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Just now, Malfatron said:

By a vote of 4-2.....

Oooh the suspense! Urrrgh...this is so hard!

Who will be the first jury member???


@Nazgul you are mercked from big brother

But stick around bro because you get to eventually vote on whos gonna be big brother champion of big brother X.

@Daboyle  you are safe

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HOH Crazy 8: Badgers Big Brother Bonanza!!!


Deadline: Sunday 7 pm

If you cant get it by the deadline, no big. No punishment here

as outgoing HOH, whicker cannot play.

The game:

Theres another BB besides Big Brother and thats Breaking Bad.

Now if you havent seen it, you snooze you lose, but im sure you can wrangle up them search engines to try to find the answer.

But heres my pledge to you!

I am going entirely off memory for these clues, so you just have to dig deeper than ol Badger here.

But, my mind tends to wander so some of the clues will just relate to Breaking Bad in some superfluous way or obfuscating way or whatever.

But again the key to this is...I AM GOING OFF MEMORY for all the clues

Without further ado:

The clues

1. This little bastard who got me, well he got his comeuppance earlier in this movie thanks to a piece of nasty french toast

2. Hey jimmy, can i go on vacation with you to this place too? Sounds awesome!

3. Its part of marie likes to do, and its part of what marie is...and when you put it together a jerk and a so-called person is together

4. People like to rating bomb this auteur who subverts expections in a bottle

5. Could it be an acronym for people who love the french?

6. What two colors are most prominently (prominantly?)displayed in Breaking bad?

7.  Theres a certain flask i remember that walt schooled jessie about. I love the name of it, and if theres another boring named one, thats not right.

8. another "drug" that "doug" as some know him cooked up and no, its not that.

9. an excop famously said, though it got misconstrued, thats there should be  no...what?

10. those werent snipers they were just these things

11. which character from a different show was blaise when told about the shannanegins happening with this actor from breaking bad and a different actor from the show that the first character i mentioned was in

12. What word is heard somehow from a dude who knows he just got the good stuff. 

13 . Chili P boy competed for prizes here

14 this zoomed in on plant provided a key relevation

15. Word is.. hes still sitting there to this day


Pick a number from 1-100

I will randomize a number in discord

Whoever goes over by the most is eliminated. If nobody or everyone goes over, whoever is the further away is eliminated

If there are multiple ties, we go multiple rounds, eliminating players 1 by 1 until we find a winner

If theres a case where the same number is picked, both can be eliminated together, or if they both survive, we completely randomize the winner between em.

Player list


2 @theuntouchable





@Shady Slim


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This will be my last post as I delete my account but I wanted to respond. Since I joined two years ago, I was harassed. I stood up for myself the last two years and you all came after me. This year, I barely said a word and didn’t message anyone. Yet you have ppl like gmen constantly posting and constantly talking ****. Still, I was removed right away. 

Obviousky what I have been saying in last season was true. You’re all a bunch of losers with no real friends. You all back each other up on this Internet forum I couldn’t care less about. You’re the type of nerds who were bullied by ppl like me in high school so you hide behind a computer and talk crap with nothing of value in your real life.

well congrats. I’m done and my account is gone. Just a Shame your lives are so pathetic that you need to obsess about me. I strongly urged you to get off your fat ***** and get a life. Talking crap on the internet 24/7 makes it pretty clear what kind of pitiful, scared losers you all are. Keep obsessing and thinking/talking about me bc you will. I will never remember a single one of you losers besides @mathman who ran an awesome game- compare it to any other game run. It’s a joke.

So, get an education, go workout or maybe play an actual sport, and stop hiding. **** all you.

Your superior is out

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18 minutes ago, Nazgul said:

This will be my last post as I delete my account but I wanted to respond. Since I joined two years ago, I was harassed. I stood up for myself the last two years and you all came after me. This year, I barely said a word and didn’t message anyone. Yet you have ppl like gmen constantly posting and constantly talking ****. Still, I was removed right away. 

Obviousky what I have been saying in last season was true. You’re all a bunch of losers with no real friends. You all back each other up on this Internet forum I couldn’t care less about. You’re the type of nerds who were bullied by ppl like me in high school so you hide behind a computer and talk crap with nothing of value in your real life.

well congrats. I’m done and my account is gone. Just a Shame your lives are so pathetic that you need to obsess about me. I strongly urged you to get off your fat ***** and get a life. Talking crap on the internet 24/7 makes it pretty clear what kind of pitiful, scared losers you all are. Keep obsessing and thinking/talking about me bc you will. I will never remember a single one of you losers besides @mathman who ran an awesome game- compare it to any other game run. It’s a joke.

So, get an education, go workout or maybe play an actual sport, and stop hiding. **** all you.

Your superior is out


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2 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

@Malfatron can you double check 11? I can’t figure out if I’m just being stupid or if the wording is off. 

Nah man i said what i said and like these are my words you know and part of the game sometimes is to figure out the question

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