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The Michigan/Sign Stealing & COVID Punishment Thread


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Why does he want ESPN boycotted? Because they're covering this story?

Interesting thought; If the Big10 handed down some insanely strict punishment, what would stop Michigan from leaving the conference entirely? I think that idea alone probably caps whatever punishment the Big 10 would actually hand out. There is NO WAY conferences should be in charge of this. The NCAA needs to step up or continue it's slide into irrelevance.

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2 hours ago, nagahide13 said:

Why does he want ESPN boycotted? Because they're covering this story?

Interesting thought; If the Big10 handed down some insanely strict punishment, what would stop Michigan from leaving the conference entirely? I think that idea alone probably caps whatever punishment the Big 10 would actually hand out. There is NO WAY conferences should be in charge of this. The NCAA needs to step up or continue it's slide into irrelevance.

SVP just mentioned on ESPN that when Kansas basketball got into trouble for whatever they did it took the NCAA like 10 years to issue a punishment. Then basically cited that there is so much wrong going on in this situation that the NCAA will just kick the can down the road forever to never have to truly address it since there is no precedent for punishment on this.

He then claimed also because how big UMs brand is, the NCAA wont want to punish them harshly, essentially saying its easier to give the death penalty to a program like SMU than it is Michigan. Basically, the NCAA doesnt know what to do, so they will do nothing and since its Michigan they will get let off the hook easier than another school would.

In the end, made it sound  like the most likely scenario is a B1G slap on the wrist next season--something like a year bowl ban, fines that dont matter and maybe some firings of people who don't matter just to say they did something, and the NCAA will stay away for as long as possible to not have to deal with it until everybody cools down and forgets about it


Edited by AkronsWitness
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Alas I have awakened from a deep slumber. The long legged caterpillars were not of healthy sustenance and contain the most potent toxins known in the new world… many of our men fell into coma or have passed on. It is a grave time upon us. I feel rather fortunate to be alive… of course someone ate the boiled chicken man, but thine that feast is a mystery to us all… The men held another quorum to practice democracy whatever that may be and vote on if we shall eat the bodies of the dead. I for one believe the potent toxin lives on in their rotting corpses… we shall see who falls next. We await word from the Nautical Captain Abraham Andersen on the arrival of sustenance greater than these virulent caterpillars. I have gotten correspondence of the soon arrival of a great Colonel in the coming morns… his neck beard is one of great envy and shall keep his gullet protected from the blistering frost bitten winds of fort OSU like a beaver in it’s lodge. Hope is here alas as our guts grumble and long for the hearty warmth of a fresh meal, or dead one depending on the votes.

- Colonel Scoundrel

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4 hours ago, Scoundrel said:

Alas I have awakened from a deep slumber. The long legged caterpillars were not of healthy sustenance and contain the most potent toxins known in the new world… many of our men fell into coma or have passed on. It is a grave time upon us. I feel rather fortunate to be alive… of course someone ate the boiled chicken man, but thine that feast is a mystery to us all… The men held another quorum to practice democracy whatever that may be and vote on if we shall eat the bodies of the dead. I for one believe the potent toxin lives on in their rotting corpses… we shall see who falls next. We await word from the Nautical Captain Abraham Andersen on the arrival of sustenance greater than these virulent caterpillars. I have gotten correspondence of the soon arrival of a great Colonel in the coming morns… his neck beard is one of great envy and shall keep his gullet protected from the blistering frost bitten winds of fort OSU like a beaver in it’s lodge. Hope is here alas as our guts grumble and long for the hearty warmth of a fresh meal, or dead one depending on the votes.

- Colonel Scoundrel

Colonel Scoundrel

I write as as neither a friend nor enemy combatant though I am but lowly foot soldier in the great Wolverine army.  I contact you as a warning in contention of the coming slaughter your comrades are facing.  Intel you may have received of the great General BackSlap being removed from the game via UN diplomatic resolution are greatly exaggerated. The General is in a fury and has the full backing of Emperor Ono to use the nuclear option if the UN were to interfere in his conquest for greatness.  Intel you may have received in the past from Benedict Mattison are no longer reliable.  Private Stallions has been removed from the board I repeat private stallions has been removed from the board.  

As we speak the great wolverine army is preparing a full frontal assault on Fort Beaver and full fledged penetration is inevitable. This will be a Period of great blood shed.  

Your supply are running low and soon you will be forced to make a decision on whether or not to make the great forge up north to Fort TSUN. I urge you only out of respect  for the great loss of life that your people will endure to avoid this conflict at all cost. General BackSlap is not taking prisoners , no man shall be spared.  There is a saying that history has a tendency of repeating itself and now once again we find ourselves in the McCarthy era, and we are persecuting REDS

Edited by BigC421/
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We have not seen or been provided virtually any of the evidence on which you purport to rely in your email.  We have also not seen any of the videos allegedly taken for scouting purposes -- and as far as we can glean from your email, you have not seen them either.

