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Just now, samsel23 said:

I was so close on Pugh ?

I knew those roster bonuses each year would come in handy. It was just a way for me to ward against some injury (since we can't differentiate in the contracts, basically these would be 100K roster bonus per game). 

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1 minute ago, daineraider said:

I feel 4-5 contracts manipulated the system.  They lowered this years #(because it’s a 2018 offseason), but went stupid on the overall deal.  I think those contracts should be thrown out.

If you set the first year high enough, then the subsequent years can be inflated and really back load the contract.

Take the Nate Solder contract.  $10M SB over 6 years is less than $2M per year.  2018 cap number is $16M, so a base of over $14M

2018 base $14M

each year the allowed increase is a max % of the previous years cap hit.  It can get run up really well that way.  But it is effectively a 1 year deal with the $8M in SB as dead money and savings of the rest of the base salaries.   The system is flawed as the process needs to use when the team has an out from the contract to determine the awarding value.

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I’m fine with losing Bell but an option I thought I had with him backfired. I took the tag off of him so that I didn’t have to carry around the cap hit for a whole week and miss out on bidding on some FA’s. I wasn’t allowed to place a Reserve FA Bid on him to try and get him signed sooner even though he was my own FA. 

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Just now, LuckyNumber11 said:

Bell on the Patriots is certainly rough, but losing Solder and Fleming isn't something to leave out of this conversation either

Flemming seems to be thought of more highly outside of NE. Waddle was much more useful as a back up. Solder was the real loss but hey, no way I was matching what he got lol

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Just now, daineraider said:

No, for the most part pretty normal, albeit, large contracts(those are silly big).  

You are absolutely right... Technically Houston can get out after 4 years.

Plus most of the $$$ is in roster bonuses.

But if I put together "a real" contract and got outbid by $500K.... no one would have a problem with that (except me)

IRL I think Houston signs Solder for around $14M a year and Fuller for $9M a year.

So yes... I have a problem with the contracts.  But I do not have a problem with the results of where the players ended up

The scary part is I actually thought I was going to lose Solder because someone offered him a bigger SB.

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2 minutes ago, Forge said:

I knew those roster bonuses each year would come in handy. It was just a way for me to ward against some injury (since we can't differentiate in the contracts, basically these would be 100K roster bonus per game). 

I did the same thing, had a 5 Mil Roster Bonus each year, you just barely got me on the APY

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1 minute ago, daineraider said:

No, for the most part pretty normal, albeit, large contracts(those are silly big).  

I usually try and have comps lined up for the contracts I want to hand out. I was thinking Fuller would get a Bouye-esque contract. If Norwell had been on the market, I had him slated a little above the Zeitler deal from last year. Pugh isn't as good, so he'll get less. But he should get something comparable / slightly above Trai Turner, I think, and Gabe Jackson's contract gives some support of that range. I figure there's no reason that Moncrief can't land Marcus Wheaton's contract, though maybe for a longer term. 

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2 minutes ago, PurpleMugen said:

2/3 in my first-ever TCMD first round, yes. Got my top target, Jimmy Graham, let's go!! Two TE sets with Kyle Rudolph, here we come.


I actually liked the structure you threw out for Graham. I didn't want to invest 6 years, so I was hoping that he'd sit on the market a couple of times while the desired years came down. But your structure is basically one big hit at the front (when he's still playing at a good level), and then dropping drastically. It's basically the exact opposite of what most do on here LOL. 

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2 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

Flemming seems to be thought of more highly outside of NE. Waddle was much more useful as a back up. Solder was the real loss but hey, no way I was matching what he got lol

Oh I don't blame you at all, I think you're probably winning the off season thus far. I just thought it was worth mentioning. Flemming was overpaid as well. I had been feeling pretty good about my offer to him. :D

But no meltdown this year because keeping Frostee is huge, and the addition of Kline to my line should help out quite a bit. Only a start though

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