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29 minutes ago, Acgott said:

The James Gunn saga isn't over. Could he return?

I think so. With the entire cast both supporting Gunn AND straight up asking for his reinstatement, there is a driving force for it. I believe I have noted it in the thread already, but I honestly think that if it wasn't for the shareholders meeting last week about approving the largest acquisition deal in entertainment history, his dismissal would not have been so abrupt. In an alternate reality where the Fox merger was not going on, we would have gotten a typical statement like "We have been made aware of comments made by Director James Gunn in 2009. We do not condone or support these comments in any way and in no way do these comments meet our standards here at Disney. We will be conducting an internal investigation." Now that approval is official, the public and stock ramification of the PR hit won't affect the merger. Plus, "outrage" has mitigated already. 

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2 hours ago, Deadpulse said:

I think so. With the entire cast both supporting Gunn AND straight up asking for his reinstatement, there is a driving force for it. I believe I have noted it in the thread already, but I honestly think that if it wasn't for the shareholders meeting last week about approving the largest acquisition deal in entertainment history, his dismissal would not have been so abrupt. In an alternate reality where the Fox merger was not going on, we would have gotten a typical statement like "We have been made aware of comments made by Director James Gunn in 2009. We do not condone or support these comments in any way and in no way do these comments meet our standards here at Disney. We will be conducting an internal investigation." Now that approval is official, the public and stock ramification of the PR hit won't affect the merger. Plus, "outrage" has mitigated already. 

Meh I don't know. Disney has much better media reps then the NFL does so I think they may just move on. Successful directors seem to be the norm at Marvel Studios and Feige and producers have a knack for picking them. They may want to project the image that this was about morality and standards and other crap beat it in as that being the reason and not look like they are caving in to public opinion. Meaning, I don't think they want to admit that they're wrong.

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54 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Meaning, I don't think they want to admit that they're wrong.

It can easily be spun away from that narrative. First one to comes to mind is being willing to give second chances based on recent merit. 

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1 minute ago, Deadpulse said:

It can easily be spun away from that narrative. First one to comes to mind is being willing to give second chances based on recent merit. 

What recent merit though? Making major block busters? Bad mouthing the current administration? This guy isn't exactly known for opening a dozen community projects that are hugely successful for helping under privaleged kids or anything. I mean they may be able too but I just don't see where, if he was half as pious as he wanted to pain himself in his twitter bashing it would have not been so easy to fire him.

I mean it took like 50 women to come forward to actually tear down the image of Bill Cosby because he had built up such an image that no one actually believed it.

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if he was half as pious as he wanted to pain himself in his twitter bashing it would have not been so easy to fire him.

We shouldn't have to live in a world where unwarranted social media overreaction can only be offset with charity. A bad decision is a bad decision regardless of a persons piousness. A comedian made dirty jokes (Really bad dirty jokes too, Anthony Jeselnek James Gunn is not). It shouldn't ruin his career and if the stars of the show cant get him back then the only way Disney will listen is by fans refusing to give them their money. I love GOTG, but I wont be seeing this outside a Netflix release unless Gunn is put back in place. I don't want to live in this world of wanton character assassination based on social media brain farts.

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1 hour ago, BroncosFan2010 said:

We shouldn't have to live in a world where unwarranted social media overreaction can only be offset with charity. A bad decision is a bad decision regardless of a persons piousness. A comedian made dirty jokes (Really bad dirty jokes too, Anthony Jeselnek James Gunn is not). It shouldn't ruin his career and if the stars of the show cant get him back then the only way Disney will listen is by fans refusing to give them their money. I love GOTG, but I wont be seeing this outside a Netflix release unless Gunn is put back in place. I don't want to live in this world of wanton character assassination based on social media brain farts.

Delved into this a few pages back. But he was engaging in some of the bad behavior that has gotten others fired for even lesser offenses. Him casting stones at other people while he himself lived in a glass house is what undid him. Had he shut his mouth this would not have happened. I agree that he should not have been fired. Even if the jokes were made yesterday. And I also didn't agree with Phil from Duck Dynasty getting kicked off in the first place, nor Rosanne Barr either. She and Gunn I really do not like, but over reactions to that is what led to and justified this sort of thing. Again Gunn went out of his way to call people bash people about the same so-called bigotry and indecency that he himself openly joked about in some of the most disgusting ways. Had he kept his mouth shut none of this would have happened.

Again people in Hollywood are crying foul and unjust. But only because it's happened to them now. They've had no problem with things like this happening to others they wanted to bash on their social media websites. This is the monster they helped create. Honestly I don't feel bad for Gunn in the least, I just hate what kind of trend this sets for everyone. Now Freedom of Speech can only go so far.

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If Disney would actually admit they were wrong to fire Gunn it would be a shocker

The dumb thing is that these are old tweets. Regardless of your opinion of these bad jokes, Disney HAD to know about them already, and they hired him anyway. If they didnt, it should be someone at Disney who should be fired for being incompetent, not Gunn.

