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Garbage Pail Kids Cards Mafia : TOWN WINS!!

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32 minutes ago, Scoundrel said:

My favorite two mafia moments were Matt’s self voting and us losing and Forge using the first letter of every sentence to spell out his character 


30 minutes ago, Forge said:

Oh God, Matt accidentally self voting in lylo is an all time great moment

Matts self voting, me and Forge simultaneously winning as PGOs after you game solved and we continued killing, Malf kidnapping himself, Nacho’s last game where @skywindO2 accidentally got me to kill him, the game where Blue stayed up to 4 AM with a night by night alibi for @Forge in lylo only for Forge to go “nah I’ll self vote” and then confuse town to then not vote him and him hammering town for the win. 

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28 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

My favorite was nailing pretty much an entire mafia team, then right when we eliminated the final one, they concurrently converted me so after being town MVP i was suddenly the ONLY scum,


28 minutes ago, Tk3 said:


and then the host effs up the order of operations which exposes me, and then I have to go through like 72 hours of the worst and most toxic forum play


29 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

Next time I'm in an unhealthy self-hate mode, I'm going back and rereading that game 

I literally just laughed remembering that. Which game?

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1 minute ago, Forge said:

lol I'm very rusty 

I once sent @Malfatron a coded message by capitalizing random words, he did what I asked, then went full paranoid mode that I somehow poisoned him. What a fun 48 hours I had with that game.

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Just now, MWil23 said:



I literally just laughed remembering that. Which game?

honestly, I don't remember. I THINK whicker was the host

Doing a quick search, maybe Mass Effect?

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1 minute ago, MWil23 said:

It’s like you want Scoundrel and Daboyle to pile on you LOL

bro, I'm open for business. name and name and I'm with you

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Just now, Tk3 said:

bro, I'm open for business. name and name and I'm with you

Can I interest anyone else in going Bucs? Sole reason being that if I’m right about his gif spamming early, I can beat Malf on using a single letter on 2 separate occasions to nail scum. Pictures trump letters, man law.

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Just now, MWil23 said:

Can I interest anyone else in going Bucs? Sole reason being that if I’m right about his gif spamming early, I can beat Malf on using a single letter on 2 separate occasions to nail scum. Pictures trump letters, man law.

I think that's a weird reason, but let's get it moving



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5 minutes ago, Forge said:

Fine fine fine. 



If this is wrong, I'm blaming Josh, just to let you know 

And by blaming Josh, that means a cage fight with Daboyle and Scoundrel with someone vigging the winner.

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4 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

@Tk3 @Forge yep this was a gem. Matts “didn’t slip” day 1, I nailed someone to the wall for claiming Indy in a Whicker “I hate Indy” game, and a reference to Forge trolling us to a win in Poke-mafia.

Man, I had forgotten about this one. 

Whicker does put on some great games. 

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