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2022 Off-Season Thread: The Dead szn...


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1 hour ago, Dcash4 said:

You already did. 


I hate the approach and think its stupid as hell....but I never ONCE stated it COULDNT work out.   If the players all pan out and the new GM can just jump right in and continue building...so be it.      We will be extremely lucky if it works out that way.

Even if it works out though, that doesnt necessarily mean it was a smart approach.       Teams are built in more than just one offfseason....but this is/was a pretty transformational offseason for the Steelers, so a new GM should be part of building the team going forward.  


1 hour ago, Dcash4 said:

That's my problem, and the reason I push back on this. You are already convinced it's wrong, mainly because they choose to do it.

You made this insinuation last time we discussed this, and its getting old.   This baseless claim that Im just hating for the sake of hating is nothing more than you being sore that I dont agree with you about this.   Dont even act like it isnt.

Im willing to agree to disagree, but you have to keep claiming Im wrong, even though you cant prove your stance anymore than I can prove mine.

1 hour ago, Dcash4 said:

The Steelers trust Colbert.  So throwing someone else into the mix MAY not be the smarts alternative reality.

Good for them.

He isnt the one building the teams going forward, and thats what it comes down to.

If the Steelers were smart to begin with, they would have began grooming someone AT LEAST a few years ago.   Colbert had to have known he was likely going to step down in the near future.    Why werent we more prepared?   Or maybe Hunt was that guy and they just arent confident in his abilities?    Who knows?   But something seems off there.

If Colbert were staying through the rest of this season, that would be one thing.    He isnt, and the guy who will be in charge of football operations going forward MAY not even be on the team right now, and will have had ZERO INPUT into the decisions made for the team he is about to take over.  

Again, if you want to continue believing thats perfectly fine....thats up to you.     That doesnt mean I have to agree with you. 

1 hour ago, Dcash4 said:

Allowing some new GM to come in and think he needs to make a mark on a franchise littered with Championship trophiesas he enters the building MAY have lead to trading a future first + to move up to 2 to get Malik -- because he had to make a mark on the franchise. Now you leave it in a place where they might not feel that compulsive need. 


Speaking of assumptions....wow.

At least mine have some sound logic to support them.

This is based on literally nothing except a hypothetical circumstance.

1 hour ago, Dcash4 said:

I really don't have a problem with you saying this might not be the best move -- it very well may not be. But to continually call it "utterly incompetent" like there was only one sure path forward is wrong. 

Because I do believe its an "utterly incompetent" APPROACH.

You do realize that doesnt mean there can be only one OUTCOME, right?

Sure, it could all go south, and the new GM will have to deal with players and coaches he wouldnt have otherwise brought in.

Or the players and coaches could be semi decent, and we can continue spinning tires, and the new GM still has coaches and players he wouldnt have otherwise drafted.

Or the players and coaches could be great, and we can perhaps be in a good position going forward with a new GM.

But at the end of the day, none of those necessarily make the initial approach a smart one.

1 hour ago, Dcash4 said:

There are flaws in every alternative reality you want to live in. But they erred on the side of trusting a guy they find in good standing (as does pretty much the entirety of the NFL) -- and so far he has left them in a spot that is flexible and able to be changed within an off-season, if needed. 

None of this feels incompetent....Will it work? No clue. But this isn't some easy call. 

Again, you are free to feel how you want on this matter.

Nothing you said even began to disprove what I said.   All you did was state that it COULD work out for the best....which I dont even really disagree with.

For the last time....I have an issue with the guy who is taking over this team possibly....POSSIBLY.....not having a single ******* input into building the team he is about take over, and the guy leaving gets to make EVERY SINGLE DECISION for the new GM, who for some reason, they waited until after Free Agency and the draft to appoint.   If its internal...so be it.   If not....it is absolutely incompetent IMO.       

Even if they had brought someone from the outside to coordinate with or even shadow Colbert this offseason, while Colbert still had final say....that wouldve at least made SOME sense.

But if you actually believe that it makes any sense for them to bring in a completely new GM, from the outside, without giving him any say whatsoever in the team building process THIS YEAR and telling him from the get go..

"Here, we didnt trust you enough to have any input on building this team, so make due with the players that the old GM  (who hasnt been that good in years)  decided was best for you..."

...if you believe thats the best approach and the best way to handle bringing in a new GM.....good luck with that.



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12 minutes ago, 43M said:

We will be extremely lucky if it works out that way.

Listen man, I stopped after this because it just keeps proving my point. You have this predetermined. Its bad....unless its not. Then it's not good, it was just lucky. 

I told you last time I have zero opinion of how this is going. We have NO history of this, yet your calls on incompetence make it seem like there is a set path and we have long abandoned it. Good standing GMs seldom leave this game on their own accord. I see flaws in bringing a guy in 7/8ths of the way through the process. I see flaws in sharing a room and welcoming mixed opinions. I see flaws with turning the keys over completely. I see benefits to doing all the same -- you....only see flaw. And not just flaw, but the most utter display of ridiculous incompetent garbage that could ever grace the idiots side of the NFL world. 


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6 hours ago, 43M said:

He isnt the one building the teams going forward, and thats what it comes down to.

I would completely agree with 43 on their plan for this offseason if it weren't for this one simple reality, which I go into more detail in the other thread...they aren't going with an outside hire. They've pretended to put on this big search, to turn over every stone and all that. But the guy taking over from Colbert is going to be one of Colbert's underlings. The team has no interest of changing things up, moving on from Colbert. Allowing him to oversee the draft is further proof of that.

I can't really imagine that any quality outside hire would want to come here outside of the absurd job security they'd enjoy. If you are an ambitious GM with confidence, you aren't going to the team that just let the out going guy oversee the draft and take the QB of the future (who, despite what people may be hoping for, will get at least 3  years) who said GM probably had rated as a third or fourth rounder.

Colbert was allowed to stay on this late into the process because the team never really had any intention of changing course.

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6 hours ago, bigben07MVP said:

I really like this signing for depth at the safety position. Now go get Haden back on a cheap 1 year deal and I will feel really good about our secondary.

Only real hold I see on the roster at this point is EDGE depth. 

I could see us adding an EDGE guy in TC. Haden would be a welcome addition as well. I don’t know how much he’s got left, but if he’d come back without a starting spot guaranteed I’d be all about it.

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26 minutes ago, MOSteelers56 said:

I could see us adding an EDGE guy in TC. Haden would be a welcome addition as well. I don’t know how much he’s got left, but if he’d come back without a starting spot guaranteed I’d be all about it.

There’s actually some decent depth options left too. Houston. Hughes. JPP. Fox. A few IDL for depth like Hicks, Suh, Jackson. A thumper LB in Hightower. CBS like Haden, Callahan, Harris Jr. 

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3 minutes ago, warfelg said:

Anyone else realize the Ravens traded away Marquise Brown, cut Myles Boykin, didn't sign a WR in FA, and came out of the draft without a WR?

Not saying it won’t work out but I checked a few ravens messages boards around the internet and on Facebook…95% of it was “it’ll be ok”

Thet drafted a P and 2 TEs in the 4th but no WR…I mean really?

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3 minutes ago, AFF said:

Not saying it won’t work out but I checked a few ravens messages boards around the internet and on Facebook…95% of it was “it’ll be ok”

Thet drafted a P and 2 TEs in the 4th but no WR…I mean really?

Yea Bateman who's barely played and Duvernay who's a slot.  Outside of that it's a bunch of nobodies.


Scary enough though, I can see them doing something like Clark, 1st, and more for Deebo Samuels.

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