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Field of Dreams Mafia - D1 Now, N1 Friday at 10 pm eastern

Pickle Rick

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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

My feeling is this: why suspect me when you know what i likely am @The Orca

you of all people for obvious reasons

Yet you come out and make a cryptic statement to perhaps sway the people not reading very closely to maybe toss a vote or two my way.

it just doesnt make sense based on what i know you purported to find

i dont want to exactly spell it out yet, but your actions reek of attempted maniupulation

Nah, just messing around cause I'm bored. Pretty sure you don't know what I am either or what I know from N1. I definitely don't know anything about your ability, just something that may or may not have happened to you N1  

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Just now, The Orca said:

Nah, just messing around cause I'm bored. Pretty sure you don't know what I am either or what I know from N1. I definitely don't know anything about your ability, just something that may or may not have happened to you N1  

Thats not exactly the case, but im going to sleep on this and let other people comment here so i dont potentially say too much. But we will talk tomorrow on this

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On 8/13/2023 at 12:57 AM, Pickle Rick said:

On a warm night in August, light towers high in the sky come to life. One by one they click on, illuminating corn fields.  Sitting in the middle of the endless rows of corn is a baseball field, glorious in all of its romanticized feelings.  Nothing has ever been as picturesque in the middle of Iowa, for it's time to play ball.

Over the intercom comes a deep and iconic voice, one that brings to life the words of baseball lore

"America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It’s been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game, is a part of our past. It reminds us of all that once was good, and that could be again. Oh people will come. People will most definitely come. Play Ball!"



With that the 2 teams began to emerge from the darkness of the corn rows, one from yesteryear and one of today's players, the new blood 



The game wore on with dingers from both teams.  However when Tim Anderson hit his home run, he pimped it like no other.


The team from yesteryear, who respected the game of baseball, was ready to teach Anderson a lesson.  In his next at-bat Anderson took one high in the back and all hell broke loose. Anderson changed the mound and the biggest brawl ever seen on a baseball field ensued, but for Anderson he would not be involved.  Mere seconds into the brawl, Anderson was grazed with a right and his glass jaw snapped quicker than crab legs at dinner. 

"Down goes Anderson!"

Woz is dead, he was Tim Anderson. New Blood aligned

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I’d say looking at maybe an 8-2-1 ratio in light of Sanchez’s flip.

BCB, Naz, and Dome all flipped Town and Sanchez flipped other/Indy.

Best case scenario it’s 5-2 but if the starting ratio is 7-3-1 we are sitting at 4-3 in lylo.

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1 hour ago, The Orca said:

Don't have much of a rationale...just seems he is staying in the background doing as little as possible and Whicker was willing to go that way it seems 

Fair enough. I’m not sure what to think here

22 minutes ago, Scoundrel said:

Is it time to announce my moves each night? @MWil23 would this help anytning?

I’ve got a town read on you but if you feel it would be helpful on clearing others go ahead. At this point anything to give us a jump start.

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1 minute ago, MWil23 said:

Fair enough. I’m not sure what to think here

I’ve got a town read on you but if you feel it would be helpful on clearing others go ahead. At this point anything to give us a jump start.

I don’t have any incriminating evidence… 

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