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1 hour ago, Chocolateman78 said:

Here' the thing though the Cardinals haven't been spending crazy in FA. They had 20 mil in cap space going into the offseason. Their issue is that they don'thave a QB, and thus was forced into that market. And paid Bradford. It's apples to oranges. This isnt fiscal irresponsibility come to roost, it' a tough situation that you have without a QB.

But sure, they were lying and you were right the whole time

I didn't say they lied, I said its public relations. They said the equivalent of "we can't afford to pay a safety 14 mil this year", which echos the idea that you have to pick and choose where you spend big money and it's not all some made up concept that benefits billionaire owners.

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5 minutes ago, TitanSS said:

Going after mid-level free agents is fine. The topics that have started this whole cap talk (and the concept of over-paying) have been Jarvis Landry and Sammy Watkins. Paying them 14-16 mil a year can easily lead to that problem.


Not really though. Unless we find ourselves in a position where we are essentially forced to spend huge money on a specific position.

The Cards didn’t release Mathieu because of the other big contracts on the roster or because of bad FA decisions, they released him because he wasn’t worth the price tag to the new staff and they needed to make room for a ridiculously priced quarterback.

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6 minutes ago, TitanSlim said:

The pick of the litter is bare when it comes to the backup QBs choices at this point.

Yeah, really, backup QB play is pretty much garbage league wide. The second a backup has a decent stretch of games, there’s at least a couple teams itching to pay him $18 million to fail.

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7 minutes ago, TitanSS said:

I didn't say they lied, I said its public relations. They said the equivalent of "we can't afford to pay a safety 14 mil this year", which echos the idea that you have to pick and choose where you spend big money and it's not all some made up concept that benefits billionaire owners.

You're also forgetting that they have his replacement on the roster in Budda Baker, who they have repeatedly raved about. So they could afford to ask Mathieu to take the pay cut. 

This wasn't a issue of them not being able to afford him. I would say that if they didn't have Buddah as leverage, they would have picked up that option. 

Apples to Oranges

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14 minutes ago, titans0021 said:

Yeah, really, backup QB play is pretty much garbage league wide. The second a backup has a decent stretch of games, there’s at least a couple teams itching to pay him $18 million to fail.

Exactly. Unless you thinking we are going going to trade for someone. The backup is going to make you cringe or shake your head. 

There are no NFL starters just chillin in free agency. Only way you get a "great" back up is draft and develop him. 

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Replacement on the roster or not, he was cut because he counted for 14 mil against their cap. 

Whether its spending a ton in FA on lucrative deals or giving Larry Fitzgerald 15 million a year, you have to pick and choose who you give big contracts to. The idea that signing a guy who doesn't make a difference to a 16 mil year deal has no negative effects down the road is absurd.

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In other news... The LB market is getting rather bare.  At this point I think Navarro Bowman is my top choice for ILB. At this point he's only a 2 down starter, but with Wesley, Jayon, and a potential high rookie draft pick. That might be all we need. 


As far as pass rush depth, I still have an eye on Alex Okafor

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