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Depending on how long it takes to edit the ROM to move around players, the games might not be until Tuesday

But at the least, I promise yall a youtube video showing your teams and playbooks for Monday!


Edited by Malfatron
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4 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

I’m taking bets. 

im setting the over/under at 3.5 for the amount of people who learned new names attached to macready when they were told different. 

im taking the over. 

Funny thing is that entire alliance I initiated contact with two people. 

Soon as I made it clear I wanted you out they flocked to me, *****.


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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

Yes, tell me more about the great and wonderful macready …..

I just bought a gun safe today. It’s a pretty cool safe. The Thing is my favorite movie. I get angry when people shop in a posse at Walmart and don’t respect aisle integrity. Keep your cart parallel with the aisle, don’t let it take up 50% of the aisle. If you’re with someone else, walk single file, not side by side. If you’re old and slow, take as much time as you need in the right lane of all aisles and exits. I back into parking spots. I’m double jointed in all my fingers. I can punt a football 50 yards. I like cooking. I have a massive blu ray collection. Triceratops is my favorite dinosaur.

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Good times 


I’m no longer anyone’s pawn. You all want my cooperation then you all can sit and hope. All of this “oh we’ll work with you” crap is done. I don’t believe you anymore. “You’re low on my priority list” like I can’t sus out that still means I’m on the list. You can all come after me I don’t give a **** I’ll just win every comp because the only way and of you can beat me is with your longshot crap like Marquez Valdez Scantling TD and QB kneel down. 

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4 hours ago, Nazgul said:

Like. It's impossible to recover from this stupid ****. 

Immediately, Scoundrel calls for the house to evict the players that ET leaked to be in an alliance. 
He can try to meme this or defend it all he wants but he ruined the game. Case closed. 

I already told some people about the alliance and would have tell others eventually.

Like @MacReady said, it made no sense for me to withhold that info when I made the move against it and at least three other members took steps against it but their vote or their campaigning effort. 

I do think it changes nothing in the long term.

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