win out, sorry about your luck Oregon.

If UCLA/USC win out, we can have that conversation, but Oregon is a non starter for me barring some slip ups elsewhere for teams like OSU/UM, TCU, USC/UCLA, or Tennessee.


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30 minutes ago, wwhickok said:

Yes it is. Assuming youre talking about what i think you are. I was there earlier thia year. It took a good 4 months for my lungs to get back to full strength

Yeah, we all got Covid pretty bad Friday night.  The toughest part was that Mara felt so bad she couldn't sleep for long periods, so MN and I were up constantly through the night.  Mara finally slept last night from 1130 pm til 830 am, so I think we've turned the corner.

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@Ragnarok brother I'm sorry and I feel your pain. In 2020 my wife and I both had it and I had to care for our 3 kids who got it because she was too sick and isolated to the bedroom. I was out of my "symptom window" for the worst of it, so that job fell to me. Great times man...great times.

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No one in my family has COVID but it feels like everyone we know got it and my mom gets sick very easily. None of my relatives who have gotten the shot have had it either. We seem to have some decent natural immunity that works well when combined with the vaccine. Or we are just very damn lucky.

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4 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

@Ragnarok brother I'm sorry and I feel your pain. In 2020 my wife and I both had it and I had to care for our 3 kids who got it because she was too sick and isolated to the bedroom. I was out of my "symptom window" for the worst of it, so that job fell to me. Great times man...great times.

So Friday and Saturday night, Mara couldnt really sleep laying flat cause she was so congested, so she would only sleep on one of us, so we took turns sitting up in our big glider rocking her.  We took her to the clinic Saturday cause she had a heartrate of like 180 beats per minute which is super high and a fever between 101.8 and 103.1 for 12 hours or so.  She also wouldnt eat anything other than a fruit/veggie pouch for like 48 hours.

From there it was just alternating baby ibprofen and baby tylenol and turning our bathroom into a sauna to clear her out and pray she would sleep so we could recover a bit.

Honestly, the worst part mentally was that Mara couldn't tell us what hurt. 

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10 minutes ago, LAOJoe said:

No one in my family has COVID but it feels like everyone we know got it and my mom gets sick very easily. None of my relatives who have gotten the shot have had it either. We seem to have some decent natural immunity that works well when combined with the vaccine. Or we are just very damn lucky.

So my fiancee has 4 shots, I have 3, and Mara got her first COVID vaccine a month ago, and this was the first time any of us had gotten it. 

I think we finally just hit the COVID lottery.

But hey, now we can travel for the holidays without any concern.

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1 hour ago, Ragnarok said:

In other news, turns out that whole 'losing your senses of taste and smell' is a real thing.

I lost the smell when I had it.  was totally odd but it bounced back fairly quickly for me luckily after I was over it


Hope you get well quickly buddy

Edited by bcb1213
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2 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

So my fiancee has 4 shots, I have 3, and Mara got her first COVID vaccine a month ago, and this was the first time any of us had gotten it. 

I think we finally just hit the COVID lottery.

But hey, now we can travel for the holidays without any concern.

It happens. All the shots do is make it harder for the lottery to hit and keep it from mutating as quickly as it could as a whole.

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19 minutes ago, LAOJoe said:

It happens. All the shots do is make it harder for the lottery to hit and keep it from mutating as quickly as it could as a whole.

And they limit the potency/duration of the virus. 

Our doctor(who heads up the entire residency program at Vandy) said that my dad would have been on a ventilator when he got it if not for the vaccine.  He's 74 and diabetic, so there's an age and underlying condition thing, but still...if getting a few shots limits this thing to 48 hours of suck, I'm all for it.

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4 minutes ago, MD4L said:

Not to pivot any conversation and I undoubtedly am hoping for the best for you @Ragnarokbut

Should Frank Reich be a highly coveted HC candidate next season? If you’ve got a QB in place (Sorry ATL, CAR, NO, few others), he’s gotta be a premier candidate right?

All good.

Honestly, I'd rather take a chance on a Byron Leftwich or Demeco Ryans than I would a guy who has burned out hard and fast in two places in 5 years.

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Totally agree on the inconsistency with the criteria. Only thing to add is that early/late losses matter because of how teams gel as a season goes on. Oregon is definitely playing better now than they were Week 1 when, again, first year HC and transfer QB traveling cross country. I think it’s reasonable to believe Oregon would show up better on a neutral field now. But how much different do you think Tennessee would look against Georgia in a month?

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