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4 minutes ago, MacReady said:

Since this might have an impact on gameplay, I will not comment on it since I am not in the game. However, I will say things were a little more nuanced than you make them out to be and I encourage you to read through my diary entries at game’s end.

I believe you 

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Julie, you can announce that MacReady is taking Shady’s spot anytime.

I’m ready to hop back in.

No need to lose a player and jury member when I have zero humility and am willing to swap out any player at any point and yell and kick and scream at anyone who rightfully calls foul.


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2 hours ago, Dwight_Schrute said:

Sadly, nobody remaining deserves to win this game. I wish I were voted out before the jury portion so I didn’t have to pick between these peons. MacReady should have won this game.

I think I deserve to win 

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1 hour ago, MacReady said:

Julie, you can announce that MacReady is taking Shady’s spot anytime.

I’m ready to hop back in.

No need to lose a player and jury member when I have zero humility and am willing to swap out any player at any point and yell and kick and scream at anyone who rightfully calls foul.


Attention houseguests!

@MacReady has been offered front row seats in the audience of the Big Brother finale show!

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20 hours ago, Dwight_Schrute said:

That said. I’ll also vote for anybody who politely asks me too. Basically my vote is for sale.

I’ve never considered myself a man with strong convictions or principles but one thing I’ll never do is beg or grovel. You can take your vote and shove it up your [CENSORED BY CBS].

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On 4/6/2024 at 2:43 PM, Malfatron said:

@Dwight_Schrute you have been evicted from the Big Brother house and are a member of the jury

@Shady Slim you are safe

And here we go with an absolutely ground shaking decision by the house. Dwight and I didn't see... Eye to eye... On a lot. But he still processed a lot for all. (And redacted even more).

Got a two parter here!

On 1/8/2024 at 12:40 PM, ET80 said:


I feel like this is applicable to me, I get graced by your presence.



Ok, I'm done.

What's the haps, my man?


On 1/8/2024 at 2:43 PM, Dwight_Schrute said:

You know, it’s unfortunate that you don’t play these games anymore. I’d have loved to work with a competent player rather than getting myself aligned with the turds of the season. I’ve been AFK for so long I was hoping to play without people knowing my relation to Naz since he is one of those turds who drag me down, but unfortunately it’s the same group of bums as before so I suppose I will assume the role of jester and do the opposite of what everybody wants and blame it on Naz.

Game stuff aside, feels good to have a winning team and actually win a division. Especially since we’ve had to endure simultaneous disastrous seasons from the Wings, my slowpitch team, Tigers, and Pistons. I was almost losing faith in sports. Never thought it would be Jared Goff bringing us a home playoff game.


On 1/8/2024 at 3:03 PM, ET80 said:

I totally get this! The Astros were elite, but that 2017 sign stealing got everyone sour on them (which actually gets fun after a while on Social Media). Texans and Rockets were absolute disasters but now they're on the upswing. Pretty weird having two good teams, and I'm pretty sure it means this is the beginning of the Astros downfall...

I was tempted, but we figured I'd use my time to get content outside of DR sessions (which have been dropping lately). I know your challenge game is top tier, so I expect you to absolutely crush that part.

Given the list of turds, you got a power ranking for me? 


On 1/10/2024 at 4:16 PM, Dwight_Schrute said:



On 1/11/2024 at 3:43 AM, ET80 said:

I salute you and this rational take. I was completely over the U of M takes when they were being sensationalized earlier this year - you're 100% correct, too many people have this innocent view of sports and how it's not completely filled with gamesmanship like sign stealing and counter surveillance. If they only knew some of the things Al Davis did in the 70s...

Big congrats on the National Title, too! While everyone was debating FSU, I was saying "it doesn't really matter, Michigan is gonna dog walk whoever you put in front of them..."

Love your Power Rankings too - and I think you'll be surprised on how the field goes, actually. Just talking to everyone gives me a sense that there are a lot of like minded folks out there.

I'll let you get back to the challenge now. We'll reconnect after we get the HoH done!


On 1/23/2024 at 12:51 PM, ET80 said:

Super excited for the Lions! I'm out of the show, so would be stoked if Detroit win it - and it seems pretty universal in Houston, too. Go Lions!

