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6 hours ago, big poppa pump said:

We got Kirksey, Shelton, Bitonio, and Duke from Farmer....should we have kept him?


I mean let's be real here...when the team starts winning, the HC and GM will start to get some credit.

Holy crap man it's yo




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41 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

He's been better at football his entire life, why should I think that stops now? One was a top high school recruit, national defensive player of the year, linebacker of the year (playing out of position), Heisman finalist, Big 10 defensive player of the year, etc.. as well as universally regarded as a high level/round 1 prospect with upper echelon athleticism.

The other you had to Google when we drafted him 18 months ago and who showed far less than Peppers has this year when he was a rookie.

This coaching staff took arguably the best box player in college in God knows how many years and decides to play him 25 yards from the LOS and your issue is with the guy who took him and the player?

How should we use him?  How about exactly like Michigan did? Youre acting like there isn't a blueprint already....

Couldn't disagree more.  But hopefully you get your wish and GWill starts playing Peppers over James Burgess.  I had my reserves about playing somebody who is 5'11 210 lbs at LB but I realized since he was so good at it at Michigan there's no way he won't be anything but great there in the NFL.

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18 minutes ago, Rod Johnson said:

Couldn't disagree more.  But hopefully you get your wish and GWill starts playing Peppers over James Burgess.  I had my reserves about playing somebody who is 5'11 210 lbs at LB but I realized since he was so good at it at Michigan there's no way he won't be anything but great there in the NFL.

Lol why you resorting to being sarcastic and salty?

Doesnt suit you iyam

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2 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

He's been better at football his entire life, why should I think that stops now? One was a top high school recruit, national defensive player of the year, linebacker of the year (playing out of position), Heisman finalist, Big 10 defensive player of the year, etc.. as well as universally regarded as a high level/round 1 prospect with upper echelon athleticism.

The other you had to Google when we drafted him 18 months ago and who showed far less than Peppers has this year when he was a rookie.

This coaching staff took arguably the best box player in college in God knows how many years and decides to play him 25 yards from the LOS and your issue is with the guy who took him and the player?

How should we use him?  How about exactly like Michigan did? Youre acting like there isn't a blueprint already....

You look at Peppers Resume and than look at his game film, from college and the NFL and they dont really match up. I dont believe Peppers was one of the best box players in college in god knows how many years in college. You say the Browns should use him like Michigan did, Michigan didnt know how to properly use him either. Dude changed position each year. One thing I really dont like is Peppers still take horrible angles to the ball just like he did in college. 

Just hope that once the defensive talent is better around him, he will improve and be better used, hopefully. Also he is suppose to be the most electrifying return men, he has been a huge disappointment in that department. He is avg. 6yards a punt return. Also have no idea why he isnt used on KOR either. Must be another stellar Tabor decision.  

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4 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Lol why you resorting to being sarcastic and salty?

Doesnt suit you iyam

It's because your player evaluation of Jabrill isnt in line with the reality of how he's been playing.  I understand you like him a lot and have faith and I hope you're right but he hasn't played well.  And the Kindred disrespect is uncalled for, Peppers has never been anywhere near as good at the NFL level, where it matters.  You're just insanely biased for him for the wrong reasons like college production and sparq scores.  He had legitimate concerns about where he could play coming out of college and now he finds himself being misused, but why sit down one of the better box safeties in the NFL just to see if Jabrill can hack it?  Kindred is a young guy too.  I feel like you just wanna say Sashi didn't have any mess ups, which is dumb because for all we know GWill took him and thought he'd be a good FS.  Just remove yourself from the pick and think objectively.  Kindred taking over the SS spot can be just as great as if Jabrill did.


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2 minutes ago, Rod Johnson said:

It's because your player evaluation of Jabrill isnt in line with the reality of how he's been playing.  I understand you like him a lot and have faith and I hope you're right but he hasn't played well.  And the Kindred disrespect is uncalled for, Peppers has never been anywhere near as good at the NFL level, where it matters.  You're just insanely biased for him for the wrong reasons like college production and sparq scores.  He had legitimate concerns about where he could play coming out of college and now he finds himself being misused, but why sit down one of the better box safeties in the NFL just to see if Jabrill can hack it?  Kindred is a young guy too.  I feel like you just wanna say Sashi didn't have any mess ups, which is dumb because for all we know GWill took him and thought he'd be a good FS.  Just remove yourself from the pick and think objectively.  Kindred taking over the SS spot can be just as great as if Jabrill did.


Not at all.

Idgaf if Jabril busts and Kindred’s a star.  I don’t think Sashi hit on all his picks at all and to say so only shows you haven’t been paying attention.  The philosophy that Sashi implemented and I adored was based on guys failing at a 50/50 rate.

At the beginning of camp Kindred had shown absolutely nothing (there was a reason folk were excited about Peppers). He was essentially plugged into the position that Peppers best fits. Maybe that’s because her’s better at it, maybe it‘s because they didn’t like the FS options, idk, but the cause is irrelevant. 

The bottom line is this coaching staff took a player and has woefully mismanaged him based on his skillset and the GM that selected him is getting blamed for it. 

Peppers may or may not be a lot of things, but a safety who plays 25 yards from the LOS he is not and never was.

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