This from Michigans response letter is pretty damaging. The entire thing reads like a roast of Pettiti and the BIG10 offices.  The conference has been shown to have no cloths 

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1 hour ago, BigC421/ said:

We have not seen or been provided virtually any of the evidence on which you purport to rely in your email.  We have also not seen any of the videos allegedly taken for scouting purposes -- and as far as we can glean from your email, you have not seen them either.

This from Michigans response letter is pretty damaging. The entire thing reads like a roast of Pettiti and the BIG10 offices.  The conference has been shown to have no cloths 

Thats because the evidence is likely on Michigans or Stalions personal computers/hard drive in question and any others he may have been working with (coaches). One would think the University would be the ones investigating this beccause it was most likely done with company property, but alas, they wish to not cooperate or frankly have any involvement in this besides 'prove it'. Integrity, Michgian men, loyalty and all that other stuff, right?

Its illegal to attend games for scouting of other teams when your team isnt playing. They have proof that Stalions bought tickets to dozens of games on the 50 yard line in his and others names. It is just as simple as questioning him and others in a legal setting to get specific information and recovering any notes/video/ect they have saved on their computers from attending those games. If the dude wrote a manifesto, you better believe he has whatever notes/evidence neatly organized somewhere on a harddrive from 30+ games attended for 'scouting purposes'

Why hasnt Stalions been brought in for questioning by the NCAA yet? They just fired him without due process and hes just chilling somewhere in Wyoming right now sipping a Mojito while the NCAA and B1G are trying to figure out what he actually did? Ask him! Hes the one with all of the answers they are looking for, how is he not public enemy #1 for the NCAA/B1G right now for questioning? This is a investigation, right?

But Stalions isnt speaking and refuses to cooperate with a investigation as we last heard

Still waters run deep.

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17 minutes ago, AkronsWitness said:

Thats because the evidence is on Michigans computers issued to the employees in question and any others he may have been working with (coaches). One would think the University would be the ones investigating this, but alas, they wish to not cooperate or frankly have any involvement in this besides 'prove it'.

Its illegal to attend games for scouting of other teams when your team isnt playing. They have proof that Stalions bought tickets to dozens of games on the 50 yard line in his and others names. It is just as simple as questioning him and others in a legal setting to get specific information and recovering any notes/video/ect they have saved on their computers.

Why hasnt Stalions been brought in for questioning by the NCAA yet? They just fired him without due process and hes just chilling somewhere in Wyoming right now sipping a Mojito while the NCAA and B1G are trying to figure out what he actually did? Ask him! Hes the one with all of the answers they are looking for, how is he not public enemy #1 for the NCAA/B1G right now for questioning 

Once again you have no idea what your talking about. Just making things up to fill in all the missing pieces of your hopes and dreams. 

“Thats because the evidence is on Michigans computers issued to the employees in question and any others he may have been working with (coaches)”   Michigan gave the ncaa access to there computers and cell phones.  The ncaa has given the big10 updates on its findings.  The evidence in question is from the false reporting that multiple schools had claimed to check there own game/security footage and found people sitting in the seats Stallions had purchased pointing there phones at opponents sidelines for entire games.  This footage does not appear to exist.  

Its illegal to attend games for scouting of other teams when your team isnt playing.”   For coaches and assistants yes it is against a rule and considered by the ncaa to be a minor infraction with minimal advantage. They have made a point of this.  Baylor gave there coach a half game suspension and the ncaa was satisfied.  If using a 3rd part is against the rule (grey area) then everyone who shares any scouting information is guilty.


Why hasnt Stalions been brought in for questioning by the NCAA yet? They just fired him without due process “   I feel like a bully but you really just don’t even bother to fact check or be informed in the slightest on anything.  Stallions refused to cooperate with both UM’s internal and the external NCAA investigation. He was suspended with pay and then resigned, not fired without due process. 



Edited by BigC421/
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17 minutes ago, BigC421/ said:

Once again you have no idea what you’re talking about. Just making things up to fill in all the missing pieces of your hopes and dreams. 

And you wonder why nobody really cares to interact with you. If you want to be a condescending troll then do so, but then don’t be surprised when nobody engages with you because they put you on ignore.

Up until now you’ve been a mildly amusing homer, but good chance after today I just put you on mute and ignore all posts/PM/etc.

We have coexisted and had a great time with rival fans here for 20 years now, so maybe realize you are the common denominator as to what has changed.

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35 minutes ago, BigC421/ said:

Once again you have no idea what your talking about. Just making things up to fill in all the missing pieces of your hopes and dreams. 