Any new juicy details from the game?


On 1/26/2024 at 9:36 AM, Dwight_Schrute said:



On 1/29/2024 at 7:45 PM, ET80 said:

Sorry, bud. I can't even imagine. 


On 2/3/2024 at 10:31 AM, Dwight_Schrute said:



On 2/3/2024 at 5:24 PM, ET80 said:

I can totally agree. And I can totally see what you're talking about - citywide excitements is noticeable. I'm sure we'll see more of this Lions regime going forward.

Now, let's focus on the game - thoughts so far? 


On 2/9/2024 at 3:47 AM, ET80 said:

Onto the next phase of the game and we have a double elimination on the horizon - your thoughts?


On 2/11/2024 at 10:10 AM, Dwight_Schrute said:



On 2/13/2024 at 7:55 AM, ET80 said:

So, your thoughts on Slim throwing you up on the block?


On 2/13/2024 at 5:33 PM, Dwight_Schrute said:



On 2/13/2024 at 7:22 PM, ET80 said:

We're hoping for best, you're one of my favorite interviews here... good luck my man.


On 2/14/2024 at 1:51 PM, ET80 said:

Ok. What's your plan here? Or... are we just hoping on a higher power?


On 2/15/2024 at 11:12 AM, Dwight_Schrute said:



On 2/15/2024 at 2:33 PM, Dwight_Schrute said:



On 2/15/2024 at 2:46 PM, ET80 said:

... goodness, this is a swing. Wow. Well played, this is a dynamic power play.


On 2/18/2024 at 3:59 PM, ET80 said:

So... that took a wild turn. How you feeling?


On 2/18/2024 at 4:31 PM, Dwight_Schrute said:



On 2/19/2024 at 6:15 AM, ET80 said:

I don't blame you.

On the plus side - you and your brother are aligned for the first time since I've known you two. 


On a serious note - you can call me an a$$hole, I'm used to it, but my intent has always been to:

- Get details

- Allow for edits

- Post based on mutual agreement of edits

I removed a bunch of Finn's stuff because he told me to keep things off the record - I'm 100% going to honor that, but I'm not going to *assume* that.

Feel free to end the interview now if you must. I hope not, you're a great interview and you provide great insight; But I completely understand and will honor any wish you have.

I genuinely hope to hear from you.


On 2/19/2024 at 6:55 AM, Dwight_Schrute said:

I’m not gonna call you an *******. It’s a game and nothing was done maliciously.


I answer the questions to provide an understanding of why I’m making certain moves, or what I believe is happening in the house based on the information I’ve gathered and have been given. I do so with the understanding that it’ll be used during an end-game recap to provide context to big plays made, or big plays squandered.

Never did I assume any of that information would be used to change the course of the game while it’s still in progress. You can clearly see from the game thread that it benefitted a specific group. The ones who are unbothered from the information given and immediately called for the eviction of the remaining members in the exposed alliance.

im not so naive to believe people didn’t suspect pairings. Maybe they did, but regardless I was personally positioning myself as being in the middle of the house to leverage my voting history and behavior for safety from multiple parties while hoping to maintain alliances with people I did and did not wish to work closely with. So the time I spent talking and messaging people saying one thing crumbled when you posted all of JBurge’s messages which exposed what I’ve been working on since day 1 as a lie.

So as many caveats as you wanna give yourself to defend playing the messages, you influenced the game more than any HoH or eviction has so far while not being a player in the game. The integrity of the game has been compromised and I don’t really see the point in continuing. Big Brother doesn’t sit down and show a players entire diary room database to the remaining players. The game needs to stand on its own where leveraging relationships is perhaps the biggest asset you have. Impossible to do when when private messages are revealed to everybody that undos all of the leveraging you’ve done.




On 2/20/2024 at 6:41 AM, ET80 said:

I'm not going to belabor this point because I believe you and I will go in circles and not convince one another on our points. You'll argue your side, I'll argue mine - neither of us will convince the other. We'll just spin our wheels and I don't think either of us have the bandwidth to do that.

