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FA Thread 2018


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3 minutes ago, NYJets4716 said:

Hes overrated. Jets fans act like he was this guru, he was the one who demanded we draft Gholston when all the scouting people said no. Tannenbaum listened to Mangini and bam. Our drafts were like they are now, no franchise QB, no stud pass rusher.

Mangini is also the one that got us Brick, Mangold, Revis, and David Harris

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15 minutes ago, jetfan8178 said:

The first day is tomorrow

Oh thank god for that. I thought all these players agreeing deals means **** all then if it’s open for business tomorrow. We will be shocked to Cousins, Robinson and Norwell are joking us tomorrow then....

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In what world is a below average QB that's 40 worth 10mill? This is just awful. At least Bridgewater is 25 with upside. We weer God awful to get anyone who mattered so now we are signing 40yr olds to a 10mill deal just to hit the cap floor. About as bad as it gets right there.

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