“Thats because the evidence is on Michigans computers issued to the employees in question and any others he may have been working with (coaches)”   Michigan gave the ncaa access to there computers and cell phones.  The ncaa has given the big10 updates on its findings.  The evidence in question is from the false reporting that multiple schools had claimed to check there own game/security footage and found people sitting in the seats Stallions had purchased pointing there phones at opponents sidelines for entire games.  This footage does not appear to exist.  

Its illegal to attend games for scouting of other teams when your team isnt playing.”   For coaches and assistants yes it is against a rule and considered by the ncaa to be a minor infraction with minimal advantage. They have made a point of this.  Baylor gave there coach a half game suspension and the ncaa was satisfied.  If using a 3rd part is against the rule (grey area) then everyone who shares any scouting information is guilty.


Why hasnt Stalions been brought in for questioning by the NCAA yet? They just fired him without due process “   I feel like a bully but you really just don’t even bother to fact check or be informed in the slightest on anything.  Stallions refused to cooperate with both UM’s internal and the external NCAA investigation. He was suspended with pay and then resigned, not fired without due process. 




So you believe Michigan staff/employees/minions working on his behalf just attended dozens of opponents games in person just for funzies? Just to hang out kick back eat a hotdog and catch up with eachother, or he bought $500 tix to each game and decided not to go? If you believe that, I cant help ya. There is a lot of reading between the lines here that need to take place.

The Baylor situation is irrelevant because they were caught at 1 game. Michigan has been questioned for doing this over 2.5 years at 30+ different games in multiple conferences. 8 Ohio State games alone. The situations are not comparable in terms of length of punishment or should be used as any barometer and I shouldnt really have to break that down in terms of why.

As far as him being questioned, I incredibly clearly said in my post that I recognized that he refused to comply. WHY that is a option for him is what I don't understand. It would make sense if they want to find out what he did/didnt do, to get him in for questioning. He shouldnt have the choice in the matter if the NCAA wants to be serious. How he has the option of not complying when HE is the one in question for breaking NCAA rules for 3 years is something that makes no sense to me.

You dont just get to light the NCAA world on fire and run away and not talk while you have Michigan over here trying to flex their brand on the NCAA to avoid punishment

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7 minutes ago, AkronsWitness said:

The Baylor situation is irrelevant because they were caught at 1 game.

I wouldn't call it irrelevant because I think it provides good context. 

7 minutes ago, AkronsWitness said:

Michigan has been questioned for doing this over 2.5 years at 30+ different games in multiple conferences. 8 Ohio State games alone. The situations are not comparable in terms of length of punishment or should be used as any barometer and I shouldnt really have to break that down in terms of why.

For this reason. Baylor's punishment for the one incident was a baseline. Someone under Michigan decided to ignore that and continue and continue and continue to break the rule. It's not apples to apples because it's an apple to 30 apples. I stole $50 from my work vs. I stole $50,000. 

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8 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

And you wonder why nobody really cares to interact with you. If you want to be a condescending troll then do so, but then don’t be surprised when nobody engages with you because they put you on ignore.

Up until now you’ve been a mildly amusing homer, but good chance after today I just put you on mute and ignore all posts/PM/etc.

We have coexisted and had a great time with rival fans here for 20 years now, so maybe realize you are the common denominator as to what has changed.

Really wanna go there?  Condescending troll? This forum doesn’t belong to you or your buddies for starters. You really think no one including yourself has acted condescending towards me over the past week? You can’t possibly. It’s not trolling to have actual informative takes on the topic at hand. Please explain how a Michigan fan, in a thread about Michigan is trolling? I’m the only one who actually stays on topic. This the opposite of a troll.  Nobody likes you . We’ll boo freakin hoo. This is supposed to be a discussion forum for people to discuss and debate various opinions not a circle jerk.  None of you know a thing about me nor I of you. You don’t like me because I defend Michigan with solid arguments.  If someone is going to make a long whinny post that’s completely filled with factual inaccuracies im going to call them out. This is where you take your stand against?  Whatever 

You can ignore me and never respond to any of my posts if you want to, that’s your right and I have no qualm.  But you couldn’t block me even if you wanted to.  You love me to much 

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Just now, MikeT14 said:

I wouldn't call it irrelevant because I think it provides good context. 

For this reason. Baylor's punishment for the one incident was a baseline. Someone under Michigan decided to ignore that and continue and continue and continue to break the rule. It's not apples to apples because it's an apple to 30 apples. I stole $50 from my work vs. I stole $50,000. 

Right, messing up once isnt the same thing as messing up 35x thinking its only going to count as 1. Thats where UM is trying to play dumb. So if Baylor received a 1 game suspension for attending 1 game, whats the suspension for messing up 35x. 

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