I'll just end on this - I understand you view and I genuinely empathize with it. I hate to see you go from this portion of the game (or the game in general) but I get it. If we need to connect post game to review what will be published, I will gladly give you full reign on the content and narrative, you could even ask me to fully delete this from release. You handled most of it via your redaction, but if there's anything else you want removed - say the word and I'll junk it.

Good luck the rest of the way - you're a talented enough player to work this to your advantage, and I can't wait to watch it play out.



On 2/21/2024 at 2:36 AM, ET80 said:

Looks like fate puts you as the king, what's your play here?


On 2/21/2024 at 6:14 PM, Dwight_Schrute said:

Well. I've always believed that you can't play a safe game in Big Brother. Not that you'll be unable to win, but because it'll be boring. We already have a bunch of dull players, so we need some big moves to kick the game into action.

This started last week. I was the absolute mastermind behind JBurge going home. I had my back against the wall being nominated. I was defenseless and caught without pants. The only move I had was to reach out to some gullible players and see if I could flip the target away from me and onto somebody else. I got a couple dodo's to bite and we set our sights on JBurge. This isn't the first time I got that rat out. I did the same thing in BB5. It's a fan favorite move. The real plan however fell with the vote itself. If I could ensure JBurge would get at least 2 votes, I knew that he would go home. I had those votes, so I voted Scoundrel. Two reasons. First, he's really annoying. And second, if for whatever reason only one person voted out JBurge and I voted Scoundrel, I could alienate the single voter and make them enemy #1 despite being the ringleader of the plan to get JBurge out of the game and keep my alliance with bums like MacReady, Nazgul, Skywind and probably a couple others I don't remember right now. But I've been in a massive alliance with Shady, Whicker, Ted, and MacReady this entire time so I feel protected either way.

This week is just an escalation of last week. Time to get another strong player out. I think I will be a little more chaotic with this one and target a player who helped me out last week (or am I?). Just to give the impression that I have stronger ties on the opposite side and for them to maybe question who the string puller is. They're all gonna say I'm too stupid to see how the game is playing out but I have eyes everywhere. I know my name is coming up in numerous circles. Time to take down these alliances while I am still here.

I will nominate Shady and Ted. I think it'll help MacReady feel as if I am in his backpocket. But he could be a backdoor target.


On 2/21/2024 at 6:17 PM, ET80 said:

Good. Lord. 😳


On 2/27/2024 at 4:08 AM, ET80 said:

So... what now?


On 2/27/2024 at 8:08 AM, Dwight_Schrute said:

Talked to my posse. Realigned with Ted and Shady mid nomination week, and added in a couple others. The sole purpose is to go big game hunting. So I mentioned MacReady as being a backdoor target, and that’ll be the case this week. I’ve heard from the posse as well as from Whicker and Toucan that MR is not to be trusted. This aligns with my own gut feeling. I reached out to him and asked for nomination suggests after Ted win the veto. He failed to give any. Just said the “plan moves to Shady. Shady goes this week and Ted follows suit next week.” That’s a red flag. Offers no information and just goes with the flavor of the day and doubles down on the nominees I tossed up previously. I know he has shower time with everybody else in the house. He feels safe, and in a game like this you shouldn’t ever feel that way. I think it’s best to remind him. 


This will make me public enemy #1, but why should that prevent me from making a move. Only one person wins and I already have. I want to play carelessly and toss wrenches. So if I go home next week it’ll still be worth it.


On 2/27/2024 at 8:50 AM, ET80 said:

This is just juicy. Juuuuuuuuicy.


On 2/29/2024 at 5:24 PM, ET80 said:

The fate of this vote lies with you. This could define the game as we know it.

What's your call? With your permission, I'd like to conduct a live interview. It's still something I'm testing out... 


On 2/29/2024 at 7:07 PM, Dwight_Schrute said:

Still working on the decision. I am leaning one way for sure, but I am trying to get as much information as possible before I post in the thread which way I'm gonna go.

But yeah. I am all for a live interview. As long as nothing I've previously said gets posted yet. Those juicy deets are for after I'm gone.


On 2/29/2024 at 8:04 PM, ET80 said:

It's not a stretch to say this might be the no influential decision - in FF BB HISTORY.

