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The Office Mafia: Dunder Mifflin execs (mafia) win!


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4 minutes ago, swoosh said:

look I'm not even pushing for you to get lynched today. Orca is so obviously the move here. whether or not town wants to blow it is up to them. I'm not going to spend too much energy today hashing this out.

dude was posted nothing, promised on multiple occasions that he would deliver something (yesterday he promised more reads later in the day and at night he promised info), and his brother suspected he was scum.

if orca is town, toss the LVP chain on my neck. but he's not. 



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2 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Heat from whom, exactly?


So a 4 way tie with 1 vote and then 8 minutes later Orca does this to start a bus? That's heat?

Then this:

Pickle was the next to vote him:

But from where I'm sitting, people seemed to note like what I was saying starting here, including a post you liked:

Ironically, you started tunneling early, about as soon as I started posting that day:

What's even more interesting is the day before when I was attempting to game solve based off of the Dome schtick, which you completely ignored and didn't take into account before this above flippant statement.

I tunneled on no one. I made my top 3/4 suspects early in the day and flipped my votes multiple times. I only locked onto you with 3 minutes left when it was clear the decision was between bcb and you. that's not tunneling. 

don't confuse ignoring with not seeing. I've paid more attention of late, but generally speaking I had not seen much from the three of you when I made that post. does not mean you did not post at all. I considered you 3 to be vets and in a game where town was getting dominated, wanted to see more. you have delivered on that. orca still has not. orca is scum.

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3 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

I'm not even voting for you. 

you're absolutely blowing your reads on me and orca. I'd be fine with letting you have the LVP chain, but if orca is scum, that very likely means you are too. don't have scum to win here.

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Just now, swoosh said:

I tunneled on no one. I made my top 3/4 suspects early in the day and flipped my votes multiple times. I only locked onto you with 3 minutes left when it was clear the decision was between bcb and you. that's not tunneling. 

And that's what I'm saying. You made up your mind on 3-4 suspects early and REFUSED TO CHANGE YOUR MIND. You are doing the same exact thing today. That's called tunneling.

Just now, swoosh said:

don't confuse ignoring with not seeing. I've paid more attention of late, but generally speaking I had not seen much from the three of you when I made that post.

Then I'd encourage you to go back and reread Day 1/2.

Just now, swoosh said:

does not mean you did not post at all. I considered you 3 to be vets and in a game where town was getting dominated, wanted to see more. you have delivered on that. orca still has not. orca is scum.

Take this as a compliment. I think you're a better mafia player than what I've seen from you so far this game from a logic and consistency standpoint.

It's difficult to manufacture dynamic fluidity on reads and votes when you know who scum is.

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4 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

So yeah, I'm down with a Josh vote. Daboyle would be fine too, and I'd be great with a Swoosh vote.

In that order for me, albeit Swoosh and Butters are my tie for #2 reads.

way too much risk in going Josh or Daboyle today. I have Josh as being scum myself, but this vote could decide the game. needs to be mwil, orca, or myself. 

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1 minute ago, swoosh said:

way too much risk in going Josh or Daboyle today. I have Josh as being scum myself, but

Swoosh: Can't go Josh, it's way too risky

Also Swoosh: I also have Josh as a scum read but won't vote for him

Also Also Swoosh: We need to vote Orca

Also Also Also Swoosh: No, I'm not tunneling

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29 minutes ago, swoosh said:


pickle's post right after mine. pickle had a feeling orca could be scum, along with mwil.

it's orca, mwil, and josh. wrap it up folks. I called this a day ago. 

I keep going back and forth with this. I’m debating whether or not orca would even kill pickle as scum but it’s kinda odd that pickle was killed the same day he talked about orca being scum. 

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Just now, MWil23 said:

Swoosh: Can't go Josh, it's way too risky

Also Swoosh: I also have Josh as a scum read but won't vote for him

Also Also Swoosh: We need to vote Orca

Also Also Also Swoosh: No, I'm not tunneling

I was not tunneling yesterday. today I am. orca is the vote. I'll change it at the end if orca has no chance to go home.

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2 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

I keep going back and forth with this. I’m debating whether or not orca would even kill pickle as scum but it’s kinda odd that pickle was killed the same day he talked about orca being scum. 

this is the way

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