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Jaguars vs. Steelers Divisional Playoff GDT


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need a foot on 4th down -  do you:

a) run the ball with best RB in the league and  3 pro bowl OL vs a D that is weak vs the run inside

b) have no confidence in the above so try a gimmick , draw them offside

c) throw at the all pro CB with back up WR

d) remember when you had a legit all pro  HOF Centre and do QB sneak



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1 minute ago, CKSteeler said:

Has anyone ever seen a QB injured on a sneak? I'm sure it's happened, but not that I can recall.

I can't remember. I do remember when we had Dawson it was a regular play, the opponents knew it and couldn't stop it. With pouncey, it is never used and when it is, I don't think it is good most of the time.  Still, go with Bell

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