Heavy weighs the crown.

I'll have a think on how to do a live interview. We'll connect soon.


On 2/29/2024 at 8:07 PM, Dwight_Schrute said:

It’s a tough one. The vote was 4-4 and I put up players on both sides of those votes. So I sit alone in the middle with equal enemies on both parts. It’s gonna come down to who I believe I can trust more going forward. And I say trust very lightly because I don’t anticipate receiving any back.


On 3/1/2024 at 9:41 AM, ET80 said:

So, how you leaning?


On 3/1/2024 at 10:03 AM, Dwight_Schrute said:

I’m leaning towards ridding the house of MacReady. I don’t exactly care about optics, but putting up a player to backdoor and then deciding against it would be an all time cuck move.

I know MacReady really cares about the game though, so it is tough to get rid of an active player who I know will give 100% the entire time. Which really could be his undoing since he would also 100% target me if he stays - despite his claims that he’d honor a final 3 with me. Not a final 2 though. He already has that one set in stone. Red flag perhaps.


On 3/1/2024 at 10:11 AM, ET80 said:

Ok, we all wait with baited breath...


On 4/6/2024 at 2:43 PM, Malfatron said:

@Dwight_Schrute you have been evicted from the Big Brother house and are a member of the jury

@Shady Slim you are safe

Part 2 coming soon!

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2 minutes ago, ET80 said:
On 4/6/2024 at 2:43 PM, Malfatron said:

@Dwight_Schrute you have been evicted from the Big Brother house and are a member of the jury

@Shady Slim you are safe

Part 2 coming soon!

And our side banter begins. @Nazgul, might wanna chime in, but I absolutely believe your brother here.

On 3/1/2024 at 10:25 AM, ET80 said:

Unrelated to anything, and genuine real question (which I'll not allow to be redacted): When you and your brother @Nazgul fought, who won and how badly did you beat him? 

Details would be nice. Names, dates, places, how many pairs of whitey tighties you got him to stain...


On 3/1/2024 at 2:17 PM, Dwight_Schrute said:

As odd as it may sound, I never actually fought with him. I didn't need to. We played on all the same sports teams and even had a handful of classes together. I bested him in everything. And that's me being humble.

As an example. We had a team sports class together in high school. During one segment we were playing wiffle ball. The teacher never allowed us to be on the same team because we were both 6'5" behemoths and in a lot of the sports we played having two giants on the same team was just unfair. So I just got done carrying my team to a victory with multiple home runs off the banners hanging on the back wall. I look over to see what Nazgul is doing and this dude hits a weak popup to the catcher. And hey, we all have bad swings once in a while. But he did the same thing like 3 or 4 times in a row.

I'll dap him up a little though. He is the only person I've ever seen check somebody into the bleachers during flickerball. Probably also the only person to ever get a penalty in flickerball.


On 3/1/2024 at 4:03 PM, ET80 said:

Not what I was expecting, I assumed you two beat each other up routinely. It's how I was with my brother, I once hit him with a garden hose after he DDTed me on the concrete.

Speaking of DDTs on the concrete - how is your mindset after taking out MacReady?


On 3/1/2024 at 4:15 PM, Dwight_Schrute said:

I have 3 brothers. Naz I just bested at everything since he and I are twins. So it’s a natural rivalry to just be better. The others I got beat up on and beat up my fair share.

I’ll provide some context here too. I have 1 older brother. Naz and I got these massive super soakers for our birthday one year. And this was in the 90’s. So they were bulky and quality plastic. None of that crappy PVC stuff they use now. I pissed off my older brother and he took one of the massive super soaker bazookas and smashed it across the top of my head. Hard enough to break the squirt gun. But I also kicked a clothes hamper up at the face of my younger brother once splitting his lip. He retaliated by taking the duct tape used to cover a loose spring on his mattress and taping down the nozzle of an axe body spray can and tossing it in my room. I had a migraine for 3 days. Back to Naz though. The same older brother once kicked a football through Nazs window and the glass cut his face requiring stitches. We all beat up on each other.

