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The Offseason Thread


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One more thing regarding Suh. I've seen some (not many on here)question his effort and compare him to Haynesworth.

I just want to point out that he played a high number of snaps for a DT. His snap count percentage the past 3 years have been 85.24%, 84.4%, and 83.3%. Compare that to Casey (78.4%/66.4%/79.6%) and some of the other top DT (Aaron Donold-79.1%/76.1%/73.6%, Fletcher Cox-80.1%/75.6%/58.9%, Geno Atkins-72 4%/71.7%/65.8%), and you see just how many more snaps Suh has played.

When you play that many snaps/plays, there's bound to be plays where you're not going to appear be going "all out". My point being it's unfair to Suh to compare him to guys who've checked out after big paydays like Fat Al or to question in effort without knowing a little bit of the background.

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Random early morning random thoughts.

Suh would just make everyone better. And we have a strong locker room with Rak woodyard lewan Casey and Marcus. I think Rak and wood could keep Suh in it and not let him become a problem. Idk I just feel like Butler Lewis and Suh as our FA would be huge cause we've been adding a lot of YOUNG talent. Some vets in there but now we now is the time to try and get big stars make a run.

The AFC south is about to be the IT division Luck (If he plays lol)  Watson and Marcus are going to be lights out next year imo. Blake gonna blake but they have that defense. Colts just got a lot of picks for that trade but Im glad they are out of the top three. Texans will be back next year. Watson and Hop are a problem. Idk we need to keep getting better.  

Also is Lewis going to be the KR and Jackson the PR? Think that would be best. Not as much for Jackson to worry about and Lewis is good.

We need that playoff home game. Cause honestly it feels like our home field advantage is almost back to normal. And we just flat out play better at home. 

 I kinda think our jerseys are going to be MEH at 1st but will grow on us. 

Corey is going to beast this year.


Didnt see Hankins on the market. They might be going for Suh. I wouldnt mind Hankins and honestly didnt read what you guys said for the last five pages lmao

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1 hour ago, Titans fan 617 said:

Can’t tell if it’s a joke or not because you can’t see any of them in the pic but someone tweeted a pic saying Vrabel and Suh are eating lunch in the restaurant the guys at

Saw that, looked like it was at The Southern maybe, which is just over the pedestrian bridge from the stadium.

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