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UPDATED: Future Head Coaching Options Discussion


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2 minutes ago, Sugashane said:


We've been without either for a while, even a real playcaller would be an upgrade. lol

I'm not counting Gase as a playcaller either, he was coasting while here and was way too predictable.

Trestman is a prime example of a guy who was hired because of his QB background and completely sucked at every other aspect of being a head coach. I definitely don’t want to see that happen again, but I feel like QB coaching/playcalling is the only thing anybody cares about in this next hire.

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4 minutes ago, IronMike84 said:

Trestman is a prime example of a guy who was hired because of his QB background and completely sucked at every other aspect of being a head coach. I definitely don’t want to see that happen again, but I feel like QB coaching/playcalling is the only thing anybody cares about in this next hire.


I feel like if Trubisky develops into an elite QB, this is the team to fight MIN for supremacy for the next 10 years in the NFC North. Trestman was supposed to be a QB guru, but failed pretty miserably at that too. If he had been able to do that, then the rest could have fallen in line a LOT more easily for him.


I agree though, there has to be more than just playcalling for him to be a HC, but being able to develop Trubisky is one of the prime objectives for him IMO. There won't be long term success without that. We will just be back to the Lovie days, without the greatest returner of all time.

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51 minutes ago, IronMike84 said:

Also, I’m really leery of all of this LaFleur talk. LaFleur is a prime example of what I’m talking about when I say the Bears need a head coach, not just a playcaller.

Yup. A big part of why I'm on the DeFilippo bandwagon is because of his ability to connect with all different sorts of people/personalities and his ability to communicate effectively. The great stuff he does with QBs and schemes, etc is the added bonus in my mind.

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1 hour ago, G08 said:

Yup. A big part of why I'm on the DeFilippo bandwagon is because of his ability to connect with all different sorts of people/personalities and his ability to communicate effectively. The great stuff he does with QBs and schemes, etc is the added bonus in my mind.


Manziel and McCown on the same team at the same time

JaWalrus Russell and David Carr both for the Raiders at different points

Wentz, Foles, and Sanchez... who all wore green jerseys while being coached by him,


That is a damn diverse group of players and personalities. Look at the improvement for Russell in his second year under Flip, and the precipitous drop the year after Flip left. Russell wasn't the Elway he was hyped to be, but I sure as hell bet with DeFilippo there he doesn't just drop of the table in play like that.


Wentz is the only really talented player he has had time to work with.  Carr was for one year and he had to teach him how to be an NFL QB, and set one hell of a foundation for him.


DeFilippo is unquestionably my top choice. I want him to coach the Bears more than I did Arians and at LEAST equally to when I was wishing Harbaugh would come back to Chicago.

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An important part of the interview process is the discussion on who that person will hire for his staff. The candidate would have already put together a short list of names for each assistant position before he interviews. He also has to have more than one name for each of the positions because there are times when his first choice isn’t available.

Often the head-coach candidate has already spoken to people on his list and given them the “what if” scenarios. If he feels with certainty he can get the top names on his list, that can help him get a coveted head-coach position.

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4 minutes ago, G08 said:



I wonder if that will be harder for DeFilippo, as the Eagles have shown they want to retain their staff if it is centered around Wentz. he might have to be able to list a few alternate options as well.


Not saying he couldn't but might be a bit lower of desired potential coaches might be necessary. I'm sure he will attack it like he does his gameplans though.

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Speculation that Pace will be signing an extension to match the contract of our new head coach. It's smart business. Pace has 2 years left, the new coach likely will get a 4 year deal. Nothing wrong with adding 2 years onto Pace's deal. I can point to his draft hits (which he said was the key to sustained success) as reason enough for him to stick around.

I get the FA misses, Glennon was glaring, but let's not act like he was throwing massive contracts around and those players busted and they are killing our salary cap.

Our cap space in 2018 currently is $39,394,212.

Cut the following:

and your cap space jumps to $82,229,628. Total dead money to get rid of those 7 players? $8,944,118 ($4.5 million of that belongs to Glennon alone).

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.@RapSheet on where #Bears' job ranks.

"From candidates I've spoken with, it's considered top-half, probably top-3. Most of it is positive. One of the things about being the Bears, it's sorta like being the Giants. It's always gonna be top-tier. You have a young quarterback."

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.@RapSheet on what candidates think of Trubisky:

"At worst, he's Andy Dalton. That contract (per year) is worse than what Mike Glennon got. They (coaches) think he can turn into a top-10. No one has been turned off by the #Bears' job based off Trubisky."

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15 minutes ago, G08 said:

Speculation that Pace will be signing an extension to match the contract of our new head coach. It's smart business. Pace has 2 years left, the new coach likely will get a 4 year deal. Nothing wrong with adding 2 years onto Pace's deal. I can point to his draft hits (which he said was the key to sustained success) as reason enough for him to stick around.

I get the FA misses, Glennon was glaring, but let's not act like he was throwing massive contracts around and those players busted and they are killing our salary cap.

Our cap space in 2018 currently is $39,394,212.

Cut the following:

and your cap space jumps to $82,229,628. Total dead money to get rid of those 7 players? $8,944,118 ($4.5 million of that belongs to Glennon alone).


This is why I cut so many them in the mocks I do. Pace put in an easy out when they structured the deals. If they boomed like Hicks, you get them cheap for a bit, if they bust, the cost is minimal. It only an impactful cost in the 2017 season. I didn't like several of the signings but they were made to be a small risk deal that could potentially be a boom.


I am really going to miss Freeman though, guy was lighting on the field and Jones couldn't carry his jock on his best day.


I'd cut Cooper too. Callahan has been better than him over the course of the season IMO.

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I think Rap is right...Pace's first few drafts alone say he should be kept in his role and if you are going to allow him to pick his own guy this time around without any outside interference then give him the extension...I also think he is right regarding the job being attractive...only 32 HC jobs in the NFL and you are looking at the 2nd biggest sports market in America...get the right guy in place and anyone would be attracted to this franchise.

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