My mom’s gotten me a few times too. She “accidentally” tripped me down the front porch steps before. And she also “accidentally” slammed an old Ford Astro sliding door on my head when she stomped on the brakes to close said sliding door. My head was in the way though. Lots of brain damage. Probably the definitely character of who I am.


On 3/3/2024 at 2:47 PM, ET80 said:

Yeah, that's awesome - axe body bomb is a low key power move, you managed to survive. But kicking a hamper with that level of accuracy is equally as boss.

Speaking of Naz, he's running HoH. You have any idea on him and his direction here?


On 3/3/2024 at 5:38 PM, Dwight_Schrute said:

It was just warfare. I also remember my younger brother incubating an empty half gallon of chocolate milk for a couple months. It wasn’t rinsed, so it had that itty bit of milk still on the bottom. Once again I just have beaten him at a video game or something, because he whipped that capped off that milk carton and tossed the container also into my room. The rancid smells that came from that still haunt me. Everything that any drop of spoiled chocolate milk touched had to either be scrubbed 100 times, thrown away, or burned.

Back to the game though. Even with Naz winning I’m not safe. For as much as people want to pair us, we’ve played independently in 90% of these BB games. I decided id rather play with Ted/Shady and evict MacCready last week - who I believe was Naz’s top ally. So I expect a pair of us three to be nominated.

I do want to give us props though. And by us I mean our original alliance of MacReady, JBurge, Naz, Dwight, Ted, and Sky. Aside from the abrupt split house twist where there were two HoH’s and Shady took one of them, that alliance has won every single Head of Household comp. I love twists because they shake up the house, but I fully believe that had that particular twist never have happened none of us 6 would have ever been nominated thus far in the game, let alone evicted. 


On 3/16/2024 at 4:31 PM, ET80 said:

And it looks as if you won another war vs your brother. Thoughts?


On 3/18/2024 at 4:41 PM, Dwight_Schrute said:

I think you and I both expected this outcome. I'm just sad that he went home last eviction, because I would have absolutely loved to nominate him this time around.


On 3/18/2024 at 4:52 PM, ET80 said:

Win some, lose some. Hit him with a Tupperware for me, would you?

Onto your noms - why you went the direction you went? Toucan and Whicker seem like potential allies in the right circumstances...


On 3/28/2024 at 12:33 PM, ET80 said:


You've been one of my regulars in these conversations, so checking in. What's goin on in the house?


On 3/31/2024 at 11:53 AM, Dwight_Schrute said:

Man. I am just out of the loop on just about everything. These breaks will do that to you.

That said, my target is Whicker. And not because he took out Nazgul. I loved that move and wish I could have done it myself. But because he is one of the biggest threats in the game, and aside from myself, the only other previous winner in the game. I know I’m not winning, so he can’t either. No repeat champions if it isn’t me. That’s just the rule.

I talked to Sky and he asked the plan with the veto. I suggested if he uses it, I’d prefer if Toucan got removed. He is less of a threat, and it allows me to put up Ted. A Ted vs Whicker eviction would guarantee a threat gets removed and builds my resume to eliminating MacReady and one of those two. 

And yeah. I’d prefer if Whicker went, but won’t lose sleep over Ted going him. As weird as everything has been, with my actions seeming erratic (which they are. That’s the entire point though). I am still pulling for Ted to win the whole thing. My involvement in that happening may just be a bit unnatural.


On 4/4/2024 at 3:33 PM, ET80 said:

Ok. This seems to be a tricky situation. You know Shady can't save himself, you gotta clutch up and hit the shot here. How you feeling?


On 4/4/2024 at 3:41 PM, Dwight_Schrute said:

Not the least bit surprised. If I stay up I’ll be going home. But I’m content after taking out two of the stronger players. 

Like I said in the last message. I wanted Whicker out, but I wasn’t losing sleep over Ted going. I was surprised though by the 4-0 vote to get rid of Ted. It just tells me that Whicker has a stronger reach than I even believed he did. Hopefully everybody else in the game can look at these voting outcomes and realize who the biggest threat is or he’s gonna run them all over to the finals again.

