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13 minutes ago, SwAg said:

> whines draft is too slow

> intentionally and pointlessly AFKs 9 hours

> sets back draft almost a full day singlehandedly

> i dont understand irony

Well if you had done your part and traded for my draft position, you could have sped it up. Now you are the hypocrite. 

Also with consideration to your notion "sets draft back almost a full day," considering I made both of my picks before my timeslot was even up, your argument is invalid.

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My argument is not invalid because the delay had a subsequent effect of placing you in that time slot instead of someone else.

Thus, but for your needless delay, someone else would be positioned there, and that person could have been any number of people ahead of you, dependent upon other selections made while off the clock.

Thus, every subsequent delay is attributable to you as a foreseeable and even probable consequence of your actions.

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