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1 hour ago, StLunatic88 said:

If Disney would actually admit they were wrong to fire Gunn it would be a shocker

The dumb thing is that these are old tweets. Regardless of your opinion of these bad jokes, Disney HAD to know about them already, and they hired him anyway. If they didnt, it should be someone at Disney who should be fired for being incompetent, not Gunn.

Regardless of how old they are there were 10,000 tweets done. That's disgusting. Guy has some serious issues and needs to go get help.

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2 minutes ago, TENINCH said:

Regardless of how old they are there were 10,000 tweets done. That's disgusting. Guy has some serious issues and needs to go get help.

This conversation is getting murky in reference to this sites rules very fast, but all I'll say is the only thing he needs "help" with is a better sense of humor. Im not denying that they were offensive to people, alot of comedy is, but they were at the root an attempt to make jokes. Many comedians have gone through that phase (as well as other distasteful topics; dead babies, sexual assault, etc) and ones who dont have the tact and skill to pull it off just come off sounding gross (as Gunn did).

You didnt see him making these jokes now, which is everyone who wants to see him reinstated's point, We grow as people, we realize what isnt funny and we move on from those attempts. The only reason they were even brought up was a political assassination attempt, which is ridiculous, because he has address this topic before. The only ones that actually look bad coming out of this (to a rational person) is Disney, as they had to know about these, and it only becomes a problem because someone brought them up again. Completely Hypocritical, and as some have stated before, its a terrible precedent to set on the merits to lose ones job over.

Had he been making these jokes on set, ha he pulled a Roseanne and done it again today, completely valid, that would be grounds to take action. But to punish someone for something they had done years ago, addressed, realized was wrong, and grown from as a person just because a troll on Twitter drug it all back up again is just giving those dullards power they dont deserve.

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13 minutes ago, StLunatic88 said:

This conversation is getting murky in reference to this sites rules very fast, but all I'll say is the only thing he needs "help" with is a better sense of humor. Im not denying that they were offensive to people, alot of comedy is, but they were at the root an attempt to make jokes. Many comedians have gone through that phase (as well as other distasteful topics; dead babies, sexual assault, etc) and ones who dont have the tact and skill to pull it off just come off sounding gross (as Gunn did).

You didnt see him making these jokes now, which is everyone who wants to see him reinstated's point, We grow as people, we realize what isnt funny and we move on from those attempts. The only reason they were even brought up was a political assassination attempt, which is ridiculous, because he has address this topic before. The only ones that actually look bad coming out of this (to a rational person) is Disney, as they had to know about these, and it only becomes a problem because someone brought them up again. Completely Hypocritical, and as some have stated before, its a terrible precedent to set on the merits to lose ones job over.

Had he been making these jokes on set, ha he pulled a Roseanne and done it again today, completely valid, that would be grounds to take action. But to punish someone for something they had done years ago, addressed, realized was wrong, and grown from as a person just because a troll on Twitter drug it all back up again is just giving those dullards power they dont deserve.

Mike Cernovich isn't a Twitter troll. He's an advocate for children that being sold into sex slavery.

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2 hours ago, StLunatic88 said:

If Disney would actually admit they were wrong to fire Gunn it would be a shocker

The dumb thing is that these are old tweets. Regardless of your opinion of these bad jokes, Disney HAD to know about them already, and they hired him anyway. If they didnt, it should be someone at Disney who should be fired for being incompetent, not Gunn.

Like I said. I don't think Disney wants to admit they were in the wrong and look like they were pandering for public approval. (which they were)

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1 hour ago, TENINCH said:

Regardless of how old they are there were 10,000 tweets done. That's disgusting. Guy has some serious issues and needs to go get help.

It wasn’t 10k tweets of just bad jokes. It was all tweets during a time frame that included those jokes. 

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2 hours ago, TENINCH said:

Mike Cernovich isn't a Twitter troll. He's an advocate for children that being sold into sex slavery.

He can call himself whatever he wants, but him and his twitter troll army went specifically for a smear campaign on what are Clearly bad/distasteful jokes, not actual threats or any type of credible indication of pedophilia. All because of Gunn's political stances. That is a complete Troll and throwing out things from the past that dont have any actual bearing on what he is doing today. 

Gunn could have gone back and deleted everything after the first time this was brought up, but he didnt, he left it there because that is who he was at one point, and you can clearly see he is a different person now. If you cant even move on from these clear as day facts; that it was a troll smear campaign (who they have attempted to go after many others with) and that Gunn has grown into a different and better person from almost a decade ago (I'll thrust those people who work with him every day, over what some people are triggered about online) then there is no reason to continue this discussion with you. Because the actual discussion was will Disney admit they were wrong (like Gunn has multiple times) and re-instate a guy who has done nothing of the sort since creating the first Guardians Film.

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