But let’s see if I can pull a veto out of my hat and begin my quest to target Whicker again 


On 4/4/2024 at 6:46 PM, ET80 said:

I want to see you pull it off. That would make for a killer turnaround.


On 4/6/2024 at 10:16 AM, ET80 said:

How you feeling here? 


On 4/6/2024 at 11:44 AM, Dwight_Schrute said:

Dwight K. Schrute is toast.

This is gonna be another unanimous eviction. But I’m okay with it. I outlasted my brother and that was the main goal. I came into this game not really wanting to align with anybody. I know it did me in here, but I’ve played this game numerous times with alliances and it’s always a rinse-and-repeat type of game. I wanted to play open. Be unpredictable. Create chaos. I think I did that pretty well.


On 4/6/2024 at 1:54 PM, ET80 said:

Yes sir, yes you did. I hope you can make the impossible happen here... I'm pulling for you!


On 4/6/2024 at 3:28 PM, ET80 said:

Well, you saw this coming. Better for you to not get blindsided.

You've done much of your redactions, would you like to edit anything else out? 


On 4/6/2024 at 7:52 PM, Dwight_Schrute said:

Final words: They got me.

It was a smart move. Between Whicker and I we had basically the entire house running our errands. So I’m glad he got to take the shot and convince everybody to nominate and evict me. I would have attempted to get him sooner rather than later too. He had great cover after we agreed to use him as a pawn last week. So I think he’s in a great position to take the day one winners alliance to the very end. He’s playing great and I am hard rooting for him to take home the title again. I’ll try to convince the jury house of the same.

It’s really good to see unanimous evictions. Normally you’d hate to see it and be on the receiving end, but this just means all of our work behind the scenes has taken hold and these other guys are being manipulated as Whicker and I had hoped. It was hard losing JBurge so early in our trio, particularly because he is a great shield to have as he’s just a bigger perceived threat. If Ted hadn’t made that move when he did (which was brilliant), I truly believe the three of us would all still be here directing our own little groups of shadow puppets to advance ourselves. 

So I’m gonna continue to root for Whicker. You asked for my power rankings before I entered the house, here are power rankings as I leave the house:

1. Whicker

2. Skywind

3. Toucan

4. Daboyle

5. theuntouchable

6. Shady


And there you have it. Perhaps one my best overall interactions, given the initial blowup.

Thanks again, @Dwight_Schrute!

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Reminder of the animal choices

1. Polar Bear - 11 Health Point - 80% Rage Strike Chance (76-100 Hunter Target)
2. Brown Bear - 9 Health Point - 70% Rage Strike Chance (60-75 Hunter Target)
3. Tiger - 9 Health Point - 60% Rage Strike Chance (50-59 Hunter Target)
4. Lion - 9 Health Point - 50% Rage Strike Chance (43-49 Hunter Target)
5. Jaguar - 7 Health Point - 40% Rage Strike Chance (36-42 Hunter Target)
6. Mountain Lion - 7 Health Point - 40% Rage Strike Chance (31-35 Hunter Target)
7. Hyena - 7 Health Point - 30% Rage Strike Chance (27-30 Hunter Target)
8. Wolf - 5 Health Point - 30% Rage Strike Chance (23-26 Hunter Target)
9. Dingo - 5 Health Point - 30% Rage Strike Chance (19-22 Hunter Target)
10. Honey Badger - 5 Health Point - 40% Rage Strike Chance (16-18 Hunter Target)
11. Coyote - 3 Health Point - 20% Rage Strike Chance (13-15 Hunter Target)
12. Wolverine - 3 Health Point - 20% Rage Strike Chance (10-12 Hunter Target)
13. Raven - 2 Health Point - 15% Rage Strike Chance (8-9 Hunter Target)
14. Snake - 2 Health Point - 15% Rage Strike Chance (6-7 Hunter Target)
15. Shrike - 2 Health Point - 15% Rage Strike Chance (4-5 Hunter Target)
16. Salamander 1 Health Point - 10% Rage Strike Chance (3  Hunter Target)
17. Toad - 1 Health Point - 10% Rage Strike Chance (2 Hunter Target)
18. Cricket - 1 Health Point - NA% Rage Strike Chance (1 Hunter Target)

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