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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, FinneasGage said:

cry about it with the rest of them 

You are the only one I've seen get oddly emotional about this but ok 👌 


Well scratch that, there was plenty of that early on in the Bickers..

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I'm just going to start dropping my DR sessions now.

Even finn may be surprised at some of this stuff because i orginally was going to do a mastermind thing with touch, but then something happened that changed everything


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Posted (edited)
On 5/6/2024 at 7:12 AM, Malfatron said:

DR 1: I will not seek out but accept any and all alliances. Win more than the other tribe, form a solid core of 4. Upon merge, our tribe picks off their tribe. And then our core four picks off the other noncore members of the tribe

Initial DR for the first comp

Seems as though i went through quite a character arc

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38 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

They already have?

You mean a reboot of Weekend at Bernies except that Bernie comes alive at the very end and turns into rambo



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10 minutes ago, adamq said:

Here's the recap everyone.. one guy sets up a bunch of bogus alliances and blames the other one when things go "askew". Good work, I guess?


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4 minutes ago, adamq said:

You are the only one I've seen get oddly emotional about this but ok 👌 


Well scratch that, there was plenty of that early on in the Bickers..

you wan finn to wipe yer tears and make you not scared anymore? you wan the mean boys to go away and not hurt yer feelings? 


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DR2 - me as a loyal nutter butter

On 5/14/2024 at 9:05 PM, Malfatron said:


I made a fake thread that we arent fishing for likes in to draw all their tribe here and attempt to complain about how i broke the rules. And away from other threads we might make

Which i didnt because it has no relation to the comp.

Dont tell them that though lol



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This was when tribes could start to talk.

It was fun navigating the draft thing because the nutters and the bickers to make both sides agree and it to also benefit my personal game

On 5/26/2024 at 6:51 AM, Malfatron said:

I found it!

DR session 3


I am in a bunch of alliances now

I have the nutter butters

I have a final 4 deal with dabs/toucan/scoundrel

Touch and I connected and have a F3 deal with me and finn. Maybe f4 with ted included

We have a f6 chat set up with touch, ted, malf, adam, skywind, finn


For the draft, i worked with both the nutters and the f6 group to make favorable draft setups that would work for both sets of teams

I just like to scheme because its fun. Im like the dentist from django, the more convoluted the better

Working with touch to orchestate some fun shananegans.

Best case scenario is if pickle goes because in all my venn diagram of alliances hes the only one outside


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I would say that this is the point where i had to insert myself into more of the strategy elements and step in to get ted evicted in order to save skywind

On 6/2/2024 at 12:27 AM, Malfatron said:

Ted shouldnt have tried to **** with us

I would advise to read the votes like this

1. Ted

2. Skywind

3. Skywind

Long pause.....

Quickly then

4. Ted

5. Ted

Ted is evicted




On 6/5/2024 at 8:46 PM, Malfatron said:

DR session 4

Villain arc malf is in full swing 

After ted started panicking and tried to joint with scoundrel/josh to take out skywind, i had to pivot quickly. The original plan was just to take out josh (skywind,adam,ted) but i had to quickly go to work on skywind to get him to vote ted and then go double to work on scoundrel and josh to also get them to vote out ted. Ted had to go because of his own paranoia.

I still kept the side alliance with skywind

F2 mastermind agreement with touch

A f3 with finn and et80

Four horseman with me, scoundrel, josh

Then i set up a core 4 with adam, touch, finn. 


I voted bcb out because theres no wiggle room with him. Hes gonna go nutters to the end and thats too boring for me.


So i keep revealing a ton of information to all the people i have been working with with the goal of either me getting brutally backstabbed or just them never talking about me to another.


The shoe is gonna drop this round as the core 4 is planning to vote out daboyle, and my villain status will be amplfied

I know that skywind and et will follow my vote, so i might do something brazen like voting for myself. I would let the 4 horseman know that i voted for myself because im not engaged with the game. But will have skywind/et vote for dabs so it would be 5 - dabs, 3- touch , 1- malf.

I will tell the core 4 that us and et voted for dabs and skywind probably voted for me.

Why? Who knows but it makes it fun to spin up a situation and see if i can talk myself out of it


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This happened in the nutter thread when we evicted bcb over et

Some behind the scenes info for the bickers

On 6/5/2024 at 8:55 PM, Malfatron said:

Dr session 5

I admitted to bcb that i voted him right when voted were locked

Heres how it went down.

I cut out some stuff that others werr posting to be concise


Malf: Sorry, Bcb. I voted you. In Survivor 3, i had a similar decision to vote you out or vote ET out. I had a double vote so i could have turned the tide either way. I ended up keeping you and killing ET. And then later, you voted to eliminated me alongside rags/ted/touch(?)/whicker. 

It might be the wrong choice, lone wolf, but since its a similar type of choice, im going with saving et this time and see how it works out. I changed my vote several times before the morning. It wasnt easy


Bcb: Well you could have at least given me the heads up lol


Malf: Malf: Well, i did right now so you dont have to wonder

Bcb: Unfortunately, now we can't trust u

Malf: Thats understandable


Bcb: Well if I survive the head to head with et, assuming that happens. We now have assured ourselves top 7, instead of 8. Excuse me, top 6


And when bcb was voted out

Bcb: Ya'll on your own now. Clearly my side can't be trusted.  Good luck to u all

Malf: Et is a nutter too remember. Sorry, but i had my reasons bcb. No hard feelings

Scoundrel: ET isn’t even playing

Malf: Well he won the ospreys last game by beating ted in rps

Bcb: We won all three comps lol



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@Scoundrel this is where i admit that I voted to evict you and your good buddy @skywindO2 was innocent of being a traitor (this time)


This is when i started working with finn more and moving away from touch. Because we are planning to evict him next.

at this time, i didnt trust finn completely, but we were having fun concocting scenarios to feed to everyone so it was fun to have a fellow schemer

On 6/6/2024 at 12:21 AM, Malfatron said:

DR 6

Change of plan

Finn came up with a great idea to start a beef with scoundrel to get him evicted, and i had the perfect post to set up the fact that multiple people want him out

Its gonna be funny if the 5 other people respond the way that i hope (and told) them to do 

Lets see what happens


On 6/7/2024 at 12:23 AM, Malfatron said:

DR session 7

Finn and i came up with our disrupter plan

We will vote scoundrel out with a 5-4 vote in which i will claim to dabs/scoundrel/josh that i voted touch and skywind backstabbed


And then we are gonna do a double backstab where we actually eliminate touch.

Keep ficking shut up

We are gonna add the entertainment value to this game


On 6/7/2024 at 9:44 PM, Malfatron said:

DR 8

Sorry we had to vote you out scoundrel.

Its nothing personal, this game is a chance to flex those manipulation muscles and add some intruige to the game


Also regarding finn, i know im playing with fire there because the biggest backstab in the game would be me. But hes just so fun to play with and if he ends up getting me, more power to him. The way though to keep finn on your side is to do increasingly ****ed up **** and play for the fun of the twists and turns.

I have no doubt that finn actually did want to backstab me this game, and i plan to give him that chance multiple times as its so fun playing with him.

After scoundrels eviction...

Which i would advise you post the votes

Scoundrel - 2

Touch - 4

Scoundrel - 3

...we work on backstabbing touch



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