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zombie survival mafia: Day three ends 3/10 6pm PST 8pm cst

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**** this. I’m not going to be called out game after game after game. You guys claim you do it to others but you don’t. I’m done explaining myself. I’m done being frustrated by these games. Seriously why do I get tagged when someone fakes a claim when I said that’s okay explicitly?? 

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Just now, MWil23 said:

My win con changed and I just have to eliminate the infected. I had a PM into Wolf this morning, and he answered my question about 15 minutes ago. :) 

Darn, I was right too.

Mine changed as well, but I still have an unchanged tidbit. I may have misinterpreted the situation.

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3 hours ago, MWil23 said:

We've learned a few things from this.

1. LOL

2. Pickle is probably town per meta and absurd lists

Why is it an absurd list?

2 hours ago, MWil23 said:

I seem like the kind of guy that would stay up past midnight EST and just watch mayhem unfold while killing Pickle. Okay, so like 2 of those 3 things seem plausible, but if anything, I'd submit the kill on Pickle early and then wake up to watch the hilarity ensue.

I'm town. :) 

Admission of guilt, spicy

2 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Not sure what you're saying or even including me tbh.

Pretty obvious

1 hour ago, Slappy Mc said:

Pretty sure this is the first time I have stated I will lock my vote.

Either way, on principle, if Malfatron makes it past day two and he hasn't been cleared, he should be actively pushed. 

If that makes me "antitown" then so be it. 

I was redirected to Malf for some reason last night. Not sure what they were expecting, but I can't kill. 

Pretty easy to check, @Whicker you may have found scum lol

1 hour ago, Raves said:


Yup me and Slappy got our super secret bestie pact where we won't vote for the other or hit the other regardless of our alignments, though we don't have to prevent our teammates from doing the same if they feel it's the best option.

: And people don't like me cause I won't kill Pickle D1 myself lol. Everyone else goes above and beyond that. Mwil is culprit #1. Has a 15 person no lynch D1 list and acts like he will go after anyone at anytime lmao

55 minutes ago, Malfatron said:



Mwil is a motivator and Slappy a drug dealer?

26 minutes ago, Raves said:

I don't think I've put a guilty on anyone.  Did I do it while asleep?  Did I actually get some sleep?

Sure you did pg 48

10 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

Interesting thing to OD from. 

Also much like Mwils WWF mafia with the tag teams, I have a feeling my "competition" is also town and I have no desire for them to die. I wonder how interpretive "outlast" can be? Seems pretty much like neither one of us get the win if it's a clean sweep for town and the other is still alive. I'm calling shenanigans. 

That being said, my competition knows who I am now and if they really want me dead, I'm sure they can push my lynch. Pretty sure Squire is still voting me. Mwil is still voting me. Maybe someone else too, I havent seen a vote count in a while.

So you not town

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2 minutes ago, The Orca said:
3 hours ago, MWil23 said:

We've learned a few things from this.

1. LOL

2. Pickle is probably town per meta and absurd lists

Why is it an absurd list?

Having 5-7 scum in the list is absurd or at least was before last night

2 minutes ago, The Orca said:
3 hours ago, MWil23 said:

I seem like the kind of guy that would stay up past midnight EST and just watch mayhem unfold while killing Pickle. Okay, so like 2 of those 3 things seem plausible, but if anything, I'd submit the kill on Pickle early and then wake up to watch the hilarity ensue.

I'm town. :) 

Admission of guilt, spicy

Not even a little bit

2 minutes ago, The Orca said:
2 hours ago, MWil23 said:

Not sure what you're saying or even including me tbh.

Pretty obvious

I legitimately don't understand what you're saying at all in any capacity so I'll stop trying to figure it out and move on. If you have an issue with me beyond the game, I'm not aware of it, nor have I done much so far this game to warrant your angst, but here we are.

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