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22 minutes ago, Dwight_Schrute said:

Wait. I'm thinking Trix.
@TOUCAN my apologies. I brought shame unto your name and I am now shamed. 

Someone told me once that Trix are for kids and that’s why you can’t see them as fruit shapes anymore. I’ve decided that’s legitimate 

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Veto comp: Fastest Finger

Heres how it will work 

I will randomize 2 players to face off in a H2H fastest finger question in thread. You can use google or whatever you want to find the right answer. No help from other people though. We will agree on a time when both players can compete.

If you guess right first you advance and the other player is eliminated. If you guess wrong first, you are eliminated and the other players moves on.

then the winning player will pick two players to face off in the next round.

For the next matchup, the winning player must select players that havent gone yet. If everyone is gone, they can pick anyone.

I will randomize the first two players to compete. You also will have the option to forfiet your matchup and let the other players advance


Also, i will randomize the category that the trivia question will fall into

There are 6 categories, and each one will only be used once

The categories are

1. Arts

2. Science

3. Entertainment

4. History

5. General

6. Geography

The trivia question will also be randomized.

The veto players will be


@Shady Slim 







Edited by Malfatron
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6 minutes ago, Malfatron said:


Veto comp: Fastest Finger

Heres how it will work 

I will randomize 2 players to face off in a H2H fastest finger question in thread. You can use google or whatever you want to find the right answer. We will agree on a time when both players can compete.

If you guess right first you advance and the other player is eliminated. If you guess wrong first, you are eliminated and the other players moves on.

then the winning player will pick two players to face off in the next round.

For the next matchup, the winning player must select players that havent gone yet. If everyone is gone, they can pick anyone.

I will randomize the first two players to compete. You also will have the option to forfiet your matchup and let the other plauers advance

The veto players will be


@Shady Slim 







@Dwight_Schrute and @Shady Slim face off in the first round

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Also, i will randomize the category that the trivia question will fall into

There are 6 categories, and each one will only be used once

The categories are

1. Arts

2. Science

3. Entertainment

4. History

5. General

6. Geography

The trivia question will also be randomized.

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1 minute ago, Malfatron said:

Also, i will randomize the category that the trivia question will fall into

There are 6 categories, and each one will only be used once

The categories are

1. Arts

2. Science

3. Entertainment

4. History

5. General

6. Geography

The trivia question will also be randomized.

@Dwight_Schrute and @Shady Slim category is 6. Geography

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